

In 2025 a new approach to compositing has been added to the toolbox to simplify addition of new algorithms and also to be able to reuse code. Instead of having one compositing class (composite.c) that handles all types of compositing the new approach is to use various composite factories and various classes for passing on arguments and properties as well as different utility functions. In this first version the focus has been to get a proper structure and getting the nearest algorithms to work like before. We have kept the old legacy code which means that it still is possible to generate all previous products.


The new class hierarchy for the new compositing can be visualized according to Figure 1

Figure 1: Compositing class overview



The introduction will be done using programming examples in python. The same functionality can be achieved using the C-API.

Composite Arguments

When creating a composite it usually requires a number of polar objects, an area definition, a product type, information about what quantities that should be generated as well as some other information like elevation angles, interpolation methods, what quality fields that should be added and more. This means that we first will have to create a composite argument. All examples will be written in python but the same is possible using the C-API.

  import math
  import _compositearguments, _raveio

  args = _compositearguments.new()
  args.product = "PPI"
  args.elangle = 0.5 * math.pi / 180.0
  args.date = "20250304"
  args.time = "100000"
  args.addParameter("DBZH", 0.4, -30.0)
  for f in filenames:

Composite Generator Factory

There are a number of composite generator factories that supports different product geneneration algorithms like what product to generate (PPI, CAPPI, ...), what interpolation method to use (NEAREST, BILLINEAR, ...), what quantities that can be managed (DBZH, TH, RATE, ...). It is up to the implementation to decide how this should be supported and what can be supported. For example the AcqvaCompositeGeneratorFactory_t only supports product type ACQVA using the nearest value while the LegacyCompositeGeneratorFactory_t supports PPI, CAPPI, PCAPPI, MAX and PMAX for a number of different interpolation methods as well as selection methods.

Composite Filter

In order for the composite generator to to correct decisions we will have to define a number of filters that will forward the call to the appropriate factory method. The filtering is straight forward so that it will match the filter against a composite arguments instance. If there is a match we know that it should use the factory with provided name (factory_class). The current default configuration for filters and factories is:

  <factory name="acqva" factory_class="AcqvaCompositeGenerator">
  <factory name="nearest" factory_class="NearestCompositeGenerator">
  <factory name="legacy" factory_class="LegacyCompositeGenerator">

The factory_class identifies what factory to use while the name is used for identifying a filter. Each factory can contain a number of filters. This is useful when separating products and other information like in the case of the LegacyCompositeGenerator since it only allows PMAX and MAX using NEAREST while PPI, CAPPI and PCAPPI also can be generated using other interpolation methods. The procedure for finding the factory is not open to the users but it basically is performed according to this example code.

  for key in entries.keys():
    if entries[key].filter.match(args):
    if filter.match(args):
      return factorymanager.get(entries[key].factory_class)

Rave Properties

It is essential that the factories can get required configuration values in a general way which is why RaveProperties_t is used. It supports basic values like strings, longs and doubles. It also supports hashtables, lists and possibly other value types. RaveProperties_t also contains a OdimSources_t reference. For information on what properties that are available please refer to Rave Properties.

  properties = _raveproperties.new()
  properties.set("string.option", "this is a string")
  properties.set("one.level.hash", {"a", 1.1, "b", 2.2})
  properties.set("two.level.hash", {"seang":{"a", 1.1, "b", 2.2}, "seatv":{"a":99.0, "b":0.0}})
  properties.set("list.value", ["1", "2", "3])

Composite Generator

When creating composites it is assumed that the class composite generator passes on the arguments to the correct composite generator factory. To achieve this, the CompositeFilter_t and CompositeFactoryManager_t is combined in the CompositeGenerator_t. It is possible to create a composite generator using the default factory manager or your own factory manager. When creating the composite generator it is also possible to provide a compsite filter xml file that connects the factories with the filters. By using the information previously defined in this document we can combine all these classes into a working composite generator.

