Defines the functions available when working with polar scans. More...
#include "polarnav.h"
#include "projection.h"
#include "polarscanparam.h"
#include "rave_object.h"
#include "rave_types.h"
#include "rave_list.h"
#include "raveobject_list.h"
#include "rave_field.h"
#include "rave_legend.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Typedefs | |
typedef struct _PolarScan_t | PolarScan_t |
Defines a Polar Scan. | |
typedef enum PolarScanSelectionMethod_t | PolarScanSelectionMethod_t |
Enum defining how a an integer value should be selected from a float type-value. | |
Enumerations | |
enum | PolarScanSelectionMethod_t { PolarScanSelectionMethod_ROUND = 0 , PolarScanSelectionMethod_FLOOR , PolarScanSelectionMethod_CEIL } |
Enum defining how a an integer value should be selected from a float type-value. More... | |
Functions | |
void | PolarScan_setNavigator (PolarScan_t *scan, PolarNavigator_t *navigator) |
Sets a navigator for the polar scan, this is preferrable to use when this scan is included in a volume since the settings will be identical for all scans included in the volume. | |
PolarNavigator_t * | PolarScan_getNavigator (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the navigator that is used for this scan. | |
void | PolarScan_setProjection (PolarScan_t *scan, Projection_t *projection) |
Sets the projection to be used for this scan. | |
Projection_t * | PolarScan_getProjection (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the current projection for this scan. | |
int | PolarScan_setTime (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Sets the nominal time. | |
const char * | PolarScan_getTime (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the nominal time. | |
int | PolarScan_setStartTime (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Sets the start time. | |
const char * | PolarScan_getStartTime (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the start time. | |
int | PolarScan_setEndTime (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Sets the end time. | |
const char * | PolarScan_getEndTime (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the end time. | |
int | PolarScan_setDate (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Sets the nominal date. | |
const char * | PolarScan_getDate (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the nominal date. | |
int | PolarScan_setStartDate (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Sets the start date. | |
const char * | PolarScan_getStartDate (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the start date. | |
int | PolarScan_setEndDate (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Sets the end date. | |
const char * | PolarScan_getEndDate (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the end date. | |
int | PolarScan_setSource (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Sets the source. | |
const char * | PolarScan_getSource (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the source. | |
void | PolarScan_setLongitude (PolarScan_t *scan, double lon) |
Sets the longitude. | |
double | PolarScan_getLongitude (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the longitude. | |
void | PolarScan_setLatitude (PolarScan_t *scan, double lat) |
Sets the latitude. | |
double | PolarScan_getLatitude (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the latitude. | |
void | PolarScan_setHeight (PolarScan_t *scan, double height) |
Sets the height. | |
double | PolarScan_getHeight (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the height. | |
double | PolarScan_getDistance (PolarScan_t *scan, double lon, double lat) |
Returns the distance from the radar to the specified lon/lat coordinate pair. | |
double | PolarScan_getMaxDistance (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the maximum distance (at ground level) that this scan will cover. | |
void | PolarScan_setElangle (PolarScan_t *scan, double elangle) |
Sets the elevation angle for the scan. | |
double | PolarScan_getElangle (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the elevation angle for the scan. | |
long | PolarScan_getNbins (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the number of bins. | |
void | PolarScan_setRscale (PolarScan_t *scan, double rscale) |
Sets the range scale for the scan. | |
double | PolarScan_getRscale (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the range bin scale for the scan. | |
long | PolarScan_getNrays (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the number of rays/scan. | |
void | PolarScan_setRstart (PolarScan_t *scan, double rstart) |
Sets the ray start for the scan. | |
double | PolarScan_getRstart (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the ray start for the scan. | |
RaveDataType | PolarScan_getDataType (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the data type. | |
void | PolarScan_setA1gate (PolarScan_t *scan, long a1gate) |
Sets the a1gate. | |
long | PolarScan_getA1gate (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the a1gate. | |
void | PolarScan_setBeamwidth (PolarScan_t *scan, double beamwidth) |
Sets the horizontal beamwidth (same as PolarScan_setBeamwH). | |
double | PolarScan_getBeamwidth (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the horizontal beamwidth (same as PolarScan_getBeamwH). | |
void | PolarScan_setBeamwH (PolarScan_t *scan, double beamwidth) |
Sets the horizontal beamwidth. | |
double | PolarScan_getBeamwH (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the horizontal beamwidth. | |
void | PolarScan_setBeamwV (PolarScan_t *scan, double beamwidth) |
Sets the vertical beamwidth. | |
double | PolarScan_getBeamwV (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the vertical beamwidth. | |
int | PolarScan_setDefaultParameter (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity) |
Sets the default parameter for this scan. | |
const char * | PolarScan_getDefaultParameter (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the currently specified default parameter name. | |
int | PolarScan_addParameter (PolarScan_t *scan, PolarScanParam_t *parameter) |
Adds a parameter to the polar scan. | |
PolarScanParam_t * | PolarScan_removeParameter (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity) |
