HLHDF C-API Reference Manual

This is the currently provided APIs available in C. More...


struct  _HL_Node
 Represents a HDF5 object/attribute/reference/... More...
struct  _HL_NodeList
 Represents a HDF5 file. More...
struct  HL_PropertyVersion
 See hdf5 documentation for H5Pget_version for purpose. More...
struct  HL_PropertySize
 See hdf5 documentation for H5Pset_sizes and H5Pget_sizes for purpose. More...
struct  HL_PropertySymK
 See hdf5 documentation for H5Pset_sym_k and H5Pget_sym_k for purpose. More...
struct  HL_FileCreationProperty
 Properties that can be finely tuned when creating a HDF5 file. More...
struct  HL_Compression
 Compression properties. More...
struct  HL_CompoundTypeAttribute
 This type is designed to describe an individual node with a complicated structure, ie. More...
struct  HL_CompoundTypeDescription
 This type is a list of HL_CompoundTypeAttributes. More...


typedef enum HL_Debug HL_Debug
 Debug levels.
typedef enum HL_CompressionType HL_CompressionType
 Defines what type of compression that should be used.
typedef enum HL_Type HL_Type
 This is an enumeration variable designed to identify the type of a given node.
typedef enum HL_DataType HL_DataType
 This is an enumeration variable designed to identify the type of data in a given node.
typedef enum HL_NodeMark HL_NodeMark
 This is an enumeration variable designed to keep track of the status of a given node.
typedef struct _HL_Node HL_Node
 Each entry and type in a HDF5 file is represented by a HL_Node.
typedef struct _HL_NodeList HL_NodeList
 Represents a HDF5 file.


enum  HL_Debug {
 Debug levels. More...
enum  HL_CompressionType { CT_NONE =0 , CT_ZLIB , CT_SZLIB }
 Defines what type of compression that should be used. More...
enum  HL_Type {
 This is an enumeration variable designed to identify the type of a given node. More...
enum  HL_DataType { DTYPE_UNDEFINED_ID =-1 , HL_SIMPLE =0 , HL_ARRAY }
 This is an enumeration variable designed to identify the type of data in a given node. More...
enum  HL_NodeMark {
 This is an enumeration variable designed to keep track of the status of a given node. More...


void HL_disableErrorReporting (void)
 Disables error reporting.
void HL_enableErrorReporting (void)
 Enables error reporting.
int HL_isErrorReportingEnabled (void)
 Returns if error reporting is enabled or not.
void HL_init (void)
 Initializes the HLHDF handler functions.
void HL_setDebugMode (int flag)
 Toggles the debug mode for HLHDF.
int HL_isHDF5File (const char *filename)
 Verifies if the provided filename is a valid HDF5 file or not.
HL_FileCreationPropertyHLFileCreationProperty_new (void)
 Creates a file property instance that can be passed on to createHlHdfFile when creating a HDF5 file.
void HLFileCreationProperty_free (HL_FileCreationProperty *prop)
 Deallocates the HL_FileCreationProperty instance.
int HL_sizeOfFormat (const char *format)
 Calculates the size in bytes of the provided format specifiers.
int HL_isFormatSupported (const char *format)
 Verifies if the format name is supported by HLHDF.
HL_CompressionHLCompression_new (HL_CompressionType type)
 Creates an allocated and initialized instance of HL_Compression.
HL_CompressionHLCompression_clone (HL_Compression *inv)
 Creates a copy of the provided HL_Compression instance.
void HLCompression_init (HL_Compression *inv, HL_CompressionType type)
 Initializes a HL_Compressiosn instance.
void HLCompression_free (HL_Compression *inv)
 Deallocates the HL_Compression instance.
HL_CompoundTypeDescriptionnewHL_CompoundTypeDescription (void)
 Creates a compound type description list.
void freeHL_CompoundTypeDescription (HL_CompoundTypeDescription *typelist)
 Frees the compound type, including all members.
HL_CompoundTypeAttributenewHL_CompoundTypeAttribute (char *attrname, size_t offset, const char *format, size_t size, int ndims, size_t *dims)
 Creates a compound attribute member node.
void freeHL_CompoundTypeAttribute (HL_CompoundTypeAttribute *attr)
 Frees one compound type attribute.
int addHL_CompoundTypeAttribute (HL_CompoundTypeDescription *typelist, HL_CompoundTypeAttribute *attribute)
 Adds a compound type attribute to the type description.
HL_CompoundTypeDescriptioncopyHL_CompoundTypeDescription (HL_CompoundTypeDescription *descr)
 Copies the compound type descriptor.
hid_t createCompoundType (size_t size)
 Creates a new compound type.
herr_t addAttributeToCompoundType (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, size_t offset, hid_t type_id)
 Adds one attribute to a compound type.
herr_t addAttributeToCompoundType_fmt (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, size_t offset, const char *fmt)
 Same as addAttributeToCompoundType, but instead of a type as hid_t a format specifier is provided.
herr_t addArrayToCompoundType (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, size_t offset, int ndims, size_t *dims, hid_t type_id)
 Adds an array attribute to a compound type.
herr_t addArrayToCompoundType_fmt (hid_t loc_id, const char *name, size_t offset, int ndims, size_t *dims, const char *fmt)
 Same as addArrayToCompoundType, but instead of a type as hid_t, the format is specified with a format specifier.
void HL_InitializeDebugger (void)
 Initializes the debugger structure, must have been called before executing the code.
void HL_setDebugLevel (HL_Debug lvl)
 Sets the debug level.
void HL_setDebugFunction (void(*dbgfun)(char *filename, int lineno, HL_Debug lvl, const char *fmt,...))
 Sets the debug function where the debug printouts should be routed.
void HL_setHdf5ErrorFunction (void(*hdf5fun)(unsigned n, const H5E_error_t *val))
 Sets the HDF5 error reporting function.
void HL_disableHdf5ErrorReporting (void)
 Disables the HDF5 error reporting.
void HL_enableHdf5ErrorReporting (void)
 Enables the HDF5 error reporting.
HL_NodeHLNode_new (const char *name)
 Creates a new HL_Node instance.
void HLNode_free (HL_Node *node)
 Deallocates the provided node.
HL_NodeHLNode_newGroup (const char *name)
 Creates an empty group HL_Node of type HL_Type::GROUP_ID.
HL_NodeHLNode_newAttribute (const char *name)
 Creates an empty attribute HL_Node of type HL_Type::ATTRIBUTE_ID.
HL_NodeHLNode_newDataset (const char *name)
 Creates an empty data set HL_Node of type HL_Type::DATASET_ID.
HL_NodeHLNode_newDatatype (const char *name)
 Creates an empty data type HL_Node of type HL_Type::TYPE_ID.
HL_NodeHLNode_newReference (const char *name)
 Creates an empty reference HL_Node of type HL_Type::REFERENCE_ID.
HL_NodeHLNode_copy (HL_Node *node)
 Copies an HL_Node.
int HLNode_setScalarValue (HL_Node *node, size_t sz, unsigned char *value, const char *fmt, hid_t typid)
 Sets a scalar value in the specified node.
int HLNode_setArrayValue (HL_Node *node, size_t sz, int ndims, hsize_t *dims, unsigned char *value, const char *fmt, hid_t typid)
 Sets an array value in the specified node.
int HLNode_commitType (HL_Node *node, hid_t typid)
 Will mark the node to be committed, only applicable on type nodes.
HL_NodeListHLNodeList_new (void)
 Creates a new HL_NodeList instance.
void HLNodeList_free (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Releasing all resources associated with this node list including the node list itself.
int HLNodeList_addNode (HL_NodeList *nodelist, HL_Node *node)
 Adds a node to the nodelist.
HL_NodeHLNodeList_getNodeByName (HL_NodeList *nodelist, const char *nodeName)
 Locates a node called nodeName in the nodelist and returns a pointer to this node.
HL_CompoundTypeDescriptionHLNodeList_findCompoundDescription (HL_NodeList *nodelist, unsigned long objno0, unsigned long objno1)
 Searches the nodelist for any type node, that has got the same object id as objno0 and objno1.
HL_NodeListHLNodeList_readFrom (const char *filename, const char *fromPath)
 Reads an HDF5 file with name filename from the group fromPath and downwards.
HL_NodeListHLNodeList_read (const char *filename)
 Reads an HDF5 file with name filename from the root group ("/") and downwards.
int HLNodeList_selectNode (HL_NodeList *nodelist, const char *name)
 Selects the node named 'name' from which to fetch data.
int HLNodeList_selectAllNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Marks all nodes in the nodelist for retrival.
int HLNodeList_selectMetadataNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Selects all metadata nodes in the nodelist to be fetched, ie.
int HLNodeList_selectAllMetadataNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Selects all metadata including metadata about datasets but will exclude data for datasets.
int HLNodeList_selectOnlyDatasetNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Only select data set nodes for fetching.
int HLNodeList_deselectNode (HL_NodeList *nodelist, const char *name)
 De-selects the node named 'name' to be retrived when fetching data from the nodelist file.
int HLNodeList_fetchMarkedNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Fills all nodes (marked as select) with data.
HL_NodeHLNodeList_fetchNode (HL_NodeList *nodelist, const char *name)
 Behaves as a combination of HLNodeList_selectNode()/fetch()/getNode().
int HLNodeList_write (HL_NodeList *nodelist, HL_FileCreationProperty *property, HL_Compression *compr)
 Writes a HDF5 file from a nodelist with the specified file properties and compression level/type.
int HLNodeList_update (HL_NodeList *nodelist, HL_Compression *compr)
 Updates a HDF5 file from a nodelist.

