368 int surroundingScans,
369 int surroundingRangeBins,
390 int startNavInfoIndex);
Defines the functions available when working with polar scans.
struct _PolarScan_t PolarScan_t
Defines a Polar Scan.
Definition polarscan.h:41
RaveCoreObjectType PolarVolume_TYPE
Type definition to use when creating a rave object.
Definition polarvolume.c:1409
const char * PolarVolume_getSource(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the source.
Definition polarvolume.c:360
int PolarVolume_useAzimuthalNavInformation(PolarVolume_t *self)
Returns if the azimuthal nav information should be used or not.
Definition polarvolume.c:1367
const char * PolarVolume_getTime(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the nominal time.
Definition polarvolume.c:322
double PolarVolume_getBeamwV(PolarVolume_t *self)
Returns the vertical beamwidth.
Definition polarvolume.c:454
void PolarVolume_setHeight(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double height)
Sets the height for the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:390
RaveField_t * PolarVolume_getHeightField(PolarVolume_t *self)
Gets the height field for self.
Definition polarvolume.c:1283
void PolarVolume_removeAttribute(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *attrname)
Removes a rave attribute from the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:1088
double PolarVolume_getBeamwH(PolarVolume_t *self)
Returns the horizontal beamwidth.
Definition polarvolume.c:435
Projection_t * PolarVolume_getProjection(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns a copy of the projection that is used for this polar volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:524
PolarObservation * PolarVolume_getCorrectedValuesAtHeight(PolarVolume_t *self, double height, double gap, int *nobservations)
Returns all observations at the specified height inside the specified gap.
Definition polarvolume.c:1288
struct _PolarVolume_t PolarVolume_t
Defines a Polar Volume.
Definition polarvolume.h:37
int PolarVolume_isAscendingScans(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Verifies that the scans are sorted in ascending order.
Definition polarvolume.c:1005
int PolarVolume_setDate(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *value)
Sets the nominal date.
Definition polarvolume.c:328
double PolarVolume_getHeight(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the height for the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:396
PolarScan_t * PolarVolume_getScan(PolarVolume_t *pvol, int index)
Returns the scan at given index.
Definition polarvolume.c:567
int PolarVolume_isValid(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Validates the volume regarding storage.
Definition polarvolume.c:1143
double PolarVolume_getBeamwidth(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the beam width for the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:416
int PolarVolume_getNearestNavigationInfo(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double lon, double lat, double height, int insidee, PolarNavigationInfo *navinfo)
Returns the navigation nearest to specified lon/lat/height.
Definition polarvolume.c:817
RaveValueType PolarVolume_getConvertedParameterValueAt(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *quantity, int ei, int ri, int ai, double *v)
Returns the converted parameter value at the specified location.
Definition polarvolume.c:801
void PolarVolume_setUseAzimuthalNavInformation(PolarVolume_t *self, int v)
Utility function for setting all scans in this volume to use or not use azimuthal navigation.
Definition polarvolume.c:1352
PolarScan_t * PolarVolume_getScanClosestToElevation(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double e, int inside)
Returns the scan with elevation closest to the specified elevation.
Definition polarvolume.c:592
int PolarVolume_getSurroundingNavigationInfos(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double lon, double lat, double height, int insidee, int surroundingScans, int surroundingRangeBins, int surroundingRays, PolarNavigationInfo navinfos[])
Returns the navigation info structures representing positions closest surrounding the specfied lon/la...
Definition polarvolume.c:850
int PolarVolume_isTransformable(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Verifies that all preconditions are met in order to perform a transformation.
Definition polarvolume.c:1026
void PolarVolume_setProjection(PolarVolume_t *pvol, Projection_t *projection)
Sets the projection for this polar volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:507
double PolarVolume_getMaxDistance(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the maximum distance (at ground level) that this volume will cover.
Definition polarvolume.c:466
int PolarVolume_setSource(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *value)
Sets the source.