Removes (and returns) the parameter that is specified by the quantity. | |
int | PolarScan_removeAllParameters (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Removes all parameters that are in the scan as well as dereferencing the default parameter. | |
PolarScanParam_t * | PolarScan_getParameter (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity) |
Returns the parameter that is specified by the quantity. | |
RaveObjectList_t * | PolarScan_getParameters (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns all parameters belonging to this scan. | |
int | PolarScan_hasParameter (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity) |
Returns if the scan contains the specified parameter or not. | |
RaveList_t * | PolarScan_getParameterNames (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns this scans parameter names. | |
int | PolarScan_addQualityField (PolarScan_t *scan, RaveField_t *field) |
Adds a quality field to this scan. | |
int | PolarScan_addOrReplaceQualityField (PolarScan_t *scan, RaveField_t *field) |
Adds or replaces a quality field. | |
RaveField_t * | PolarScan_getQualityField (PolarScan_t *scan, int index) |
Returns the quality field at the specified location. | |
int | PolarScan_getNumberOfQualityFields (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns the number of quality fields. | |
void | PolarScan_removeQualityField (PolarScan_t *scan, int index) |
Removes the quality field at the specified location. | |
void | PolarScan_removeQualityFieldByHowTask (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *qname) |
Removes the quality field with the specified how/task value. | |
RaveObjectList_t * | PolarScan_getQualityFields (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns all quality fields belonging to this scan. | |
RaveField_t * | PolarScan_getQualityFieldByHowTask (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Returns a quality field based on the value of how/task that should be a string. | |
RaveField_t * | PolarScan_findQualityFieldByHowTask (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value, const char *quantity) |
Atempts to locate a quality field with how/task = value. | |
RaveField_t * | PolarScan_findAnyQualityFieldByHowTask (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *value) |
Basically the same as PolarScan_findQualityFieldByHowTask with the exception that all quantities are searched until first occurance is found. | |
int | PolarScan_getRangeIndex (PolarScan_t *scan, double r, PolarScanSelectionMethod_t selectionMethod, int rangeMidpoint) |
Returns the range index for the specified range (in meters). | |
double | PolarScan_getRange (PolarScan_t *scan, int ri, int rangeMidpoint) |
Returns the range for the specified range index. | |
void | PolarScan_setUseAzimuthalNavInformation (PolarScan_t *self, int v) |
Sets if the azimuthal nav information (astart / startazA / stopazA) should be used when calculating azimuthal index. | |
int | PolarScan_useAzimuthalNavInformation (PolarScan_t *self) |
Returns if the azimuthal nav information should be used or not. | |
int | PolarScan_getNorthmostIndex (PolarScan_t *self) |
Returns the nothmost index by checking the occurance of startazA/stopazA and the index of the angle closest to north. | |
int | PolarScan_getRotationRequiredToNorthmost (PolarScan_t *self) |
Returns the rotation needed to to get the first ray in the scan to be the north most ray. | |
int | PolarScan_getAzimuthIndex (PolarScan_t *scan, double a, PolarScanSelectionMethod_t selectionMethod) |
Returns the azimuth index for the specified azimuth. | |
double | PolarScan_getAzimuth (PolarScan_t *scan, int ai) |
Returns the azimuth for the specified azimuth index. | |
int | PolarScan_setValue (PolarScan_t *scan, int bin, int ray, double v) |
Sets the value at the specified position. | |
int | PolarScan_setParameterValue (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity, int bin, int ray, double v) |
Sets the parameter value at the specified position. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getValue (PolarScan_t *scan, int bin, int ray, double *v) |
Returns the value at the specified index. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getParameterValue (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity, int bin, int ray, double *v) |
Returns the parameter value at the specified index. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getConvertedValue (PolarScan_t *scan, int bin, int ray, double *v) |
Returns the linear converted value at the specified index. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getConvertedParameterValue (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity, int bin, int ray, double *v) |
Returns the linear converted parameter value at the specified index. | |
int | PolarScan_getIndexFromAzimuthAndRange (PolarScan_t *scan, double a, double r, PolarScanSelectionMethod_t azimuthSelectionMethod, PolarScanSelectionMethod_t rangeSelectionMethod, int rangeMidpoint, int *ray, int *bin) |
Returns the bin and ray index from a specified azimuth and range. | |
int | PolarScan_getAzimuthAndRangeFromIndex (PolarScan_t *scan, int bin, int ray, double *a, double *r) |
Calculates the azimuth and range from bin and ray index. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getValueAtAzimuthAndRange (PolarScan_t *scan, double a, double r, int convert, double *v) |
Gets the value at the provided azimuth and range. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getParameterValueAtAzimuthAndRange (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity, double a, double r, double *v) |
Returns the parameter value at the specified azimuth and range. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getConvertedParameterValueAtAzimuthAndRange (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity, double a, double r, double *v) |
Returns the converted value at the specified azimuth and range. | |
void | PolarScan_getLonLatNavigationInfo (PolarScan_t *scan, double lon, double lat, PolarNavigationInfo *info) |
Returns the navigation information that is the result from finding the lon/lat-coordinate for this scan. | |