Detailed Description

This is the currently provided APIs available in C.

This group is a subset of all defined functions and if more information on all source code is wanted, please refer to the files section of the documentation.

Typedef Documentation

◆ HL_CompressionType

Defines what type of compression that should be used.

◆ HL_DataType

typedef enum HL_DataType HL_DataType

This is an enumeration variable designed to identify the type of data in a given node.

When new nodes are initiated, they are initialized with DTYPE_UNDEFINED_ID.

◆ HL_Debug

typedef enum HL_Debug HL_Debug

Debug levels.

The levels are defined so that if HLHDF_INFO debug level is turned on, all higher levels will also be printed except HLHDF_SILENT which means turn of logging.

◆ HL_Node

typedef struct _HL_Node HL_Node

Each entry and type in a HDF5 file is represented by a HL_Node.

◆ HL_NodeList

typedef struct _HL_NodeList HL_NodeList

Represents a HDF5 file.

◆ HL_NodeMark

typedef enum HL_NodeMark HL_NodeMark

This is an enumeration variable designed to keep track of the status of a given node.

◆ HL_Type

typedef enum HL_Type HL_Type

This is an enumeration variable designed to identify the type of a given node.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HL_CompressionType

Defines what type of compression that should be used.


No compression.


ZLIB compression.


SZLIB compression.

◆ HL_DataType

This is an enumeration variable designed to identify the type of data in a given node.

When new nodes are initiated, they are initialized with DTYPE_UNDEFINED_ID.


Undefined data type.


If the value is a scalar.


If the value is of array type.

◆ HL_Debug

enum HL_Debug

Debug levels.

The levels are defined so that if HLHDF_INFO debug level is turned on, all higher levels will also be printed except HLHDF_SILENT which means turn of logging.


The most verbose printouts is turned on here.

Like entering functions and similar


Basic debug functions.


Print outs deprecated warnings.


Informational messages.




Errors can be when memory not could be allocated or a file not could be created.


If this occurs, then something has gone very wrong or the code contains a bug, please report it to the HLHDF dev group for investigation.


Turns of debugging.

◆ HL_NodeMark

This is an enumeration variable designed to keep track of the status of a given node.


Undefined type.


Nothing has been done on the node, e.g.

it has been read but nothing else


If a node has been created but not been written.


If a nodes value has been changed and needs to be written.


The node has been marked for fetching but the read has not been performed yet.


Special variant for marking datasets that we are only interested in the metadata.

◆ HL_Type

enum HL_Type

This is an enumeration variable designed to identify the type of a given node.


An undefined type.