Definition polarvolume.c:340
int PolarVolume_getNumberOfScans(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the number of scans.
Definition polarvolume.c:573
void PolarVolume_setLongitude(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double lon)
Sets the longitude for the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:366
int PolarVolume_setDefaultParameter(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *quantity)
Sets the default parameter that should be used when operating on this volume unless the parameter (qu...
Definition polarvolume.c:964
int PolarVolume_addAttributeVersion(PolarVolume_t *pvol, RaveAttribute_t *attribute, RaveIO_ODIM_Version version)
Adds a rave attribute to the volume using version as well.
Definition polarvolume.c:1044
RaveList_t * PolarVolume_getAttributeNamesVersion(PolarVolume_t *pvol, RaveIO_ODIM_Version version)
Returns a list of attribute names for specified version.
Definition polarvolume.c:1119
PolarScan_t * PolarVolume_findScanWithQualityFieldByHowTask(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *howtaskvalue, const char *quantity)
Locates a scan with a quality field that has a how/task value == howtaskvalue.
Definition polarvolume.c:1174
PolarNavigationInfo * PolarVolume_getVerticalLonLatNavigationInfo(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double lon, double lat, int *nrNavInfo)
Returns an array of navigation info for all scans at the specified lon/lat.
Definition polarvolume.c:658
int PolarVolume_getQualityValueAt(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *quantity, int ei, int ri, int ai, const char *name, int convert, double *v)
Returns the quality value for the quality field that has a name matching the how/task attribute for t...
Definition polarvolume.c:951
PolarScan_t * PolarVolume_getScanWithMaxDistance(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the scan with the highest distance coverage (at ground level).
Definition polarvolume.c:484
void PolarVolume_setLatitude(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double lat)
Sets the latitude for the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:378
int PolarVolume_setTime(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *value)
Sets the nominal time.
Definition polarvolume.c:316
const char * PolarVolume_getDate(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the nominal date.
Definition polarvolume.c:334
double PolarVolume_getDistance(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double lon, double lat)
Returns the distance from the radar to the specified lon/lat coordinate pair.
Definition polarvolume.c:460
RaveValueType PolarVolume_getNearestConvertedParameterValue(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *quantity, double lon, double lat, double height, int insidee, double *v, PolarNavigationInfo *navinfo)
Fetches the nearest converted parameter value for the specified position.
Definition polarvolume.c:927
RaveValueType PolarVolume_getConvertedVerticalMaxValue(PolarVolume_t *self, const char *quantity, double lon, double lat, double *v, PolarNavigationInfo *navinfo)
Returns the vertical max value at the specified lon/lat coordinate.
Definition polarvolume.c:750
void PolarVolume_setBeamwV(PolarVolume_t *self, double beamwidth)
Sets the vertical beamwidth.
Definition polarvolume.c:441
int PolarVolume_addScan(PolarVolume_t *pvol, PolarScan_t *scan)
Adds a scan to the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:533
void PolarVolume_setBeamwH(PolarVolume_t *self, double beamwidth)
Sets the horizontal beamwidth.
Definition polarvolume.c:422
RaveObjectList_t * PolarVolume_getAttributeValuesVersion(PolarVolume_t *pvol, RaveIO_ODIM_Version version)
Returns a list of attribute values in specified version for attributes that has been set in this volu...
Definition polarvolume.c:1137
int PolarVolume_addAttribute(PolarVolume_t *pvol, RaveAttribute_t *attribute)
Adds a rave attribute to the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:1038
double PolarVolume_getLatitude(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the latitude for the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:384
void PolarVolume_addEiForNavInfos(PolarVolume_t *pvol, PolarScan_t *scan, PolarNavigationInfo navinfos[], int noofNavinfos, int startNavInfoIndex)
Adds elevation angle index information to a list of navigation info structures, based on an input sca...