int | PolarScan_fillNavigationIndexFromAzimuthAndRange (PolarScan_t *scan, PolarScanSelectionMethod_t azimuthSelectionMethod, PolarScanSelectionMethod_t rangeSelectionMethod, int rangeMidpoint, PolarNavigationInfo *info) |
Calculates range and elevation index from the azimuth and range in the info object. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getNearest (PolarScan_t *scan, double lon, double lat, int convert, double *v) |
Returns the nearest value to the specified longitude, latitude. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getNearestParameterValue (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity, double lon, double lat, double *v) |
Returns the nearest parameter value to the specified longitude, latitude. | |
int | PolarScan_addSurroundingNavigationInfosForTarget (PolarScan_t *scan, PolarNavigationInfo *targetNavInfo, int surroundingRangeBins, int surroundingRays, int noofNavinfos, PolarNavigationInfo navinfos[]) |
Appends navigation info structs to array, based on a target navigation info struct and input parameters. | |
int | PolarScan_getSurroundingNavigationInfos (PolarScan_t *scan, double lon, double lat, int surroundingRangeBins, int surroundingRays, PolarNavigationInfo navinfos[]) |
Returns an array of surrounding navigation info structs for the specified lon/lat. | |
int | PolarScan_getNearestNavigationInfo (PolarScan_t *scan, double lon, double lat, PolarNavigationInfo *navinfo) |
Returns the navigation information for the specified lon/lat. | |
RaveValueType | PolarScan_getNearestConvertedParameterValue (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity, double lon, double lat, double *v, PolarNavigationInfo *navinfo) |
Returns the nearest converted parameter value to the specified longitude, latitude. | |
int | PolarScan_getNearestIndex (PolarScan_t *scan, double lon, double lat, int *bin, int *ray) |
Returns the nearest index to the specified long/lat pair. | |
int | PolarScan_getLonLatFromIndex (PolarScan_t *scan, int bin, int ray, double *lon, double *lat) |
Calculates the lon / lat from the index with the adjusted elevation angle. | |
int | PolarScan_getQualityValueAt (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *quantity, int ri, int ai, const char *name, int convert, double *v) |
Returns the quality value for the quality field that has a name matching the how/task attribute in the list of fields. | |
int | PolarScan_isTransformable (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Verifies that all preconditions are met in order to perform a transformation. | |
int | PolarScan_addAttribute (PolarScan_t *scan, RaveAttribute_t *attribute) |
Adds a rave attribute to the scan. | |
int | PolarScan_addAttributeVersion (PolarScan_t *scan, RaveAttribute_t *attribute, RaveIO_ODIM_Version version) |
Adds a rave attribute to the scan and specifies the odim version as well. | |
void | PolarScan_removeAttribute (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *attrname) |
Removes a rave attribute from the scan. | |
RaveAttribute_t * | PolarScan_getAttribute (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *name) |
Returns the rave attribute that is named accordingly. | |
RaveAttribute_t * | PolarScan_getAttributeVersion (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *name, RaveIO_ODIM_Version version) |
Returns the rave attribute that is named accordingly for specified version. | |
int | PolarScan_hasAttribute (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *name) |
Returns if the specified attribute exists. | |
RaveList_t * | PolarScan_getAttributeNames (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns a list of attribute names. | |
RaveList_t * | PolarScan_getAttributeNamesVersion (PolarScan_t *scan, RaveIO_ODIM_Version version) |
Returns a list of attribute names for specified version. | |
RaveObjectList_t * | PolarScan_getAttributeValues (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns a list of attribute values belonging to this scan. | |
RaveObjectList_t * | PolarScan_getAttributeValuesVersion (PolarScan_t *scan, RaveIO_ODIM_Version version) |
Returns a list of attribute values belonging to this scan for the specified version. | |
int | PolarScan_shiftAttribute (PolarScan_t *scan, const char *name, int nx) |
Performs a circular shift of an array attribute. | |
int | PolarScan_isValid (PolarScan_t *scan, Rave_ObjectType otype) |
Validates the scan can be seen to be valid regarding storage. | |
PolarScan_t * | PolarScan_createFromScanAndField (PolarScan_t *self, RaveField_t *field) |
Creates a new scan with settings from the scan and data is defined by the field. | |
RaveField_t * | PolarScan_getDistanceField (PolarScan_t *self) |
Gets the distance field for self. | |
RaveField_t * | PolarScan_getHeightField (PolarScan_t *self) |
Gets the height field for self. | |
int | PolarScan_shiftData (PolarScan_t *self, int nrays) |
Performs a circular shift of the datasets that are associated with this scan. | |
int | PolarScan_shiftDataAndAttributes (PolarScan_t *self, int nrays) |
Performs a circular shift of the datsets that are associated with the scan and also all attributes that are associated with the rays. | |
int | PolarScan_removeParametersExcept (PolarScan_t *scan, RaveList_t *parameters) |
Removes all parameters from a scan except the ones specified in parameters (list of strings) | |
void | PolarScanInternal_setPolarVolumeBeamwH (PolarScan_t *scan, double bw) |
Framework internal function for setting the beamwidth in a scan, used to indicate that the beamwidth comes from the polar volume. | |
void | PolarScanInternal_setPolarVolumeBeamwV (PolarScan_t *scan, double bw) |
Framework internal function for setting the beamwidth in a scan, used to indicate that the beamwidth comes from the polar volume. | |
int | PolarScanInternal_isPolarVolumeBeamwH (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns if the beamwidth comes from a volume or not. | |
int | PolarScanInternal_isPolarVolumeBeamwV (PolarScan_t *scan) |
Returns if the beamwidth comes from a volume or not. | |
Variables | |
RaveCoreObjectType | PolarScan_TYPE |
Type definition to use when creating a rave object. | |
Defines the functions available when working with polar scans.