Attribute type (corresponds to H5A)


Group type (corresponds to H5G)


Data set type (corresponds to H5D)


Type type (corresponds to H5T)


Reference type (corresponds to H5R)

Function Documentation

◆ addArrayToCompoundType()

herr_t addArrayToCompoundType ( hid_t loc_id,
const char * name,
size_t offset,
int ndims,
size_t * dims,
hid_t type_id )

Adds an array attribute to a compound type.

[in]loc_idThe type this attribute should be inserted in
[in]nameThe name of the attribute
[in]offsetOffset of this attribute
[in]ndimsThe rank of the array attribute (max 4)
[in]dimsThe dimension of the array attribute
[in]type_idThe type of the array attribute
<0 on failure, otherwise ok.

◆ addArrayToCompoundType_fmt()

herr_t addArrayToCompoundType_fmt ( hid_t loc_id,
const char * name,
size_t offset,
int ndims,
size_t * dims,
const char * fmt )

Same as addArrayToCompoundType, but instead of a type as hid_t, the format is specified with a format specifier.

[in]loc_idThe type this attribute should be inserted in
[in]nameThe name of the attribute
[in]offsetOffset of this attribute
[in]ndimsThe rank of the array attribute (max 4)
[in]dimsThe dimension of the array attribute
[in]fmtThe type of the attribute. See format specifiers. Returns: <0 is failure, otherwise ok.

◆ addAttributeToCompoundType()

herr_t addAttributeToCompoundType ( hid_t loc_id,
const char * name,
size_t offset,
hid_t type_id )

Adds one attribute to a compound type.

[in]loc_idThe type the attribute should be inserted in.
[in]nameThe name of the member attribute
[in]offsetOffset of this attribute
[in]type_idThe type of the attribute
<0 on failure, otherwise ok.

◆ addAttributeToCompoundType_fmt()

herr_t addAttributeToCompoundType_fmt ( hid_t loc_id,
const char * name,
size_t offset,
const char * fmt )

Same as addAttributeToCompoundType, but instead of a type as hid_t a format specifier is provided.

[in]loc_idThe type the attribute should be inserted in.
[in]nameThe name of the member attribute
[in]offsetOffset of this attribute
[in]fmtThe type of the attribute. See format specifiers.
<0 on failure, otherwise ok.

◆ addHL_CompoundTypeAttribute()

int addHL_CompoundTypeAttribute ( HL_CompoundTypeDescription * typelist,
HL_CompoundTypeAttribute * attribute )

Adds a compound type attribute to the type description.

[in]typelistthe descriptor that should get the new attribute
[in]attributethe attribute that should be added
0 on failure, 1 if success

◆ copyHL_CompoundTypeDescription()

HL_CompoundTypeDescription * copyHL_CompoundTypeDescription ( HL_CompoundTypeDescription * descr)

Copies the compound type descriptor.

[in]descrthe descriptor that should be copied.
The type description on success, otherwise NULL

◆ createCompoundType()

hid_t createCompoundType ( size_t size)

Creates a new compound type.

[in]sizeThe size of the compound type, usually sizeof(struct name).
<0 on failure, otherwise a reference to the created type.

◆ freeHL_CompoundTypeAttribute()

void freeHL_CompoundTypeAttribute ( HL_CompoundTypeAttribute * attr)

Frees one compound type attribute.

[in]attrthe attribute that should be deallocated.

◆ freeHL_CompoundTypeDescription()

void freeHL_CompoundTypeDescription ( HL_CompoundTypeDescription * typelist)

Frees the compound type, including all members.

[in]typelistthe descriptor that should be deleted.

◆ HL_disableErrorReporting()

void HL_disableErrorReporting ( void )

Disables error reporting.

◆ HL_disableHdf5ErrorReporting()

void HL_disableHdf5ErrorReporting ( void )

Disables the HDF5 error reporting.

◆ HL_enableErrorReporting()

void HL_enableErrorReporting ( void )

Enables error reporting.

◆ HL_enableHdf5ErrorReporting()

void HL_enableHdf5ErrorReporting ( void )

Enables the HDF5 error reporting.

◆ HL_init()

void HL_init ( void )

Initializes the HLHDF handler functions.

This always needs to be done before doing anything else when using HLHDF.

◆ HL_InitializeDebugger()

void HL_InitializeDebugger ( void )

Initializes the debugger structure, must have been called before executing the code.