Definition polarvolume.c:908
int PolarVolume_hasAttribute(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *name)
Returns if the volume has the specified attribute or not.
Definition polarvolume.c:1125
void PolarVolume_sortByElevations(PolarVolume_t *pvol, int ascending)
Arranges the scans in either ascending or descending elevation.
Definition polarvolume.c:994
void PolarVolume_setBeamwidth(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double bw)
Sets the beamwidth for the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:402
RaveAttribute_t * PolarVolume_getAttribute(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *name)
Returns the rave attribute that is named accordingly.
Definition polarvolume.c:1072
int PolarVolume_removeParametersExcept(PolarVolume_t *self, RaveList_t *parameters)
Removes all parameters from all scans belongning to this volume except the ones specified in paramete...
Definition polarvolume.c:1387
int PolarVolume_removeScan(PolarVolume_t *pvol, int index)
Removes the scan at specified index.
Definition polarvolume.c:579
RaveValueType PolarVolume_getNearestParameterValue(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *quantity, double lon, double lat, double height, int insidee, double *v)
Fetches the nearest parameter value for the specified position.
Definition polarvolume.c:725
int PolarVolume_indexOf(PolarVolume_t *pvol, PolarScan_t *scan)
Returns the index in the list of scans of the specified scan.
Definition polarvolume.c:626
RaveAttribute_t * PolarVolume_getAttributeVersion(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *name, RaveIO_ODIM_Version version)
Returns the rave attribute that is named accordingly for specified version.
Definition polarvolume.c:1078
double PolarVolume_getLongitude(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the longitude for the volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:372
void PolarVolume_getLonLatNavigationInfo(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double lon, double lat, double height, PolarNavigationInfo *info)
Returns the navigation information that is the result from finding the lon/lat-coordinate at the spec...
Definition polarvolume.c:636
RaveValueType PolarVolume_getNearest(PolarVolume_t *pvol, double lon, double lat, double height, int insidee, double *v)
Fetches the value nearest to the specified position.
Definition polarvolume.c:701
RaveObjectList_t * PolarVolume_getAttributeValues(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns a list of attribute values that should be stored for this volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:1131
RaveField_t * PolarVolume_getDistanceField(PolarVolume_t *self)
Gets the distance field for self.
Definition polarvolume.c:1278
PolarScan_t * PolarVolume_findAnyScanWithQualityFieldByHowTask(PolarVolume_t *pvol, const char *howtaskvalue)
Basically the same as PolarVolume_findScanWithQualityFieldByHowTask with the exception that all param...
Definition polarvolume.c:1194
const char * PolarVolume_getDefaultParameter(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns the currently specified default parameter name.
Definition polarvolume.c:988
RaveList_t * PolarVolume_getAttributeNames(PolarVolume_t *pvol)
Returns a list of attribute names.
Definition polarvolume.c:1113
struct _Projection_t Projection_t
Defines a transformer.
Definition projection.h:35
struct _RaveAttribute_t RaveAttribute_t
Defines a rave attribute.
Definition rave_attribute.h:44
struct _RaveField_t RaveField_t
Defines a Rave field.
Definition rave_field.h:38
struct _RaveList_t RaveList_t
Defines a list.
Definition rave_list.h:33
Generic implementation of an object that is used within rave.
struct _raveobjecttype RaveCoreObjectType
The rave object type definition.
The /Conventions version in a ODIM HDF5 file.
Definition rave_types.h:43
Different value types.
Definition rave_types.h:72
Implementation of a rave object list that ensures that the objects contained within the list are rele...
struct _RaveObjectList_t RaveObjectList_t
Defines a list.
Definition raveobject_list.h:38
Provides user with navigation information.
Definition rave_types.h:160
Definition rave_types.h:180
Represents a volume.
Definition polarvolume.c:51
RAVE_OBJECT_HEAD Projection_t * projection
Always on top.
Definition polarvolume.c:53