It has been quite silent the last few years when it comes to releases but now it’s time again. We have done quite a few large changes that will simplify installation and setup of a server provided that you are using RedHat / CentOS. Protocol-wise it is completely backward compatible so it will not affect communication with other nodes.

We have moved most of the software to github. The documentation can be found here. If you want to contribute just let us know.

Since we know that there have been some difficulties with the installation we are currently generating prebuilt RPMs for CentOS Stream 8 and RedHat 8 and the configuration of the system is done using a specific configuration tool (baltrad-config). You can read more about it here and here.

If you are not able to install the software using the RPMs you will still be able to use the node-installer but it is going to be removed in the future. We are providing the Python 3.6.5 version when using the node-installer which unfortunately reached EOL in December last year and we are looking into how to upgrade this but due to some very important dependencies that are not compatible with Python >= 3.8 we can’t just upgrade the Python version. We also can’t replace the dependencies since it would break backward compatibility.

For Debian & Ubuntu enthusiasts, we are working on providing prebuilt packages for some distributions as well but that has been put in the back burner due to other commitments.

If deciding to upgrade the system there are a few things to consider.

New install procedure

We are changing the install procedure to use pre-built RPMs and later we are also going to add pre-built deb-packages. Installation by using prebuild packages is the recommended installation process. If you aren’t able to use the prebuilt packages we are offering here or if you have some other reason for not wanting to install from pre-built packages, then you will have to rely on the node-installer which is not actively maintained.


The latest official release is 3.1.0 and this is the one you will get if you install the RPM:s. The node installer also uses the 3.1.0 software but the dependencies are different.

Official CentOS Stream 8/RedHat 8 release. This is the official latest release with the release notes below.

Latest RPM builds for CentOS Stream 8/RedHat 8. These RPMs are updated daily with newest features and should be used if you want to be up to date.

Installation of RPMs

The install procedure for installing the software on RedHat 8 / CentOS Stream 8 is quite simple and you are strongly encouraged to consider this approach.

The procedure for installing from RPM:s can be found here. You can either use the latest repo which is updated continuously. Obviously, something might break using this repo but if that occurs the correction is usually not far behind. We appreciate if you are able to use this repository, at least in a test-situation, since this will help us out finding issues fast.

If you on the other hand want to use a release that not is updated frequently you can instead use the 3.1 repo.

To install from the latest repo, refer to

To install using the node installer

See Node-installer instructions. Since the node-installer is going to be phased out in the future we are only keeping the installer alive but we are not improving it continuously. If you experience any problems, there are a couple of work-arounds that you can read about in the NOTICE section of the previously mentioned page.

%> git clone or

%> cd node-installer 

%> git checkout 3.1.0

or if you already have a source repository that you have built from scratch, you can speed up the process by doing:

%> cd node-installer

# If you haven't previously fetched software from github you will change repository to fetch software from by
%> sed -i -e "s#"

%> git checkout master

%> git pull

%> git checkout 3.1.0

Release date 2022-03-02 — 3.1.0

This is a major release with new features and bug corrections.

Please note that the database needs to be upgraded. This means that you either will have to use baltrad-config with –update-database option or if you are using the node installer it will be done during the installation.

The number of changes are vast and not all will be described in this description. Some interesting things is that we now only support Python 3. Lazy loading has been introduced in rave to keep memory foot print down when processing large files. ODIM 2.3 has been added as well as most of the functionality to support ODIM 2.4. We have introduced a new modules for configuring the system when it has been installed from RPMs called baltrad-config.

The first version is the tag, the second version is the actual version number of the package of the RPM. For example, since hlhdf has version 0.9.1-8. The RPMs will be named: hlhdf-0.9.1-8.el8.x86_64.rpm, hlhdf-devel-0.9.1-8.el8.x86_64.rpm and so on.