◆ HL_isErrorReportingEnabled()

int HL_isErrorReportingEnabled ( void )

Returns if error reporting is enabled or not.

◆ HL_isFormatSupported()

int HL_isFormatSupported ( const char * format)

Verifies if the format name is supported by HLHDF.

Does not see string and compound as a supported format since they are not possible to determine without a hid.

[in]formatthe format name string
TRUE if it is supported, otherwise FALSE.

◆ HL_isHDF5File()

int HL_isHDF5File ( const char * filename)

Verifies if the provided filename is a valid HDF5 file or not.

[in]filenamethe full path of the file to check
TRUE if file is an HDF5 file, otherwise FALSE

◆ HL_setDebugFunction()

void HL_setDebugFunction ( void(* dbgfun )(char *filename, int lineno, HL_Debug lvl, const char *fmt,...))

Sets the debug function where the debug printouts should be routed.

[in]dbgfunThe debug function.

◆ HL_setDebugLevel()

void HL_setDebugLevel ( HL_Debug lvl)

Sets the debug level.

[in]lvlthe debug level. See HL_Debug.

◆ HL_setDebugMode()

void HL_setDebugMode ( int flag)

Toggles the debug mode for HLHDF.

Possible values of flag are:

  • 0 = No debugging
  • 1 = Debug only the HLHDF library
  • 2 = Debug both HLHDF and HDF5 library
[in]flagthe level of debugging

◆ HL_setHdf5ErrorFunction()

void HL_setHdf5ErrorFunction ( void(* hdf5fun )(unsigned n, const H5E_error_t *val))

Sets the HDF5 error reporting function.

[in]hdf5funthe HDF5 error reporting function

◆ HL_sizeOfFormat()

int HL_sizeOfFormat ( const char * format)

Calculates the size in bytes of the provided format specifiers.

The exception is string and compound type since they needs to be analyzed to get the size.

[in]formatThe format specifier.
the size in bytes or -1 on failure.

◆ HLCompression_clone()

HL_Compression * HLCompression_clone ( HL_Compression * inv)

Creates a copy of the provided HL_Compression instance.

[in]invthe instance to be cloned
the cloned instance or NULL if parameter was NULL or memory not could be allocated.

◆ HLCompression_free()

void HLCompression_free ( HL_Compression * inv)

Deallocates the HL_Compression instance.

invThe instance that should be deallocated

◆ HLCompression_init()

void HLCompression_init ( HL_Compression * inv,
HL_CompressionType type )

Initializes a HL_Compressiosn instance.

[in]invThe compression object to be initialized
[in]typethe type of compression the object should be initialized with

◆ HLCompression_new()

HL_Compression * HLCompression_new ( HL_CompressionType type)

Creates an allocated and initialized instance of HL_Compression.

[in]typethe compression type to use
the created instance, NULL on failure.

◆ HLFileCreationProperty_free()

void HLFileCreationProperty_free ( HL_FileCreationProperty * prop)

Deallocates the HL_FileCreationProperty instance.

[in]propThe property to be deallocated

◆ HLFileCreationProperty_new()

HL_FileCreationProperty * HLFileCreationProperty_new ( void )

Creates a file property instance that can be passed on to createHlHdfFile when creating a HDF5 file.

the allocated file property instance, NULL on failure. See HLFileCreationProperty_free for deallocation.

◆ HLNode_commitType()

int HLNode_commitType ( HL_Node * node,
hid_t typid )

Will mark the node to be committed, only applicable on type nodes.

[in]nodethe node that should be commited
[in]typidthe HDF5 type identifier
1 on success, otherwise 0
this function will be removed sooner or later.

◆ HLNode_copy()

HL_Node * HLNode_copy ( HL_Node * node)

Copies an HL_Node.

[in]nodethe node that should be copied
the allocated node on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNode_free()

void HLNode_free ( HL_Node * node)

Deallocates the provided node.

[in]nodethe node that should be deallocated

◆ HLNode_new()

HL_Node * HLNode_new ( const char * name)

Creates a new HL_Node instance.