This object supports RAVE_OBJECT_CLONE.
typedef struct _PolarScan_t PolarScan_t |
Defines a Polar Scan.
typedef enum PolarScanSelectionMethod_t PolarScanSelectionMethod_t |
Enum defining how a an integer value should be selected from a float type-value.
Enum defining how a an integer value should be selected from a float type-value.
int PolarScan_addAttribute | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
RaveAttribute_t * | attribute ) |
Adds a rave attribute to the scan.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | attribute | - the attribute |
int PolarScan_addAttributeVersion | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
RaveAttribute_t * | attribute, | ||
RaveIO_ODIM_Version | version ) |
Adds a rave attribute to the scan and specifies the odim version as well.
NOTE! This method is usually only used internally.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | attribute | - the attribute |
[in] | version | - the attribute version |
int PolarScan_addOrReplaceQualityField | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
RaveField_t * | field ) |
Adds or replaces a quality field.
The field is replaced if the field contains a how/task attribute and it already exists another quality field with the same how/task name.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | field | - the field to add or replace |
int PolarScan_addParameter | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
PolarScanParam_t * | parameter ) |
Adds a parameter to the polar scan.
Note, if there already exists a parameter with the same quantity, that parameter will be replaced by this. Also, several consistency checks will be performed to ensure that dimensions and similar are the same for all parameters that are added.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | parameter | - the parameter |
int PolarScan_addQualityField | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
RaveField_t * | field ) |
Adds a quality field to this scan.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | field | - the field to add |
int PolarScan_addSurroundingNavigationInfosForTarget | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
PolarNavigationInfo * | targetNavInfo, | ||
int | surroundingRangeBins, | ||
int | surroundingRays, | ||
int | noofNavinfos, | ||
PolarNavigationInfo | navinfos[] ) |
Appends navigation info structs to array, based on a target navigation info struct and input parameters.
The added navigation infos will represent positions surrounding the position of the target navigation info in range and azimuth dimensions. The parameters surroundingRangeBins and surroundingRays controls whether positions on both sides of the target shall be added, or only the closest.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | targetNavInfo | - the target navigation info |
[in] | surroundingRangeBins | - boolean indicating whether surrounding or only closest range bin shall be added. 0 for closest, surrounding otherwise. |
[in] | surroundingRays | - boolean indicating whether surrounding or only closest rays/azimuths shall be added. 0 for closest, surrounding otherwise. |
[in] | noofNavinfos | - no of valid elements in the navinfos array at function call |
[in,out] | navinfos | - array of navigation infos. will be updated with surrounding navigation infos |
PolarScan_t * PolarScan_createFromScanAndField | ( | PolarScan_t * | self, |
RaveField_t * | field ) |
Creates a new scan with settings from the scan and data is defined by the field.
Since the field does not necessarily define the quantity the default parameter will either be UNKNOWN or the how/quantity value from the field.
[in] | self | - self |
[in] | field | - the data field to use |
int PolarScan_fillNavigationIndexFromAzimuthAndRange | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
PolarScanSelectionMethod_t | azimuthSelectionMethod, | ||
PolarScanSelectionMethod_t | rangeSelectionMethod, | ||
int | rangeMidpoint, | ||
PolarNavigationInfo * | info ) |
Calculates range and elevation index from the azimuth and range in the info object.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | azimuthSelectionMethod | - defines how azimuth index shall be selected. 'ceiled', 'floored' or 'rounded' |
[in] | rangeSelectionMethod | - defines how range index shall be selected. 'ceiled', 'floored' or 'rounded' |
[in] | rangeMidpoint | - defines whether range should be calculated from range midpoints or from their starting points. 0 for using starting points and other values for midpoints. |
[in,out] | info | - Will use info.azimuth and info.range to calculate info.ai and info.ri |
RaveField_t * PolarScan_findAnyQualityFieldByHowTask | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Basically the same as PolarScan_findQualityFieldByHowTask with the exception that all quantities are searched until first occurance is found.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the how/task value |
RaveField_t * PolarScan_findQualityFieldByHowTask | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value, | ||
const char * | quantity ) |
Atempts to locate a quality field with how/task = value.