Changes from 2.2.1 to 3.1.0

High Level Interface to the HDF5 File Format (HLHDF) - hlhdf-build-11 - 0.9.1-8

Radar Analysis and Visualization Environment (RAVE) - rave-build-28 - 3.1.0-127

The Baltrad exchange and scheduling tools (BEAST) - beast-build-18 - 3.1.0-54

Baltrad Config Tool (baltrad-config) - baltrad-config-build-3 - 3.1.0-37

New module for configuring a baltrad node

Baltrad Database (baltrad-db) - baltrad-db-build-13 - 3.1.0-45

Baltrad Data Exchange (baltrad-dex) - baltrad-dex-build-11 - 3.1.0-78

Baltrad Tomcat Node instance (baltrad-node-tomcat) - N/A - 8.5.56-10

New module that is available for prebuilt packages. Is a customized tomcat-server.

Baltrad Polarimetric Processing Chain (baltrad-ppc) - baltrad-ppc-build-13 - 3.1.0-76

New module for processing

Baltrad Viewer (baltrad-viewer) - baltrad-viewer-build-1 - 3.1.0-6

Old google maps plugin that has a more suitable name since open street map support has been added.

Baltrad Weather Radar Wind and Reflectivity Profiles (baltrad-wrwp) - baltrad-wrwp-build-15 - 3.1.0-76

Baltrad BUFR module (bbufr) - bbufr-build-6 - 3.1.0-3

Baltrad Beam Blockage module (beamb) - beamb-build-14 - 3.1.0-65

Baltrad ROPO module (bropo) - bropo-build-22 - 3.1.0-75

Release date: 2016-08-26

This is minor release containing both new features and bug corrections.

Please note that the database will be upgraded. This means that if the database upgrade is performed separately, post config upgrade database has to be called.

For more information on changes and improvements, please refer to the ticket list below.

Changes from 2.2 to 2.2.1












Release date: 2015-12-30

This is a major release. Several bug fixes have been performed. We have upgraded so that the node can run with java 1.8 and other miscellaneous fixes and enhancements.

Please note that the database will be upgraded. This means that if the database upgrade is performed separately, post config upgrade database has to be called.

For more information on changes and improvements, please refer to the ticket list below.

Happy New Year from the BALTRAD team!

Changes from 2.1-ec1 to 2.2












Release date: 2015-01-23

Emergency correction. Corrects a problem that occurs when the python 2.6 is installed. See Release 2.1 for proper release note.

Changes from 2.1 to 2.1-ec1

node-installer: Ticket 441: dexinstaller fails when python 2.6 is used by installer

Release date: 2014-12-30

This is a major release. Major changes are that the DEX exchange protocol can handle ghost subscriptions provided that the nodes it communicates with are also of 2.1 version. Otherwise, it will fall back to the 2.0 protocol. In order to get handle ghost subscriptions, new subscriptions must be made so that the required information is exchanged. However, to get a smooth transition we have enabled the 2.0 protocol as default in this release and when all sites has been upgraded we will create a maintenance release that activates the 2.1 protocol since it will be backward compatible with 2.0. Besides the updated DEX exchange protocol, RAVE has been enhanced with gauge adjustment and first versions of the quality-based compositing and filtering of residual non-precipitation echoes using the Meteosat Second Generation cloud-type product available operationally through EUMETCAST. We have added a couple of more product generators, site2D which will create a cartesian product from a single radar source with an area that is determined on the fly. Then we have added scan sun which is used for creating calibration information for the site.

The distribution rules has got a number of improvements when it comes to creating file names from the metadata, please refer to the documentation for more information regarding this.

Besides all new and upgraded features, we have put a lot of effort into improving performance and reliability of the system. We have added the possibility to use multiprocessing when generating composites. This also affects how the quality controls are performed.

For more information on changes and improvements, please refer to the ticket list below.

NOTE! When upgrading the release it might take a long time (several hours) to update the database tables since the datatype on some IDs has been changed for bdb_nodes and bdb_attribute_values. If you want to speed up the process, you might want to consider doing some cleanup of these tables first.

Happy New Year from the BALTRAD team!

