▼Peu | |
▼Pbaltrad | |
▼Pbeast | |
►Padaptor | |
►Phttp | |
CHttpConnector | |
CHttpConnectorException | |
CIHttpConnector | |
►Pxmlrpc | |
CIXmlRpcCommandGenerator | |
CXmlRpcAdaptor | The XMLRPC adaptor |
CXmlRpcAdaptorConfiguration | |
CXmlRpcCommand | |
CXmlRpcCommandException | |
CXmlRpcCommandGenerator | |
CXmlRpcConfigurationManager | |
CAdaptorAddressException | Thrown when there is a problem with an address |
CAdaptorException | |
CBltAdaptorManager | |
CIAdaptor | |
CIAdaptorCallback | Callback that can be used to get the result of an operation |
CIAdaptorConfiguration | |
CIAdaptorConfigurationManager | Defines what is nessecary in order to be able to configure and persist adaptor configurations |
CIBltAdaptorManager | |
►Padmin | |
►Pcommand | |
CAdaptorCommand | Commands affecting adaptors |
CAnomalyDetectorCommand | Commands affecting anomaly detectors |
CHelpCommand | Command providing help |
CRouteCommand | |
CScheduleCommand | |
CSettingCommand | |
CUserCommand | |
►Pcommand_response | |
CCommandResponseJsonObject | Used when returning a command response containing a json object |
CCommandResponseStatus | Command response only containing status of operation |
CSettingCommandResponse | |
►Pobjects | |
►Proutes | |
CAcrrRoute | Object for manipulating AcrrRule |
CBasicRoute | |
CCompositeRoute | Object for manipulating CompositingRule |
CDBTrimAgeRoute | Object used to manipulate BdbTrimAgeRule |
CDBTrimCountRoute | Object used for manipulating BdbTrimCountRule |
CDistributionRoute | Object used to manipulate DistributionRule |
CGmapRoute | Object used to manipulate GoogleMapRule |
CGraRoute | Object used to manipulate GraRule |
CGroovyRoute | |
CRoute | Base object used when manipulating different routes |
CScansunRoute | Object used when manipulating ScansunRule |
CSite2DRoute | Object used when manipulating Site2DRule |
CVolumeRoute | Object when manipulating VolumeRule |
CWrwpRoute | Object used when manipulating WrwpRule |
CAdaptor | Adaptor container used by the adaptor command |
CSettings | |
CUser | User object used by the user command |
CAdministrator | Interface for managing parsed commands |
CAdministratorException | |
CAdministratorImpl | |
CCommand | Interface for all command objects |
CCommandResponse | The interface for any response from a command |
CJsonCommandParser | Interface for processing commands |
CJsonCommandParserImpl | The implementation of all commands that we currently can parse |
CJsonGenerator | Provides functionality for generating jsonified objects |
CJsonGeneratorImpl | Implementation of the json generator |
CRouteCommandHelper | |
►Pdb | |
►Pfilters | |
CCompositingRuleFilter | A filter for collecting and matching files for a specific compositing rule, within a time period |
CPolarScanAngleFilter | |
CTimeIntervalFilter | Fetches all objects that are within a specified start - stop date/time interval |
CTimeSelectionFilter | |
CVolumeScanFilter | Filter to be used when searching for a number of scans that together will form a volume |
CAlwaysMatchFilter | Always matching filter |
CAlwaysMatchFilterManager | |
►CAttributeFilter | Filter based on an attribute value |
COperator | Operator type |
CValueType | Value type |
CAttributeFilterManager | |
CCatalog | Helper API for simplifying certain tasks related to the FileCatalog |
CCatalogEntry | |
►CCombinedFilter | Combine different filters |
CMatchType | |
CCombinedFilterManager | |
CCoreFilterManager | Core filter manager |
CICatalogFilter | |
CIFilter | |
CIFilterManager | Manage persisting and loading IFilter instances |
►Pexchange | |
►Pjson | |
CHttpExchangeConnector | |
CRequestMapper | Translates between json and objects used for exchange |
CRequestMapperException | |
CRequestMapperImpl | |
CExchangeConnector | Interface that helps out when communicating with a remote node |
CExchangeException | |
CExchangeManager | |
CExchangeMessage | The incomming exchange message |
CExchangeResponse | The returned response when sending an exchange message |
CExchangeStatusException | |
CIExchangeManager | |
CIPooledFileRequestPublisher | |
►CPooledFileRequestPublisher | The publisher (manager) that keeps track of publishing file requests to different nodes |
CRejectedExecutionHandler | When a job is rejected (switched out) |
CPooledFileRequestTask | Task used when posting asynchronous send file requests |
CSendFileRequest | The file request used for posting / sending files to a remote node |
CSendFileRequestCallback | Callback used when sending a file request |
►Plog | |
►Pmessage | |
CILogMessageRepository | Interface for supporting log messages belonging to various modules |
CLogMessage | |
CLogMessageRepository | |