First it will check in the default parameter, then it will check the scan it self.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the how/task value |
[in] | quantity | - the parameter to search in. If NULL, then default parameter will be searched. |
long PolarScan_getA1gate | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the a1gate.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
RaveAttribute_t * PolarScan_getAttribute | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | name ) |
Returns the rave attribute that is named accordingly.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | name | - the name of the attribute |
RaveList_t * PolarScan_getAttributeNames | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns a list of attribute names.
Release with @ref RaveList_freeAndDestroy.
[in] | scan | - self |
RaveList_t * PolarScan_getAttributeNamesVersion | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
RaveIO_ODIM_Version | version ) |
Returns a list of attribute names for specified version.
Release with @ref RaveList_freeAndDestroy. NOTE! This method is usually only used internally.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | version | - the attribute version |
RaveObjectList_t * PolarScan_getAttributeValues | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns a list of attribute values belonging to this scan.
[in] | scan | - self |
RaveObjectList_t * PolarScan_getAttributeValuesVersion | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
RaveIO_ODIM_Version | version ) |
Returns a list of attribute values belonging to this scan for the specified version.
NOTE! This method is usually only used internally.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | version | - the attribute version |
RaveAttribute_t * PolarScan_getAttributeVersion | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | name, | ||
RaveIO_ODIM_Version | version ) |
Returns the rave attribute that is named accordingly for specified version.
NOTE! This method is usually only used internally.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | name | - the name of the attribute |
[in] | version | - the attribute version |
double PolarScan_getAzimuth | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | ai ) |
Returns the azimuth for the specified azimuth index.
If something goes wrong a negative value will be returned.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | ai | - azimuth index |
int PolarScan_getAzimuthAndRangeFromIndex | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | bin, | ||
int | ray, | ||
double * | a, | ||
double * | r ) |
Calculates the azimuth and range from bin and ray index.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | bin | - the bin index |
[in] | ray | - the ray index |
[out] | a | - azimuth |
[out] | r | - range |
int PolarScan_getAzimuthIndex | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | a, | ||
PolarScanSelectionMethod_t | selectionMethod ) |
Returns the azimuth index for the specified azimuth.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | a | - the azimuth (in radians) |
[in] | selectionMethod | - defines how azimuth index shall be selected. 'ceiled', 'floored' or 'rounded' |
Best first guess where we try to find the index closest directly. Since the angles always will increasing / decreasing we can test index before and after to see if we have found best fit immediately. If not we either search backward or forward and break when we are starting to get increased angles again.
double PolarScan_getBeamwH | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the horizontal beamwidth.
Default is 1.0 * M_PI/360.0.
[in] | scan | - the polar scan |
double PolarScan_getBeamwidth | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the horizontal beamwidth (same as PolarScan_getBeamwH).
Default is 1.0 * M_PI/360.0.
[in] | scan | - the polar scan |
double PolarScan_getBeamwV | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the vertical beamwidth.
Default is 1.0 * M_PI/360.0.
[in] | scan | - the polar scan |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getConvertedParameterValue | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity, | ||
int | bin, | ||
int | ray, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the linear converted parameter value at the specified index.
That is, offset + gain * value;
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | quantity | - the parameter (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
[in] | bin | - the bin index |
[in] | ray | - the ray index |
[out] | v | - the data at the specified index |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getConvertedParameterValueAtAzimuthAndRange | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity, | ||
double | a, | ||
double | r, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the converted value at the specified azimuth and range.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | quantity | - the parameter name |
[in] | a | - the azimuth (in radians) |
[in] | r | - the range (in meters) |
[out] | v | - the value |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getConvertedValue | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | bin, | ||
int | ray, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the linear converted value at the specified index.
That is, offset + gain * value;
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | bin | - the bin index |
[in] | ray | - the ray index |
[out] | v | - the data at the specified index |
RaveDataType PolarScan_getDataType | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the data type.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
const char * PolarScan_getDate | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the nominal date.
[in] | scan | - self |
const char * PolarScan_getDefaultParameter | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the currently specified default parameter name.
[in] | scan | - self |
double PolarScan_getDistance | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat ) |
Returns the distance from the radar to the specified lon/lat coordinate pair.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | lon | - the longitude |
[in] | lat | - the latitude |
RaveField_t * PolarScan_getDistanceField | ( | PolarScan_t * | self | ) |
Gets the distance field for self.
Will always be a 1-dimensional array with nbins length. The distance represents the distance on ground to get to the same position as the bin location.
[in] | self | - self |
double PolarScan_getElangle | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the elevation angle for the scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
const char * PolarScan_getEndDate | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the end date.
[in] | scan | - self |
const char * PolarScan_getEndTime | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the end time.
[in] | scan | - self |
double PolarScan_getHeight | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the height.
[in] | scan | - self |
RaveField_t * PolarScan_getHeightField | ( | PolarScan_t * | self | ) |
Gets the height field for self.
Will always be a 1-dimensional array with nbins length. The height represents the altitude for the bin
[in] | self | - self |
int PolarScan_getIndexFromAzimuthAndRange | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | a, | ||
double | r, | ||
PolarScanSelectionMethod_t | azimuthSelectionMethod, | ||
PolarScanSelectionMethod_t | rangeSelectionMethod, | ||
int | rangeMidpoint, | ||
int * | ray, | ||
int * | bin ) |
Returns the bin and ray index from a specified azimuth and range.