Changes from 2.0 to 2.1












Release date: 2013-12-30

This is a major release that is part of the BALTRAD+ project. If upgrading from a node earlier than version 1.6, it is essential that you follow the instructions described in the “Release 1.6” and “Release 1.7” tag. Most of the changes that have occurred since 1.0 can be found in the different release tags below, but here are some headlines of changes since 1.0:

We will follow up with more information about the plans and coming features for release 3.0.

Happy New Year!

And as usual, if you experience problems or need help, write a ticket or send an email to support @

Release date: 2013-11-29

This is a major (beta) release. Rave has got a gisc fm12 synop importer that can be run as a daemon monitoring a folder. Some critical bugs has been corrected as well.

Changes from 1.9 to 2.0-beta1.




Release date: 2013-11-01

This is a major release containing bugfixes and some added functionality.

Changes from 1.9-beta1-ec1 to 1.9





Release date: 2013-09-30

Quick emergency correction due to a mistake during delivery to the source repository. The deployer was disabled. See release information for 1.9-beta1 for release information.

Release date: 2013-09-30

This is a major (beta) release with new product generation functionality and also updated with more functionality for stability and usability. We have also added product generators for generating both WRWP and ACRR products. The WRWP product generator requires fortran and lapack so if you want to install this generator you will have to read the help and INSTALL notes.

The upgrade might take quite a long time, that is due to some triggers that might cause the upgrade to take quite a long time in a production environment with a lot of deliveries. If you experience problems upgrading due to database timeouts or that it just hangs during the dex db upgrade. You could truncate the dex_delivery tables (truncate table dex_delivery_registry,dex_delivery_registry_users;)

Changes from 1.7 to 1.9-beta1






Release date: 2013-06-30

This is a major release with new functionallity. The most noticeable change is that the GUI has been completely changed. The other major feature is that https-support has been added for a number of links. Due to the https-addition, you will have to modify the tomcat configration.

If you are using the delivered tomcat without any modifications, you only have to specify –rebuild=TOMCAT in the install command. Otherwise you have to manually add:

to /tomcat/conf/server.xml.