CMessageSeverity | |
CAlertMessageReporter | |
CISystemReporter | System reporter |
CNullReporter | A null reporter that doesn't do anything |
►Pmanager | |
CBltMessageManager | The message manager that will distribute the messages to the available adaptors/routes |
CIBltMessageManager | The main entry point for messages passed on to the beast framework |
►Pmessage | |
►Pmo | |
CBltAlertMessage | Alert message |
CBltCommandMessage | Represents a simple command message containing a command string |
CBltDataFrameMessage | |
CBltDataMessage | The data message that is distributed within the framework |
CBltGenerateMessage | |
CBltGetAreasMessage | |
CBltGetPcsDefinitionsMessage | |
CBltGetQualityControlsMessage | |
CBltMultiRoutedMessage | |
CBltRoutedMessage | |
CBltTriggerJobMessage | A message for triggering specific jobs/rules |
CBltDataFrameMessageFactory | Defines the message format the is used by DEX |
CDataFrameMessageException | |
CIBltDataFrameMessageFactory | Interface for create data frame messages |
CIBltMessage | This is the message interface all messages should implement |
CIBltXmlMessage | Any object supporting the BltXmlMessage should implement this interface |
CMessageParserException | Defines an exception to be used when the message parsing fails |
►Pnet | |
►Pftp | |
CFTPFileUploadHandler | |
►Pscp | |
CSCPFileUploadHandler | Upload files using SCP |
CSCPOnlyFileUploadHandler | |
►Psftp | |
CSFTPFileUploadHandler | |
CCopyFileUploadHandler | |
CFileDistribution | Runnable that executes file distributions |
CFileUploadHandler | |
CFileUploadHandlerBase | |
►Pparser | |
►Pimpl | |
CXmlMessageFactory | |
CXmlMessageParser | Manages the parsing of xml documents |
CIMessageParser | Parser interface |
CIXmlMessageFactory | Creates a xml object from a tag name, preferrably the root tag in an xml document |
CIXmlMessageParser | Parser interface |
CXmlMessageFactoryException | Thrown by implementations of IXmlMessageFactory when failure to instantiate instances |
►Ppgf | |
CAreaInformation | |
CIPgfClientHelper | |
CPcsDefinition | |
CPgfClientHelper | |
CQualityControlInformation | |
►Ppgfwk | |
►Phandlers | |
CBaltradXmlRpcAlertHandler | |
CBaltradXmlRpcCommandHandler | |
CBaltradXmlRpcGenerateHandler | |
CBaltradXmlRpcHandlerMapping | |
CBaltradXmlRpcServer | The main xml-rpc server that listens to XMLRPC requests and ensures that the correct plugin is called |
CIAlertPlugin | |
CIGeneratorPlugin | All product generator plugins should implement this interface |
►Pqc | |
CAnomalyDetector | |
CAnomalyDetectorManager | |
CAnomalyException | Exception to be thrown if anything goes wrong during work with anomaly detectors |
CIAnomalyDetectorManager | Provides database access to list/add and remove anomaly detectors |
►Prouter | |
►Pimpl | |
CBltRouter | The Baltrad router that determines all routes |
CIMultiRoutedMessage | A message that should be sent to several destinations |
CIRoutedMessage | A routed message that should be sent to one destination |
CIRouter | Creates the routed messages for a message that should be sent |
CIRouterManager | Manages all routes and synchronizes them with the database |
CRoute | |
CRouteDefinition | Defines a routing definition, i.e |
CSystemRulesDefinition | This definition is system specific and is not configurable like the other definitions |
►Prules | |
►Pacrr | |
CAcrrRule | |
CAcrrRuleManager | |
►Pbdb | |
CBdbTrimAgeRule | Rule to keep the age of files in BDB above a limit |
CBdbTrimAgeRuleManager | |
CBdbTrimCountRule | Rule to keep the number of files in BDB below a limit |
CBdbTrimCountRuleManager | |
►Pcomposite | |
CCompositeTimerData | Used for keeping track on registered tasks in the timeout manager |
CCompositingRule | Compositing rule for beeing able to generate composites both from scans and volumes |
CCompositingRuleManager | |
►Pdist | |
CDistributionRule | Distribute incoming data to remote destinations |
CDistributionRuleManager | |
►Pgmap | |
CGoogleMapRule | The google map rule |
CGoogleMapRuleManager | Manager for keeping track of the google map rules |
►Pgra | |
CGraRule | |
CGraRuleManager | |
►Pgroovy | |
CGroovyRule | |
CGroovyRuleManager | |
►Pnamer | |
CDoubleToStringNameCreator | |
CFormattableDateTimeNameCreator | Date time formatter that can be useful when creating date time strings from what/date, what/time |
CMetadataNameCreator | Creates a specific name from the metadata |
CMetadataNameCreatorException | Exception if something occurs during metadata name creation |
CMetadataNameCreatorFactory | A metadata name creator provider |
CQuantityHexNameCreator | Creates a 64-bit hex string representation of the quantities according to a predefined list of quantities |