[in] | scan | - self (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
[in] | a | - the azimuth (in radians) |
[in] | r | - the range (in meters) |
[in] | azimuthSelectionMethod | - defines how azimuth index shall be selected. 'ceiled', 'floored' or 'rounded' |
[in] | rangeSelectionMethod | - defines how range index shall be selected. 'ceiled', 'floored' or 'rounded' |
[in] | rangeMidpoint | - defines whether range should be calculated from range midpoints or from their starting points. 0 for using starting points and other values for midpoints. |
[out] | ray | - the ray index (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
[out] | bin | - the bin index (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
double PolarScan_getLatitude | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the latitude.
[in] | scan | - self |
double PolarScan_getLongitude | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the longitude.
[in] | scan | - self |
int PolarScan_getLonLatFromIndex | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | bin, | ||
int | ray, | ||
double * | lon, | ||
double * | lat ) |
Calculates the lon / lat from the index with the adjusted elevation angle.
Beamwidth will also be taken into account. Which means that the maximum position will be on the edges of the beam.
[in] | scan | - self @þaram[in] bin - the bin index |
[in] | ray | - the ray index |
[out] | lon | - the longitude in radians |
[out] | lat | - the latitude in radians |
void PolarScan_getLonLatNavigationInfo | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
PolarNavigationInfo * | info ) |
Returns the navigation information that is the result from finding the lon/lat-coordinate for this scan.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | lon | - the longitude (in radians) |
[in] | lat | - the latitude (in radians) |
[in,out] | info | - the navigation information |
double PolarScan_getMaxDistance | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the maximum distance (at ground level) that this scan will cover.
[in] | scan |
PolarNavigator_t * PolarScan_getNavigator | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the navigator that is used for this scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
long PolarScan_getNbins | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the number of bins.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getNearest | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
int | convert, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the nearest value to the specified longitude, latitude.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | lon | - the longitude (in radians) |
[in] | lat | - the latitude (in radians) |
[in] | convert | - indicates if value should be converted with gain and offset or not. 0 for false, true otherwise |
[out] | v | - the found value |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getNearestConvertedParameterValue | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity, | ||
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
double * | v, | ||
PolarNavigationInfo * | navinfo ) |
Returns the nearest converted parameter value to the specified longitude, latitude.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | quantity | - the quantity |
[in] | lon | - the longitude (in radians) |
[in] | lat | - the latitude (in radians) |
[out] | v | - the found value |
[in,out] | navinfo | - the navigation information (may be NULL) |
int PolarScan_getNearestIndex | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
int * | bin, | ||
int * | ray ) |
Returns the nearest index to the specified long/lat pair.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | lon | - the longitude (in radians) |
[in] | lat | - the latitude (in radians) |
[out] | bin | - the bin index (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
[out] | ray | - the ray index (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
int PolarScan_getNearestNavigationInfo | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
PolarNavigationInfo * | navinfo ) |
Returns the navigation information for the specified lon/lat.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | lon | - longitude (in radians) |
[in] | lat | - latitude (in radians) |
[in,out] | navinfo | - the navigation information (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getNearestParameterValue | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity, | ||
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the nearest parameter value to the specified longitude, latitude.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | quantity | - the quantity |
[in] | lon | - the longitude (in radians) |
[in] | lat | - the latitude (in radians) |
[out] | v | - the found value |
int PolarScan_getNorthmostIndex | ( | PolarScan_t * | self | ) |
Returns the nothmost index by checking the occurance of startazA/stopazA and the index of the angle closest to north.
If startazA/stopazA doesn't exist. This method will always return 0.
[in] | self | - self |
long PolarScan_getNrays | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the number of rays/scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
int PolarScan_getNumberOfQualityFields | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the number of quality fields.
[in] | scan | - self |
PolarScanParam_t * PolarScan_getParameter | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity ) |
Returns the parameter that is specified by the quantity.
Note, since the parameter returned is inc-refed, remember to release it.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | key | - the quantity name |
RaveList_t * PolarScan_getParameterNames | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns this scans parameter names.
[in] | scan | - self |
RaveObjectList_t * PolarScan_getParameters | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns all parameters belonging to this scan.
[in] | scan | - self |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getParameterValue | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity, | ||
int | bin, | ||
int | ray, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the parameter value at the specified index.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | quantity | - the parameter (MAY NOT be NULL) |
[in] | bin | - the bin index |
[in] | ray | - the ray index |
[out] | v | - the found value |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getParameterValueAtAzimuthAndRange | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity, | ||
double | a, | ||
double | r, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the parameter value at the specified azimuth and range.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | quantity | - the parameter name |
[in] | a | - the azimuth (in radians) |
[in] | r | - the range (in meters) |
[out] | v | - the value |
Projection_t * PolarScan_getProjection | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the current projection for this scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
RaveField_t * PolarScan_getQualityField | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | index ) |
Returns the quality field at the specified location.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | index | - the index |
RaveField_t * PolarScan_getQualityFieldByHowTask | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Returns a quality field based on the value of how/task that should be a string.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the value of the how/task attribute |
RaveObjectList_t * PolarScan_getQualityFields | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns all quality fields belonging to this scan.