should be the keystore password (and if that has not been specified, the same pwd as is used for tomcat) should most likely be .../baltrad/etc/bltnode-keys but if you have specified --keystore=, then it is pth. A couple of new optional arguments has been added to the installer: * keystoredn= * keystorepwd= * tomcatsecureport= * tomcatfwdports=, It is recommended that you read and understand the usage of these attributes. A file called setup_apache_for_redirect.txt has also been added to the installer and atempts to explain how to configure apache for beeing able to use proxying. Changes from 1.6.1-ec1 to 1.7 node-installer: * Ticket 282: Adapt node-installer to BaltradDex build !#451 BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 281: Implement HTTPS support, * Ticket 278: Stack-trace when clicking on Home->Browse files->details * Ticket 280: Incorrect input stream processing in PostKeyServlet * Ticket 277: Authenticate key in post key request * Ticket 269: IP from user logins should be logged, preferably in a security log, * Ticket 274: Radar Berlevag is missing * Ticket 276: Adjust DEX db upgrade script * Ticket 275: Upgrade DEX GUI ## Release date: 2013-04-17 The 1.6.1 release contains a number of debug messages that have got a too high presentation level which causes a lot of unnecessary messages being shown in the DEX-system messages log. Changes from 1.6.1 to 1.6.1-ec1 BALTRAD-DEX: * Changed ## Release date: 2013-04-15 This is a maintenance release with a number of bug corrections. Changes from 1.6 to 1.6.1 BEAST: * Ticket 256: When an exception occurs in a timeout it might terminate timeout scheduler BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 49: lvrix files in dex preview seems rotated by ~90 deg. * Ticket 251: Automate key exchange - add missing test cases * Ticket 255: Broken "file details" page * Ticket 262: Don't validate node name length * Ticket 263: User admin can't change password * Ticket 264: Rename private/public key folders when node name is modified ## Release date: 2013-03-12 This is a major release that will affect the nodes quite heavily. This release requires a fresh database installation *(use --reinstalldb)* which will cause all your previous settings to disappear. These database changes are due to the revamp of DEX and the communication protocol between the nodes. As you can imagine, this will effectively render this release unable to communicate with earlier releases of the baltrad software. We are sorry for the inconvenience this will cause you but it will hopefully make the data exchange more robust.. Another thing that has been included in this software release is a supervisor. Please refer to the dex user documentation for more information about this feature. Changes from 1.5 to 1.6 node-installer: * Ticket 173: Don't use file. * Ticket 199: Local node settings changed to default. * Ticket 242: Add possibility to do a post installation configuration * Ticket 235: Adapt node-installer to renamed DEX properties file HLHDF: * No changes BALTRAD-DB: * No changes BEAST: * Ticket 191: enable PMAX composite generation from composite route * Ticket 221: Add supervising features * Ticket 226: Add possibility to use supervisor for querying for product in bdb * Ticket 228: Add MAX algorithm to the composite route BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 111: configure data sources - removal of a recipient user does not stop data from being sent, * Ticket 185: Normalize DEX db schema * Ticket 188: Simplify configuration of new radars * Ticket 191: enable PMAX composite generation from composite route, Ticket 228: Add MAX algorithm to the composite route * Ticket 201: Status 500 when trying to view a volume route * Ticket 215: Adapt documentation to build #391 * Ticket 217: Implement proper equals() and hashCode() methods for compared objects * Ticket 218: Implement proper equals() and hashCode() methods for compared objects * Ticket 221: Add supervising features, Ticket 184: In 'List of routes' error, when try to view route * Ticket 222: Inject files into DEX does not work * Ticket 226: Add possibility to use supervisor for querying for product in bdb * Ticket 234: Set charset explicitly while parsing string entity * Ticket 236: Node settings changed in 3 pages, but 4 page remained polish * Ticket 239: Http element charset not set in HttpClient * Ticket 240: Local peer account not created * Ticket 241: Peer data sources not stored locally * Ticket 243: No information on upload status * Ticket 244: Local and peer data sources not distinguished * Ticket 245: Delete peer data sources when removing downloads * Ticket 249: Simplify subscription object, remove dex_nodes table, add transactions * Ticket 250: ignore object id fields while converting to JSON * Ticket 251: Automate key exchange * Ticket 253: Not possible to start DEX RAVE: * Ticket 216: acrr never