[in]namethe name of this node, should be fully qualified name. I.e. /a/b/c
the allocated node on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNode_newAttribute()

HL_Node * HLNode_newAttribute ( const char * name)

Creates an empty attribute HL_Node of type HL_Type::ATTRIBUTE_ID.

[in]namethe fully qualified name
The allocated node on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNode_newDataset()

HL_Node * HLNode_newDataset ( const char * name)

Creates an empty data set HL_Node of type HL_Type::DATASET_ID.

[in]namethe fully qualified name
The allocated node on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNode_newDatatype()

HL_Node * HLNode_newDatatype ( const char * name)

Creates an empty data type HL_Node of type HL_Type::TYPE_ID.

[in]namethe fully qualified name
The allocated node on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNode_newGroup()

HL_Node * HLNode_newGroup ( const char * name)

Creates an empty group HL_Node of type HL_Type::GROUP_ID.

[in]namethe fully qualified name
The allocated node on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNode_newReference()

HL_Node * HLNode_newReference ( const char * name)

Creates an empty reference HL_Node of type HL_Type::REFERENCE_ID.

[in]namethe fully qualified name
The allocated node on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNode_setArrayValue()

int HLNode_setArrayValue ( HL_Node * node,
size_t sz,
int ndims,
hsize_t * dims,
unsigned char * value,
const char * fmt,
hid_t typid )

Sets an array value in the specified node.

[in]nodethe node that should get its value set
[in]szthe size of the type
[in]ndimsthe rank
[in]dimsthe dimension
[in]valuethe data buffer
[in]fmtthe format specifier,
See also
ref Valid format specifiers "here" for valid formats.
[in]typidif a custom made type should be used for writing the data, otherwise use -1.
1 if everything was ok, otherwise 0

◆ HLNode_setScalarValue()

int HLNode_setScalarValue ( HL_Node * node,
size_t sz,
unsigned char * value,
const char * fmt,
hid_t typid )

Sets a scalar value in the specified node.

[in]nodethe node that should get its value set.
[in]szthe size of the data
[in]valuethe data
[in]fmtthe format specifier,
See also
ref Valid format specifiers "here" for valid formats.
[in]typidif a custom made type should be used for writing the data, otherwise use -1.
1 if everything was ok, otherwise 0

◆ HLNodeList_addNode()

int HLNodeList_addNode ( HL_NodeList * nodelist,
HL_Node * node )

Adds a node to the nodelist.

[in]nodelistthe nodelist that should get a node added
[in]nodethe node that should be added to the node list
1 On success, otherwise 0

◆ HLNodeList_deselectNode()

int HLNodeList_deselectNode ( HL_NodeList * nodelist,
const char * name )

De-selects the node named 'name' to be retrived when fetching data from the nodelist file.

[in]nodelistthe node list
[in]namethe name that should be deselected
1 on success, otherwise 0.

◆ HLNodeList_fetchMarkedNodes()

int HLNodeList_fetchMarkedNodes ( HL_NodeList * nodelist)

Fills all nodes (marked as select) with data.

[in]nodelistthe node list
1 on success, otherwise 0

◆ HLNodeList_fetchNode()

HL_Node * HLNodeList_fetchNode ( HL_NodeList * nodelist,
const char * name )

Behaves as a combination of HLNodeList_selectNode()/fetch()/getNode().

[in]nodelistthe node list
[in]namethe name of the node that should be fetched.
the found node or NULL on failure.

◆ HLNodeList_findCompoundDescription()

HL_CompoundTypeDescription * HLNodeList_findCompoundDescription ( HL_NodeList * nodelist,
unsigned long objno0,
unsigned long objno1 )

Searches the nodelist for any type node, that has got the same object id as objno0 and objno1.

[in]nodelistthe nodelist that should be searched
[in]objno0identifier 0
[in]objno1identifier 1
The compound type description if found, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNodeList_free()

void HLNodeList_free ( HL_NodeList * nodelist)

Releasing all resources associated with this node list including the node list itself.

[in]nodelistthe list that should be released.

◆ HLNodeList_getNodeByName()

HL_Node * HLNodeList_getNodeByName ( HL_NodeList * nodelist,
const char * nodeName )

Locates a node called nodeName in the nodelist and returns a pointer to this node.

