Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.objects.AdaptorAdaptor container used by the adaptor command
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.AdministratorInterface for managing parsed commands
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.pgf.AreaInformation for keeping track of an authorization authorization request
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.pgfwk.BaltradXmlRpcServerThe main xml-rpc server that listens to XMLRPC requests and ensures that the correct plugin is called
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.CommandInterface for all command objects
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.CommandResponseThe interface for any response from a command
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.composite.CompositeTimerDataUsed for keeping track on registered tasks in the timeout manager
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.scheduler.CronEntryFactoryFactory for creating cron entries
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.scheduler.CronEntryUtilitiesUtilities when working with cron entry expressions for a factory providing signer & verifier
 CDisposableBean that helps out when communicating with a remote node incomming exchange message returned response when sending an exchange message
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.adaptor.IAdaptorCallbackCallback that can be used to get the result of an operation
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.adaptor.IAdaptorConfigurationManagerDefines what is nessecary in order to be able to configure and persist adaptor configurations for sending administrative emails
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.qc.IAnomalyDetectorManagerProvides database access to list/add and remove anomaly detectors the authorization requests (preferrably in a database)
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.message.IBltDataFrameMessageFactoryInterface for create data frame messages
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.message.IBltMessageThis is the message interface all messages should implement
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.manager.IBltMessageManagerThe main entry point for messages passed on to the beast framework
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.db.IFilterManagerManage persisting and loading IFilter instances
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.pgfwk.IGeneratorPluginAll product generator plugins should implement this interface filter mechanism to verify if a specific ip address has been validated against the registered ip filters
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.log.message.ILogMessageRepositoryInterface for supporting log messages belonging to various modules
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.parser.IMessageParserParser interface
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.router.IMultiRoutedMessageA message that should be sent to several destinations
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.router.IRoutedMessageA routed message that should be sent to one destination
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.router.IRouterCreates the routed messages for a message that should be sent
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.router.IRouterManagerManages all routes and synchronizes them with the database
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.IRuleAll rules that are used for routing purpose should implement this interface regardless if it is a scripted rule or a static rule
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.IRuleIdAwareCan be used by rules to get knowledge on what rule id they have got
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.IRulePropertyAccessInterface for accessing rule properties as strings
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.IRuleRecipientAwareInterface for providing the rule with the routing definitions recipients
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.util.IRuleUtilitiesUtility functions when accessing the database and querying for various things
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.IScriptableRuleIf a rule is scripted, it should implement this interface
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.log.ISystemReporterSystem reporter
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.timer.ITimeoutTaskFactoryFactory for creating timeout tasks
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.timer.ITimeoutTaskListenerA listener that can be placed on a TimeoutTask to be notified of events that has occured for the timeout
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.parser.IXmlMessageFactoryCreates a xml object from a tag name, preferrably the root tag in an xml document
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.parser.IXmlMessageParserParser interface
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.JsonCommandParserInterface for processing commands
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.JsonGeneratorProvides functionality for generating jsonified objects for compressing and uncompressing keyczar keys
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.namer.MetadataNameCreatorCreates a specific name from the metadata
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.namer.MetadataNameCreatorFactoryA metadata name creator provider
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.db.AttributeFilter.OperatorOperator type
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.PropertyManagerManage rule properties stored in beast_rule_properties
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.pgf.QualityControlInformation between json and objects used for exchange
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.objects.routes.RouteBase object used when manipulating different routes
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.router.RouteDefinitionDefines a routing definition, i.e
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.RuleFilterManagerManage rule and filter associations in table beast_rule_filters
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.rules.RuleUtilsA class containing common utility functions for rules
 CRuntimeException file request used for posting / sending files to a remote node used when sending a file request
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.objects.Settings for signers
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.system.SystemMessageSystem message
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.router.SystemRulesDefinitionThis definition is system specific and is not configurable like the other definitions
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.system.SystemStatusGeneral status information indicating what type of status the system is in
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.admin.objects.UserUser object used by the user command
 Ceu.baltrad.beast.db.AttributeFilter.ValueTypeValue type for verifiers