sets undetect value * Ticket 191: enable PMAX composite generation from composite route * Ticket 220: minor odds and ends * Ticket 224: Adapt rave to use new way to communicate with DEX * Ticket 227: Add MAX algorithm to the composite * Ticket 246: Improvements to dealiasing * Ticket 254: Add hit-accumulation clutter management RAVE-GMAP: * No changes BROPO: * No changes BBUFR: * No changes BEAMB: * No changes This release is identical to 1.5-beta except for a tidied-up INSTALL file. ## Release date: 2012-12-31 Please note the advisory on ODIM sources from the previous release (see below). ## Release date: 2012-12-21 Changes from 1.5-alpha1 to 1.5-beta: node-installer: Changed but no tickets resolved HLHDF: No changes BALTRAD-DB: No changes BEAST: No changes BALTRAD-DEX: No changes RAVE: * Ticket 208: radvol Makefile issues * Ticket 153: command-line binary for PoO * Ticket 207: add Odyssey QC routines * Ticket 206: Add RADVOL * Ticket 196: add dealiased wind algorithm RAVE-GMAP: * Ticket 210: copy-paste error with pover in radar.js BROPO: No changes BBUFR: No changes BEAMB: * Ticket 186: add two-way correction * Ticket 209: add E140S10 tile config * Ticket 150: write a command-line binary *Important*: the ODIM source definitions have been updated, and updating your node with them must be done manually according to . This is not mandatory, but it is advisable. News: the RAVE product generation framework server has now been made much more efficient and scalable with the help of Python's multiprocessing module. It now processes jobs with a pool of asynchronous worker processes. The default number of workers in the pool (4) can be changed with the PGFs variable in the Lib/ file. Release date: 2012-11-15 Changes from 1.2.1-ec2 to 1.5-alpha1 node-installer: Changed but no tickets resolved HLHDF: No changes BALTRAD-DB: No changes BEAST: No changes BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 183: Upgrade trimmer functions * Ticket 182: DEX should handle database connection errors and BDB service outages * Ticket 179: Server should answer with 401 status (unauthorized) in case when client's public key is missing * Ticket 177: make "doc" ant target independent from other targets in the build script * Ticket 33: user can't change his password * Ticket 52: Add possibility to search the system messages RAVE: * Ticket 2: multiple server instances * Ticket 193: one-liner in pgf composite generator * Ticket 190: pooscan == NULL (temporary) * Ticket 175: update odim_source.xml * Ticket 174: rename transform to toolbox * Ticket 158: VerticalProfile: Prevent levels to be set when fields already have been added * Ticket 157: Add Vertical Profile support RAVE-GMAP: * Ticket 180: add display of more quality-indicator fields BROPO: No changes BBUFR: No changes BEAMB: No changes This is an emergency correction. ## Release date: 2012-10-02 Changes from 1.2.1-ec1 to 1.2.1-ec2 BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 167: No system messages * Ticket 166: Temp files never removed * Ticket 170: Upload status page displays only one peer user * Ticket 163: Update documentation to cover default admin password issue * Ticket 165: Wrong entry condition to data delivery loop * Ticket 159: Caught exception in HandleFrameTask * Ticket 164: DEX db upgrade script fails when installing with node-installer * Ticket 160: Settings are changed to Poland node * Ticket 162: Registry manager fails to store registry entry * Ticket 156: Use JDBCTemplate in FileObjectManager * Ticket 155: Use JDBCTemplate in NodeConnectionManager This is an emergency correction. ## Release date: 2012-09-03 Changes from 1.2.1 to 1.2.1-ec1 BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 151: Use JDBCTemplate in LogManager * Ticket 152: Data sources configuration page unavailable This is a bug fix release. ## Release date: 2012-08-30 Changes from 1.2 node-installer: * Ticket 143: Add install howtos to installation package * Ticket 142: beast pgf should use the generated file * Ticket 137: baltrad-bdb-server fails to start due to missing http.cookies * Ticket 133: adapt node-installer to DEX build #339 BEAST: * Ticket 139: beast pgf should be able to communicate with dex BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 110: configure data sources - select users pane is not intuitive and user friendly. * Ticket 131: Create documentation for BaltradDex * Ticket 130: Incorrect encoding of diacritic signs RAVE: * Ticket 140: Convert polar scan parameter from float64 to uint8 BROPO: * Ticket 13: Wrap-around issues at 360-0° * Ticket 132: ropo --lookup=True doesn't work ## Release date: 2012-06-29 Planned release ## Release date: 2012-06-21 Changes from 1.2-beta1 BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 120: Enable password encoding for spring-security form login * Ticket 117: Error when in Home i press Browse files and next press on