The returned object is only a reference so do not modify it.
[in] | scan | - self |
int PolarScan_getQualityValueAt | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity, | ||
int | ri, | ||
int | ai, | ||
const char * | name, | ||
int | convert, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the quality value for the quality field that has a name matching the how/task attribute in the list of fields.
It will first search the parameter for the quality field, then it will search the scan for the quality field if no field is found it will return 0.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | quantity | - the parameter quantity |
[in] | ri | - the range index (bin) |
[in] | ai | - the azimuth index (ray) |
[in] | name | - the value of the how/task attribute |
[in] | convert | - indicates if value should be converted with gain and offset or not. 0 for false, true otherwise |
[out] | v | - the found value |
double PolarScan_getRange | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | ri, | ||
int | rangeMidpoint ) |
Returns the range for the specified range index.
Same as rscale * ri. If something goes wrong a negative value will be returned.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | ri | - range index |
[in] | rangeMidpoint | - defines whether range should be calculated from range midpoints or from their starting points. 0 for using starting points and other values for midpoints. |
int PolarScan_getRangeIndex | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | r, | ||
PolarScanSelectionMethod_t | selectionMethod, | ||
int | rangeMidpoint ) |
Returns the range index for the specified range (in meters).
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | r | - the range |
[in] | selectionMethod | - defines how range index shall be selected. 'ceiled', 'floored' or 'rounded' |
[in] | rangeMidpoint | - defines whether range indices should be calculated from range midpoints or from their starting points. 0 for using starting points and other values for midpoints. |
int PolarScan_getRotationRequiredToNorthmost | ( | PolarScan_t * | self | ) |
Returns the rotation needed to to get the first ray in the scan to be the north most ray.
If a negative value is returned, the shift should be performed in a negative circular direction, if 0, no rotation required, if greater than 0, a positive circular shift is required. If startazA/stopazA doesn't exist. This method will always return 0.
[in] | self | - self |
double PolarScan_getRscale | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the range bin scale for the scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
double PolarScan_getRstart | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the ray start for the scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
const char * PolarScan_getSource | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the source.
[in] | scan | - self |
const char * PolarScan_getStartDate | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the start date.
[in] | scan | - self |
const char * PolarScan_getStartTime | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the start time.
[in] | scan | - self |
int PolarScan_getSurroundingNavigationInfos | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | lon, | ||
double | lat, | ||
int | surroundingRangeBins, | ||
int | surroundingRays, | ||
PolarNavigationInfo | navinfos[] ) |
Returns an array of surrounding navigation info structs for the specified lon/lat.
The returned navigation infos will represent positions surrounding the lon/lat in range and azimuth dimensions. The parameters surroundingRangeBins and surroundingRays controls whether positions on both sides of the lon/lat target shall be added, or only the closest.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | lon | - the longitude (in radians) |
[in] | lat | - the latitude (in radians) |
[in] | surroundingRangeBins | - boolean indicating whether surrounding or only closest range bin shall be added. 0 for closest, surrounding otherwise. |
[in] | surroundingRays | - boolean indicating whether surrounding or only closest rays/azimuths shall be added. 0 for closest, surrounding otherwise. |
[out] | navinfos | - array of navigation infos. is assumed to be empty at function call. must be allocated by calling function to admit expected no of surrounding navigation infos |
const char * PolarScan_getTime | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns the nominal time.
[in] | scan | - self |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getValue | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | bin, | ||
int | ray, | ||
double * | v ) |
Returns the value at the specified index.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | bin | - the bin index |
[in] | ray | - the ray index |
[out] | v | - the data at the specified index |
RaveValueType PolarScan_getValueAtAzimuthAndRange | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | a, | ||
double | r, | ||
int | convert, | ||
double * | v ) |
Gets the value at the provided azimuth and range.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | a | - the azimuth (in radians) |
[in] | r | - the range (in meters) |
[in] | convert | - indicates if value should be converted with gain and offset or not. 0 for false, true otherwise |
[out] | v | - the value |
int PolarScan_hasAttribute | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | name ) |
Returns if the specified attribute exists.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | name | - the name of the attribute |
int PolarScan_hasParameter | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity ) |
Returns if the scan contains the specified parameter or not.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | quantity | - the quantity name |
int PolarScan_isTransformable | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Verifies that all preconditions are met in order to perform a transformation.
[in] | scan | - the polar scan |
int PolarScan_isValid | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
Rave_ObjectType | otype ) |
Validates the scan can be seen to be valid regarding storage.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | otype | - the object type this scan should be accounted for |
int PolarScan_removeAllParameters | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Removes all parameters that are in the scan as well as dereferencing the default parameter.
[in] | scan | - self |
void PolarScan_removeAttribute | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | attrname ) |
Removes a rave attribute from the scan.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | attrname | - the name of the attribute to remove |
PolarScanParam_t * PolarScan_removeParameter | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity ) |
Removes (and returns) the parameter that is specified by the quantity.