  # Create the generator
  generator = _compositegenerator.create(None, "/etc/baltrad/rave/config/composite_generator_filter.xml")
  properties = _raveproperties.new()
  properties.set("rave.acqva.cluttermap.dir", "/var/lib/baltrad/rave/cluttermap")
  properties.set("rave.rate.zr.coefficients", {"sella":(200.0, 1.6), "sekrn": (200.0, 1.6)})
  properties.sources = _odimsources.load("/etc/baltrad/rave/config/odim_source.xml")  # To be able to do NOD lookup of cluttermap
  generator.properties = properties

  # Create the arguments
  args = _compositearguments.new()
  for f in filenames:
  args.product = "PPI"
  args.elangle = 0.5
  args.area = composite_area
  args.date = "20250305"
  args.time = "100000"
  args.addParameter("DBZH", 0.4, -30.0)
  args.addArgument("interpolation_method", "NEAREST")

  result = generator.generate(args)

  rio = _raveio.new()
  rio.object = result

Rave Properties

Different parts of the system requires different configuration.

rave.acqva.cluttermap.dir (product = ACQVA)

Specifies where to find the cluttermap values used when creating the ACQVA composite. Should be a directory and files in there should be polar volumes named <nod>.h5, for example seatv.ht. ACQVA will use /what/source for determining the NOD during processing and fill the volumes with the quality fields from the cluttermap.

  properties.set("rave.acqva.cluttermap.dir", "/var/lib/baltrad/rave/cluttermap")

The cluttermap content should be saved as a polar volume where each SCAN should have a matching elevation angle and the parameter should be ACQVA

/dataset1                                is a group
/dataset1/data1                          is a group
/dataset1/data1/data                     is a dataset
/dataset1/data1/data/CLASS               is an attribute
/dataset1/data1/data/IMAGE_VERSION       is an attribute
/dataset1/data1/what                     is a group
/dataset1/data1/what/gain                is an attribute
/dataset1/data1/what/nodata              is an attribute
/dataset1/data1/what/offset              is an attribute
/dataset1/data1/what/quantity            is an attribute
/dataset1/data1/what/undetect            is an attribute
/dataset1/what                           is a group
/dataset1/what/enddate                   is an attribute
/dataset1/what/endtime                   is an attribute
/dataset1/what/product                   is an attribute
/dataset1/what/startdate                 is an attribute
/dataset1/what/starttime                 is an attribute
/dataset1/where                          is a group
/dataset1/where/a1gate                   is an attribute
/dataset1/where/elangle                  is an attribute
/dataset1/where/nbins                    is an attribute
/dataset1/where/nrays                    is an attribute
/dataset1/where/rscale                   is an attribute
/dataset1/where/rstart                   is an attribute
/dataset2                                is a group
/dataset2/data1                          is a group

Property: rave.rate.zr.coefficients (quantity = RATE)

Individual ZR coefficients for each source used when generating RATE products. If not specified, the zr-coefficients will fall back on the Marshall - Palmer ZR coefficients.

Defined as a hash table with "source": (zr_a, zr_b).

  properties.set("rave.rate.zr.coefficients", {"sella":(200.0, 1.6), "sekrn": (200.0, 1.6)})


The radarcomp script has been extended with a couple of arguments that will allow the user to use the new compositing factory method instead of the legacy handling. The old Composite_t handling will still be the default behavior until the factory methods has been evaluated and verified to provide the same or better support for generating composites. However, there are a couple of products that the old compositing method will not be able to handle which means that in those situations the new factory method has to be used. These are when RATE or ACQVA composites should be created.

The radarcomp has been extended with new options.

  • –enable_composite_factories
    Will disable the old compositing in favor for the new variant.
  • –strategy=[legacy|nearest|acqva] If the user wants to enfore a specific factory to override the filter handling in the CompositeGenerator_t. If not specified, then the filtering will be used.

When using the composite factories it is now also possible to specify –quantity=RATE. _factories –qc=rave-overshooting –strategy=legacy