Details * Ticket 113: Use spring security package RAVE: * Ticket 122: Use of not possible without setting some build flags manually * Ticket 121: Add possibility to configure rave with java-support One major change is that you now have a hopefully more efficient bdb server. It is based on cherrypy and can be activated / configured in the configuration file. Upon upgrade / installation the server type will be changed to cherrypy so no extra work should be necessary. If you want to use the old server variant, just change and set server type to werkzeug again. * baltrad.bdb.server.type = werkzeug Release date: 2012-06-04 Changes from 1.1.3 node-installer: * Ticket 37: can't find lockfile when installing from scratch * Ticket 45: server: serve more efficiently HLHDF: * No changes BALTRAD-DB: * Ticket 9: allow specifying more than two node levels for attributes * Ticket 45: server: serve more efficiently BEAST: * No changes BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 107: Improve error diagnostics and message logging RAVE: * Ticket 109: Implement accumulation ACRR RAVE-GMAP: * No changes BROPO: * No changes BBUFR: * No changes BEAMB: * No changes This is a maintenance release. ## Release date: 2012-05-23 Changes from 1.1.2 node-installer: * Ticket 104: user .pydistutils.cfg may interfere with the installation * Ticket 106: Unsupported machine type: i686 * Ticket 102: error with node-installer (STANDALONE_RAVE -> BDB_URI) * Ticket 29: rotate logs HLHDF: * No changes BALTRAD-DB: * No changes BEAST: * No changes BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 98: In 'Distribution route' 'Name template' do not work RAVE: * Ticket 103: Add support for BltCommandMessage RAVE-GMAP: * No changes BROPO: * No changes BBUFR: * No changes BEAMB: * No changes We have added so that you now should be able to install parts of the system separately. This can be specified as --subsystems=[,]* where can be one of: * RAVE = RAVE PGF * STANDALONE_RAVE = RAVE without BDB-connection * BDB = Standalone BDB * DEX = Standalone DEX If you specify --subsystems=RAVE or --subsystems=DEX without also specifying BDB, then you will have to specify --bdb-uri=... as well. The other thing that has been changed and needs to be tested a bit more careful is that we now are sending UUIDs instead of absolute file paths when generating volumes, composites and google map images. If you still are using the google map scripts they should be backward compatible. It might be a good idea to test that everything works properly before deploying it to the production environment since it only has been tested locally without any major load. Also, if you experience any drastic changes in performance please let us know. ## Release date: 2012-04-25 Changes from 1.1.1 node-installer: * Ticket 15: option to install stand-alone RAVE with its deps * Ticket 80: Add libpq-dev as pre requirement package for ubuntu. * Ticket 81: Add freetype2 as optional requirement for installation * Ticket 82: Change BltGenerateMessage from composite rule to send uuids instead of files * Ticket 83: Change BltGenerateMessage from volume rule to send uuids instead of file * Ticket 84: bdb installs bdbclient and bdbcommon in a virtual environment * Ticket 88: Change BltGenerateMessage from google map rule to send uuids instead of file * Ticket 89: Add possibility to install DEX separately * Ticket 94: Add description about ubuntu 11.10 encryption problems * Ticket 93: baltrad-bdb-client installed at wrong place HLHDF: * No changes BALTRAD-DB: * Ticket 18: enable configuring logging for bdb-server BEAST: * Ticket 38: use special attributes from _bdb group in BDB queries * Ticket 82: Change BltGenerateMessage from composite rule to send uuids instead of files * Ticket 83: Change BltGenerateMessage from volume rule to send uuids instead of file * Ticket 86: RuleUtilities uses deprecated method call getSources * Ticket 88: Change BltGenerateMessage from google map rule to send uuids instead of file BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 85: Change volume rule timeout description from milliseconds to seconds * Ticket 95: use special attributes from _bdb group in BDB queries RAVE: * Ticket 82: Change BltGenerateMessage from composite rule to send uuids instead of files * Ticket 83: Change BltGenerateMessage from volume rule to send uuids instead of file * Ticket 87: Add possibility to get a stored file from bdb RAVE-GMAP: * Ticket 88: Change BltGenerateMessage from google map rule to send uuids instead of file BROPO: * No changes BBUFR: * No changes BEAMB: * No changes This release contains a predefined rule for generating google map images from composites so please verify that it is doing the same thing that the previous groovy rule. Other than that, this is a maintenance release. ## Release date: 2012-04-11 Changes from 1.1.0 node-installer: * Ticket 60: Incorrect