pyhl.c File Reference
#include <pyhlcompat.h>
#include "pyhlhdf_common.h"
#include "hlhdf.h"
#include "hlhdf_alloc.h"
#include "hlhdf_private.h"
#include "hlhdf_node_private.h"
#include "hlhdf_debug.h"
#include "hlhdf_defines_private.h"
#include "structmember.h"


struct  PyhlNodelist
 The nodelist object. More...
struct  PyhlNode
 The pyhl node object. More...
struct  PyhlFileCreationProperty
 The pyhl file creation property object. More...
struct  PyhlCompression
 The pyhl compression property object. More...


 You have to define HLHDF_PYMODULE_WITH_IMPORT_ARRAY to be able to force arrayobject to be correctly imported.
#define raiseException(type, msg)   {PyErr_SetString(type,msg);return NULL;}
 Sets an error type and error message, then returns NULL.
#define setException(type, msg)   {PyErr_SetString(type,msg);}
 Sets an error type and error message.
#define PyhlNodelist_Check(op)   (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyhlNodelist_Type)
 Checks if the object is a Pyhl (nodelist) type.
#define PyhlNode_Check(op)   (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyhlNode_Type)
 Checks if the object is a Pyhl node type.
#define PyhlFileCreationProperty_Check(op)   (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyhlFileCreationProperty_Type)
 Checks if the object is a Pyhl file creation property object.
#define PyhlCompression_Check(op)   (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyhlCompression_Type)
 Checks if the object is a pyhl compression object.


 MOD_INIT (_pyhl)
 Initializes PyHL.

Detailed Description

Anders Henja (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI)

Macro Definition Documentation



You have to define HLHDF_PYMODULE_WITH_IMPORT_ARRAY to be able to force arrayobject to be correctly imported.

◆ PyhlCompression_Check

#define PyhlCompression_Check ( op)    (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyhlCompression_Type)

Checks if the object is a pyhl compression object.

◆ PyhlFileCreationProperty_Check

#define PyhlFileCreationProperty_Check ( op)    (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyhlFileCreationProperty_Type)

Checks if the object is a Pyhl file creation property object.

◆ PyhlNode_Check

#define PyhlNode_Check ( op)    (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyhlNode_Type)

Checks if the object is a Pyhl node type.

◆ PyhlNodelist_Check

#define PyhlNodelist_Check ( op)    (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyhlNodelist_Type)

Checks if the object is a Pyhl (nodelist) type.

◆ raiseException

#define raiseException ( type,
msg )   {PyErr_SetString(type,msg);return NULL;}

Sets an error type and error message, then returns NULL.

◆ setException

#define setException ( type,
msg )   {PyErr_SetString(type,msg);}

Sets an error type and error message.

Function Documentation


MOD_INIT ( _pyhl )

Initializes PyHL.