The radar options class. More...
Public Attributes | |
RAVE_OBJECT_HEAD char * | name |
Always on top. | |
char * | defaultName |
name of default setting for these options | |
double | parUZ [5] |
parameters for TH | |
double | parVel [5] |
parameters for VRADH | |
double | parTextPHIDP [5] |
parameters for the PHIDP texture | |
double | parRHV [5] |
parameters for RHOHV | |
double | parTextUZ [5] |
parameters for the TH texture | |
double | parClutterMap [5] |
parameters for the clutter map | |
double | nodata |
nodata to used in most products | |
double | minDBZ |
min DBZ threshold in the clutter correction | |
double | qualityThreshold |
quality threshold in the clutter correction | |
double | preprocessZThreshold |
preprocessing Z threshold before starting actual processing | |
double | residualMinZClutterThreshold |
min z clutter threshold during residual clutter filtering | |
double | residualThresholdZ |
min Z threshold in the residual clutter filtering | |
double | residualThresholdTexture |
texture threshold in the residual clutter filtering | |
double | residualClutterNodata |
the nodata value to be used when creating the residual clutter image used for creating the mask | |
double | residualClutterMaskNodata |
double | residualClutterTextureFilteringMaxZ |
Nodata value for the residual clutter mask. | |
long | residualFilterBinSize |
number of bins used in the window when creating the residual mask | |
long | residualFilterRaySize |
number of rays used in the window when creating the residual mask | |
double | minZMedfilterThreshold |
min z threshold used in the median filter that is used by the residual clutter filter | |
double | processingTextureThreshold |
threshold for the texture created in the pdp processing | |
long | minWindow |
min window size | |
double | pdpRWin1 |
pdp ray window 1 | |
double | pdpRWin2 |
pdp ray window 1 | |
long | pdpNrIterations |
number of iterations in pdp processing | |
double | kdpUp |
Maximum allowed value of Kdp. | |
double | kdpDown |
double | kdpStdThreshold |
Minimum allowed value of kdp. | |
double | BB |
BB value used in the zphi part of the pdp processing. | |
double | thresholdPhidp |
threshold for PHIDP in the pdp processing | |
double | minAttenuationMaskRHOHV |
min RHOHV value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask | |
double | minAttenuationMaskKDP |
min KDP value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask | |
double | minAttenuationMaskTH |
min TH value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask | |
double | attenuationGammaH |
gamma h value used in the attenuation | |
double | attenuationAlpha |
alpha value used in the attenuation | |
double | attenuationPIAminZ |
min PIA Z value in attenuation process | |
int | invertPHIDP |
If PHIDP should be inverted or not. | |
double | meltingLayerBottomHeight |
the default melting layer bottom height | |
long | meltingLayerHourThreshold |
number of hours before default height is used | |
int | requestedFieldMask |
the fields that should be added to the result | |
The radar options class.
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::attenuationAlpha |
alpha value used in the attenuation
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::attenuationGammaH |
gamma h value used in the attenuation
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::attenuationPIAminZ |
min PIA Z value in attenuation process
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::BB |
BB value used in the zphi part of the pdp processing.
char* _PpcRadarOptions_t::defaultName |
name of default setting for these options
int _PpcRadarOptions_t::invertPHIDP |
If PHIDP should be inverted or not.
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::kdpStdThreshold |
Minimum allowed value of kdp.
Kdp STD threshold
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::kdpUp |
Maximum allowed value of Kdp.
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::meltingLayerBottomHeight |
the default melting layer bottom height
long _PpcRadarOptions_t::meltingLayerHourThreshold |
number of hours before default height is used
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minAttenuationMaskKDP |
min KDP value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minAttenuationMaskRHOHV |
min RHOHV value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minAttenuationMaskTH |
min TH value for marking value as 1 in the attenuation mask
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minDBZ |
min DBZ threshold in the clutter correction
long _PpcRadarOptions_t::minWindow |
min window size
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::minZMedfilterThreshold |
min z threshold used in the median filter that is used by the residual clutter filter
RAVE_OBJECT_HEAD char* _PpcRadarOptions_t::name |
Always on top.
name of owner for these options
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::nodata |
nodata to used in most products
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parClutterMap[5] |
parameters for the clutter map
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parRHV[5] |
parameters for RHOHV
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parTextPHIDP[5] |
parameters for the PHIDP texture
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parTextUZ[5] |
parameters for the TH texture
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parUZ[5] |
parameters for TH
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::parVel[5] |
parameters for VRADH
long _PpcRadarOptions_t::pdpNrIterations |
number of iterations in pdp processing
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::pdpRWin1 |
pdp ray window 1
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::pdpRWin2 |
pdp ray window 1
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::preprocessZThreshold |
preprocessing Z threshold before starting actual processing
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::processingTextureThreshold |
threshold for the texture created in the pdp processing
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::qualityThreshold |
quality threshold in the clutter correction
int _PpcRadarOptions_t::requestedFieldMask |
the fields that should be added to the result
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualClutterNodata |
the nodata value to be used when creating the residual clutter image used for creating the mask
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualClutterTextureFilteringMaxZ |
Nodata value for the residual clutter mask.
Max Z value when creating the residual clutter mask, anything higher will be set to min value
long _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualFilterBinSize |
number of bins used in the window when creating the residual mask
long _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualFilterRaySize |
number of rays used in the window when creating the residual mask
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualMinZClutterThreshold |
min z clutter threshold during residual clutter filtering
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualThresholdTexture |
texture threshold in the residual clutter filtering
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::residualThresholdZ |
min Z threshold in the residual clutter filtering
double _PpcRadarOptions_t::thresholdPhidp |
threshold for PHIDP in the pdp processing