CSubOperationHandler | |
CTemplateNameCreatorMetadataNamer | Extendable MetadataNamer that can be extended with different MetadataNameCreators for allowing a dynamic extension of the metadata naming |
►Pscansun | |
CScansunRule | |
CScansunRuleManager | |
►Psite2d | |
CSite2DRule | Site 2D rule for beeing able to generate images from single scans & volumes |
CSite2DRuleManager | |
►Psystem | |
CLog4jAlertMessageRule | Creates a log4j system message from a BltAlertMessage |
CSupervisorAlertMessageRule | |
►Ptimer | |
CITimeoutRule | Any rule implementing this interface can subscribe for a timeout notification |
CITimeoutTaskFactory | Factory for creating timeout tasks |
CITimeoutTaskListener | A listener that can be placed on a TimeoutTask to be notified of events that has occured for the timeout |
CTimeoutManager | The manager keeping track on all timeouts |
CTimeoutRuleException | |
CTimeoutTask | |
CTimeoutTaskFactory | |
►Putil | |
CIRuleUtilities | Utility functions when accessing the database and querying for various things |
CRuleUtilities | |
►Pvolume | |
CVolumeRule | |
CVolumeRuleManager | Manager class for managing the volume generation |
CVolumeTimerData | |
►Pwrwp | |
CWrwpRule | |
CWrwpRuleManager | |
CIRule | All rules that are used for routing purpose should implement this interface regardless if it is a scripted rule or a static rule |
CIRuleIdAware | Can be used by rules to get knowledge on what rule id they have got |
CIRuleManager | |
CIRulePropertyAccess | Interface for accessing rule properties as strings |
CIRuleRecipientAware | Interface for providing the rule with the routing definitions recipients |
CIScriptableRule | If a rule is scripted, it should implement this interface |
CPropertyManager | Manage rule properties stored in beast_rule_properties |
CRuleException | If anything erroneous occurs when creating rules, this exception should be used |
CRuleFilterManager | Manage rule and filter associations in table beast_rule_filters |
CRuleUtils | A class containing common utility functions for rules |
CScriptedRule | |
►Pscheduler | |
CBeastJobInvoker | Will trigger the IBeastJob that has been stored in the jobdetail |
CBeastScheduler | The scheduler within beast |
CCronEntry | |
CCronEntryFactory | Factory for creating cron entries |
CCronEntryUtilities | Utilities when working with cron entry expressions |
CIBeastScheduler | |
CSchedulerException | Exception to be used in case of error when scheduling jobs |
►Psecurity | |
►Pcrypto | |
CCryptoFactory | Interface for a factory providing signer & verifier |
CKeyczarCryptoFactory | Construct Keyczar signers and verifiers |
CKeyczarSigner | Keyczar signer |
CKeyczarVerifier | Keyczar verifier |
CSigner | Interface for signers |
CVerifier | Interface for verifiers |
►Pkeyczar | |
CKeyCompressor | Utility for compressing and uncompressing keyczar keys |
►Pmail | |
CAdminMailer | Implements the admin mailer |
CIAdminMailer | Mailer for sending administrative emails |
CAuthorization | Container for keeping track of an authorization |
CAuthorizationException | If anything erroneous occurs when accessing the storage of the authorization manager, this exception should be used |
CAuthorizationManager | |
CAuthorizationRequest | An authorization request |
CAuthorizationRequestManager | |
CIAuthorizationManager | |
CIAuthorizationRequestManager | Manages the authorization requests (preferrably in a database) |
CISecurityManager | |
CSecurityManager | |
CSecurityStorageException | If anything erroneous occurs when accessing the storage of the key security manager, this exception should be used |
►Psystem | |
►Phost | |
CHostFilterManager | |
CIHostFilterManager | Host filter mechanism to verify if a specific ip address has been validated against the registered ip filters |
CBdbConnectionStatusReporter | Tests the connection to the bdb server |
CBdbObjectStatusReporter | |
CBeastSystemAppender | |
CDbConnectionStatusReporter | |
CGroupedStatusReporter | Used for grouping a number of reporters into a combined version |
CIMappableStatusReporter | Some system status reporters might implement this interface as well and in that case, they are most likely interested in giving the user more information about the different values |
CISystemStatusReporter | |
CISystemSupervisor | |
CRadarConnectionStatusReporter | |
CSystemMessage | System message |
CSystemStatus | General status information indicating what type of status the system is in |
CSystemSupervisor | A system supervisor |
CXmlSystemStatusGenerator | |
CInitializationException | |
CManagerContext | Inject instances to be accessible statically |