hlhdf_read.h File Reference

Functions that should be used when reading a HDF5 file. More...

#include "hlhdf_types.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


HL_NodeListHLNodeList_readFrom (const char *filename, const char *fromPath)
 Reads an HDF5 file with name filename from the group fromPath and downwards.
HL_NodeListHLNodeList_read (const char *filename)
 Reads an HDF5 file with name filename from the root group ("/") and downwards.
int HLNodeList_selectNode (HL_NodeList *nodelist, const char *name)
 Selects the node named 'name' from which to fetch data.
int HLNodeList_selectAllNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Marks all nodes in the nodelist for retrival.
int HLNodeList_selectMetadataNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Selects all metadata nodes in the nodelist to be fetched, ie.
int HLNodeList_selectAllMetadataNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Selects all metadata including metadata about datasets but will exclude data for datasets.
int HLNodeList_selectOnlyDatasetNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Only select data set nodes for fetching.
int HLNodeList_deselectNode (HL_NodeList *nodelist, const char *name)
 De-selects the node named 'name' to be retrived when fetching data from the nodelist file.
int HLNodeList_fetchMarkedNodes (HL_NodeList *nodelist)
 Fills all nodes (marked as select) with data.
HL_NodeHLNodeList_fetchNode (HL_NodeList *nodelist, const char *name)
 Behaves as a combination of HLNodeList_selectNode()/fetch()/getNode().

Detailed Description

Functions that should be used when reading a HDF5 file.

Anders Henja (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI)