Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 C_HL_NodeRepresents a HDF5 object/attribute/reference/..
 C_HL_NodeListRepresents a HDF5 file
 CHL_CompoundTypeAttributeThis type is designed to describe an individual node with a complicated structure, ie
 CHL_CompoundTypeDescriptionThis type is a list of HL_CompoundTypeAttributes
 CHL_CompressionCompression properties
 CHL_FileCreationPropertyProperties that can be finely tuned when creating a HDF5 file
 CHL_PropertySizeSee hdf5 documentation for H5Pset_sizes and H5Pget_sizes for purpose
 CHL_PropertySymKSee hdf5 documentation for H5Pset_sym_k and H5Pget_sym_k for purpose
 CHL_PropertyVersionSee hdf5 documentation for H5Pget_version for purpose
 Chlhdf_debug_structDebug structure
 CHlhdfHeap_tA linked list where each entry corresponds to one allocation
 CHlhdfHeapEntry_tKeeps track on one allocation
 CPyhlCompressionThe pyhl compression property object
 CPyhlFileCreationPropertyThe pyhl file creation property object
 CPyhlNodeThe pyhl node object
 CPyhlNodelistThe nodelist object
 CRaveInfoObjectThe python data object
 CRaveInfoStructThe compound struct
 CRaveInfoTypeThe python type object
 CReferenceLookupStruct used internally for beeing able to do a reverse name lookup when reading a file with references
 CVisitorStructUsed when traversing over the different nodes during reading