information... * Ticket 68: node name mess * Ticket 30: make google map rule a proper rule HLHDF: * No changes BALTRAD-DB: * Ticket 79: Add integration tests for python-client to server communication * Ticket 78: python client api update source not working * Ticket 301: Update & Add Source not working properly * Ticket 42: java-client: deprecate source management through Database interface * Ticket 56: what/source:PLC identifier invalid when contains diacritics * Ticket 57: Request to introduce q.setDistinct() functionality BEAST: * Ticket 30: make google map rule a proper rule * Ticket 59: Convert to easymock 3 usage for testing BALTRAD-DEX: * Ticket 74: Composite timeout help invalid * Ticket 30: make google map rule a proper rule * Ticket 880: user can't download files * Ticket 819: data sources with no users * Ticket 915: Save settings with empty address gives jsp error * Ticket 63: Empty rows before data sorce description * Ticket 66: Certificates option disappear after Connections option is used * Ticket 292: data download link exposes full path * Ticket 722: don't issue direct statements against bdb db RAVE: * No changes RAVE-GMAP: * Ticket 73: GmapCreator uses erroneous default whatgroup * Ticket 30: make google map rule a proper rule BROPO: * No changes BBUFR: * No changes BEAMB: * No changes ## Release date: 2012-03-21 Changes from 1.0.7 node-installer: * Ticket 55: add 1.1.0 to releases.dox * Ticket 54: Not possible to specify --warfile * Ticket 825: Conflicting pgsql-devel packages * Ticket 913: add python progressbar as dependency * Ticket 946: setup script does not print argument causing failure * Ticket 910: add sqlalchemy-migrate as a dependency * Ticket 863: Can download a tarball, but also need git. * Ticket 874: make generated private keys only readable by owning user * Ticket 943: tomcatpwd argument handled improperly * Ticket 940: v1.0.7 fails on deploy * Ticket 941: cosmetic glitches in ./setup --help * Ticket 918: allow specifying database host by name HLHDF: * Ticket 917: Make configuration script not enforcing static libz BALTRAD-DB: * Ticket 948: FileCache does not seem to remove files properly * Ticket 916: server: enable storing/retrieving filters * Ticket 921: server: split source management from Database interface * Ticket 922: server: always access source attributes through the same column * Ticket 920: python-client: enable specifying source attribute for da_stats command * Ticket 907: server: store /what/source elements in a separate table * Ticket 919: server: index bdb_nodes(path, name) * Ticket 909: server: store path in bdb_nodes * Ticket 908: server: rename bdb_attribute_value columns * Ticket 906: server: use sqlalchemy-migrate to manage sqlalchemy backend schema * Ticket 376: python-client: add command to print data availability statistics BEAST: * Ticket 939: Problems encountered in Groovy script /opt/baltrad/beast/examples/GenerateGmapPng.groovy * Ticket 856: BltAdaptorManager tries to send null messages BALTRAD-DEX: * No changes RAVE: * Ticket 48: n2b: ERROR elangle * Ticket 53: make expects that is available during clean/distclean * Ticket 937: Defining a Cartesian area - area created, but composites not generated * Ticket 947: etc directory not created during installation * Ticket 942: rave_defines not updated during install * Ticket 6: Use std configure/make/make install * Ticket 6: Use std configure/make/make install * Ticket 932: detection_range should get the gain/undetect updated to correspond to 0-1 * Ticket 931: fillGap only working for default parameter in cartesian * Ticket 928: add pseudo-MAX polar-to-cartesian selection * Ticket 651: double how/nodes entry * Ticket 891: composite several parameters at once RAVE-GMAP: * No changes BROPO: * No changes BBUFR: * No changes BEAMB: * No changes BALTRAD-DB: * Ticket 901: java-client: enable fine-grained matching for /_bdb/source in Oh5MetadataMatcher * Ticket 905: server: properly map plain attributes to their value columns * Ticket 903: server: properly store boolean values * Ticket 904: java-client: update defaultAttributes.xml to contain attributes from _bdb group * Ticket 896: server: add interval expression (and handling) * Ticket 898: python-common: exclude high value from between expression * Ticket 897: server: enable using special attributes from _bdb group in queries * Ticket 894: python-client: enable executing attribute queries * Ticket 869: server: enable determining supported authentication types BEAST: * Ticket 899: use special attributes from _bdb group in BDB queries RAVE: * Ticket 892: add distance as quality field in composite BEAMB: * Ticket 879: add default radar height We are heading for 1.2 to be released in 30th of june 2012 and will come back with further information about release plan and contents. You can find the latest software here [The baltrad git repository]( - Baltrad git repository