I.e. Do not delete it!

[in]nodelistthe nodelist that should be searched in
[in]nodeNamethe name of the node that should be located
the node if it could be found, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNodeList_new()

HL_NodeList * HLNodeList_new ( void )

Creates a new HL_NodeList instance.

the allocated node list on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNodeList_read()

HL_NodeList * HLNodeList_read ( const char * filename)

Reads an HDF5 file with name filename from the root group ("/") and downwards.

This function will not fetch the actual data but will only read the structure. Use selectAll/selectAllNodes and fetchMarkedNodes to retrieve the data.

[in]filenamethe name of the HDF5 file
the read data structure on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNodeList_readFrom()

HL_NodeList * HLNodeList_readFrom ( const char * filename,
const char * fromPath )

Reads an HDF5 file with name filename from the group fromPath and downwards.

This function will not fetch the actual data but will only read the structure. Use selectAll/selectAllNodes and fetchMarkedNodes to retrieve the data.

[in]filenamethe name of the HDF5 file
[in]fromPaththe path from where the file should be read.
the read data structure on success, otherwise NULL.

◆ HLNodeList_selectAllMetadataNodes()

int HLNodeList_selectAllMetadataNodes ( HL_NodeList * nodelist)

Selects all metadata including metadata about datasets but will exclude data for datasets.

VOLATILE: Do not attempt to access dataset arrays after calling this.

[in]nodelistthe node list
1 on success, otherwise 0

◆ HLNodeList_selectAllNodes()

int HLNodeList_selectAllNodes ( HL_NodeList * nodelist)

Marks all nodes in the nodelist for retrival.

[in]nodelistthe node list
1 on success, otherwise 0

◆ HLNodeList_selectMetadataNodes()

int HLNodeList_selectMetadataNodes ( HL_NodeList * nodelist)

Selects all metadata nodes in the nodelist to be fetched, ie.

dataset attributes but no dataset arrays or arrays. VOLATILE: Do not attempt to access dataset arrays after calling this.

[in]nodelistthe node list
1 on success, otherwise 0

◆ HLNodeList_selectNode()

int HLNodeList_selectNode ( HL_NodeList * nodelist,
const char * name )

Selects the node named 'name' from which to fetch data.

[in]nodelistthe nodelist where the node named name should be marked for select
[in]namethe fully qualified name of the node that should be selected.
: 1 on success, otherwise 0

◆ HLNodeList_selectOnlyDatasetNodes()

int HLNodeList_selectOnlyDatasetNodes ( HL_NodeList * nodelist)

Only select data set nodes for fetching.

This is useful if for example wanting to first read metadata. Then depending on content fetch dataset nodes.

[in]nodelistthe node list
1 on success, otherwise 0

◆ HLNodeList_update()

int HLNodeList_update ( HL_NodeList * nodelist,
HL_Compression * compr )

Updates a HDF5 file from a nodelist.

[in]nodelistthe node list to update
[in]comprthe wanted compression type and level
TRUE on success otherwise failure.

◆ HLNodeList_write()

int HLNodeList_write ( HL_NodeList * nodelist,
HL_FileCreationProperty * property,
HL_Compression * compr )

Writes a HDF5 file from a nodelist with the specified file properties and compression level/type.

[in]nodelistthe node list to write
[in]propertythe file creation properties
[in]comprthe wanted compression type and level
TRUE on success otherwise failure.

◆ newHL_CompoundTypeAttribute()

HL_CompoundTypeAttribute * newHL_CompoundTypeAttribute ( char * attrname,
size_t offset,
const char * format,
size_t size,
int ndims,
size_t * dims )

Creates a compound attribute member node.

[in]attrnameThe name of this attribute
[in]offsetthe offset in the structure for this member (See HOFFSET in HDF5 documentation)
[in]formatFormat specifier.
[in]sizeThe size of this data type
[in]ndimsThe number of dimensions
[in]dimsThe dimensions
The compound member on success, otherwise NULL

◆ newHL_CompoundTypeDescription()

HL_CompoundTypeDescription * newHL_CompoundTypeDescription ( void )

Creates a compound type description list.

the compound type descriptor on success, otherwise NULL.