_PpcRadarOptions_t Struct Reference

The radar options class. More...

Public Attributes

RAVE_OBJECT_HEAD char * name
 Always on top.
char * defaultName
 name of default setting for these options
double parUZ [5]
 parameters for TH
double parVel [5]
 parameters for VRADH
double parTextPHIDP [5]
 parameters for the PHIDP texture
double parRHV [5]
 parameters for RHOHV
double parTextUZ [5]
 parameters for the TH texture
double parClutterMap [5]
 parameters for the clutter map
double nodata
 nodata to used in most products
double minDBZ
 min DBZ threshold in the clutter correction
double qualityThreshold
 quality threshold in the clutter correction
double preprocessZThreshold
 preprocessing Z threshold before starting actual processing
double residualMinZClutterThreshold
 min z clutter threshold during residual clutter filtering
double residualThresholdZ
 min Z threshold in the residual clutter filtering
double residualThresholdTexture
 texture threshold in the residual clutter filtering
double residualClutterNodata
 the nodata value to be used when creating the residual clutter image used for creating the mask
double residualClutterMaskNodata
double residualClutterTextureFilteringMaxZ
 Nodata value for the residual clutter mask.
long residualFilterBinSize
 number of bins used in the window when creating the residual mask
long residualFilterRaySize
 number of rays used in the window when creating the residual mask
double minZMedfilterThreshold
 min z threshold used in the median filter that is used by the residual clutter filter
double processingTextureThreshold
 threshold for the texture created in the pdp processing
long minWindow
 min window size
double pdpRWin1
 pdp ray window 1
double pdpRWin2
 pdp ray window 1
long pdpNrIterations
 number of iterations in pdp processing
double kdpUp
 Maximum allowed value of Kdp.
double kdpDown
double kdpStdThreshold
 Minimum allowed value of kdp.
double BB
 BB value used in the zphi part of the pdp processing.
double thresholdPhidp
 threshold for PHIDP in the pdp processing
double minAttenuationMaskRHOHV
 min RHOHV value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask
double minAttenuationMaskKDP
 min KDP value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask
double minAttenuationMaskTH
 min TH value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask
double attenuationGammaH
 gamma h value used in the attenuation
double attenuationAlpha
 alpha value used in the attenuation
double attenuationPIAminZ
 min PIA Z value in attenuation process
int invertPHIDP
 If PHIDP should be inverted or not.
double meltingLayerBottomHeight
 the default melting layer bottom height
long meltingLayerHourThreshold
 number of hours before default height is used
int requestedFieldMask
 the fields that should be added to the result

Detailed Description

The radar options class.

Member Data Documentation

◆ attenuationAlpha

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::attenuationAlpha

alpha value used in the attenuation

◆ attenuationGammaH

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::attenuationGammaH

gamma h value used in the attenuation

◆ attenuationPIAminZ

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::attenuationPIAminZ

min PIA Z value in attenuation process

◆ BB

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::BB

BB value used in the zphi part of the pdp processing.

◆ defaultName

char* _PpcRadarOptions_t::defaultName

name of default setting for these options

◆ invertPHIDP

int _PpcRadarOptions_t::invertPHIDP

If PHIDP should be inverted or not.

◆ kdpStdThreshold

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::kdpStdThreshold

Minimum allowed value of kdp.

Kdp STD threshold

◆ kdpUp

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::kdpUp

Maximum allowed value of Kdp.

◆ meltingLayerBottomHeight

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::meltingLayerBottomHeight

the default melting layer bottom height

◆ meltingLayerHourThreshold

long _PpcRadarOptions_t::meltingLayerHourThreshold

number of hours before default height is used

◆ minAttenuationMaskKDP

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minAttenuationMaskKDP

min KDP value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask

◆ minAttenuationMaskRHOHV

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minAttenuationMaskRHOHV

min RHOHV value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask

◆ minAttenuationMaskTH

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minAttenuationMaskTH

min TH value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask

◆ minDBZ

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minDBZ

min DBZ threshold in the clutter correction

◆ minWindow

long _PpcRadarOptions_t::minWindow

min window size

◆ minZMedfilterThreshold

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minZMedfilterThreshold

min z threshold used in the median filter that is used by the residual clutter filter

◆ name

RAVE_OBJECT_HEAD char* _PpcRadarOptions_t::name

Always on top.

name of owner for these options

◆ nodata

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::nodata

nodata to used in most products

◆ parClutterMap

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parClutterMap[5]

parameters for the clutter map

◆ parRHV

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parRHV[5]

parameters for RHOHV

◆ parTextPHIDP

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parTextPHIDP[5]

parameters for the PHIDP texture

◆ parTextUZ

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parTextUZ[5]

parameters for the TH texture

◆ parUZ

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parUZ[5]

parameters for TH

◆ parVel

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parVel[5]

parameters for VRADH

◆ pdpNrIterations

long _PpcRadarOptions_t::pdpNrIterations

number of iterations in pdp processing

◆ pdpRWin1

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::pdpRWin1

pdp ray window 1

◆ pdpRWin2

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::pdpRWin2

pdp ray window 1

◆ preprocessZThreshold

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::preprocessZThreshold

preprocessing Z threshold before starting actual processing

◆ processingTextureThreshold

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::processingTextureThreshold

threshold for the texture created in the pdp processing

◆ qualityThreshold

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::qualityThreshold

quality threshold in the clutter correction

◆ requestedFieldMask

int _PpcRadarOptions_t::requestedFieldMask

the fields that should be added to the result

◆ residualClutterNodata

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualClutterNodata

the nodata value to be used when creating the residual clutter image used for creating the mask

◆ residualClutterTextureFilteringMaxZ

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualClutterTextureFilteringMaxZ

Nodata value for the residual clutter mask.

Max Z value when creating the residual clutter mask, anything higher will be set to min value

◆ residualFilterBinSize

long _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualFilterBinSize

number of bins used in the window when creating the residual mask

◆ residualFilterRaySize

long _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualFilterRaySize

number of rays used in the window when creating the residual mask

◆ residualMinZClutterThreshold

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualMinZClutterThreshold

min z clutter threshold during residual clutter filtering

◆ residualThresholdTexture

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualThresholdTexture

texture threshold in the residual clutter filtering

◆ residualThresholdZ

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualThresholdZ

min Z threshold in the residual clutter filtering

◆ thresholdPhidp

double _PpcRadarOptions_t::thresholdPhidp

threshold for PHIDP in the pdp processing

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