Note, since the parameter returned is inc-refed, remember to release it.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | key | - the quantity name |
int PolarScan_removeParametersExcept | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
RaveList_t * | parameters ) |
Removes all parameters from a scan except the ones specified in parameters (list of strings)
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | parameters | - a list of character arrays |
void PolarScan_removeQualityField | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | index ) |
Removes the quality field at the specified location.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | index | - the index |
void PolarScan_removeQualityFieldByHowTask | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | qname ) |
Removes the quality field with the specified how/task value.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | qname | - the quality field name. |
void PolarScan_setA1gate | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
long | a1gate ) |
Sets the a1gate.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | a1gate | - a1gate |
void PolarScan_setBeamwH | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | beamwidth ) |
Sets the horizontal beamwidth.
Default is 1.0 * M_PI/360.0
[in] | scan | - the polar scan |
[in] | beamwidth | - the beam width in radians |
void PolarScan_setBeamwidth | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | beamwidth ) |
Sets the horizontal beamwidth (same as PolarScan_setBeamwH).
Default is 1.0 * M_PI/360.0
[in] | scan | - the polar scan |
[in] | beamwidth | - the beam width in radians |
void PolarScan_setBeamwV | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | beamwidth ) |
Sets the vertical beamwidth.
Default is 1.0 * M_PI/360.0
[in] | scan | - the polar scan |
[in] | beamwidth | - the beam width in radians |
int PolarScan_setDate | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Sets the nominal date.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the date in the format YYYYMMDD |
int PolarScan_setDefaultParameter | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity ) |
Sets the default parameter for this scan.
I.e. all operations that retrieves/sets values that does not contain a parameter name as well will use the default parameter. Note, there is nothing verifying if the parameter actually exists so if you are uncertain use #hasParameter first.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | quantity | - the parameter |
void PolarScan_setElangle | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | elangle ) |
Sets the elevation angle for the scan.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | elangle | - the elevation angle |
int PolarScan_setEndDate | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Sets the end date.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the date in the format YYYYMMDD |
int PolarScan_setEndTime | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Sets the end time.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the time in the format HHmmss |
void PolarScan_setHeight | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | height ) |
Sets the height.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | height | - the height |
void PolarScan_setLatitude | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | lat ) |
Sets the latitude.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | lat | - the latitude |
void PolarScan_setLongitude | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | lon ) |
Sets the longitude.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | lon | - the longitude |
void PolarScan_setNavigator | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
PolarNavigator_t * | navigator ) |
Sets a navigator for the polar scan, this is preferrable to use when this scan is included in a volume since the settings will be identical for all scans included in the volume.
Otherwise, if the scan is managed separately, use longitude/latitude and height instead.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | navigator | - the polar navigator (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
int PolarScan_setParameterValue | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | quantity, | ||
int | bin, | ||
int | ray, | ||
double | v ) |
Sets the parameter value at the specified position.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | quantity | - the parameter (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
[in] | bin | - the bin index |
[in] | ray | - the ray index |
[in] | v | - the value |
void PolarScan_setProjection | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
Projection_t * | projection ) |
Sets the projection to be used for this scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | projection | - the projection (MAY NOT BE NULL) |
void PolarScan_setRscale | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | rscale ) |
Sets the range scale for the scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | rscale | - the scale of the range bin |
void PolarScan_setRstart | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | rstart ) |
Sets the ray start for the scan.
[in] | scan | - the scan |
[in] | rstart | - the start position of the ray |
int PolarScan_setSource | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Sets the source.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the source |
int PolarScan_setStartDate | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Sets the start date.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the date in the format YYYYMMDD |
int PolarScan_setStartTime | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Sets the start time.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the time in the format HHmmss |
int PolarScan_setTime | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | value ) |
Sets the nominal time.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | value | - the time in the format HHmmss |
void PolarScan_setUseAzimuthalNavInformation | ( | PolarScan_t * | self, |
int | v ) |
Sets if the azimuthal nav information (astart / startazA / stopazA) should be used when calculating azimuthal index.
[in] | self | - self |
[in] | v | - 1 if nav information should be used, otherwise 0 |
int PolarScan_setValue | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
int | bin, | ||
int | ray, | ||
double | v ) |
Sets the value at the specified position.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | bin | - the bin index |
[in] | ray | - the ray index |
[in] | v | - the value |
int PolarScan_shiftAttribute | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
const char * | name, | ||
int | nx ) |
Performs a circular shift of an array attribute.
if nx < 0, then shift is performed counter clockwise, if nx > 0, shift is performed clock wise, if 0, no shift is performed.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | name | - attribute to shift |
[in] | nx | - number of positions to shift return 1 if successful, 0 if trying to shift an attribute that isn't an array or an error occurs during shift. |
int PolarScan_shiftData | ( | PolarScan_t * | self, |
int | nrays ) |
Performs a circular shift of the datasets that are associated with this scan.
It can be negative for counter clock wise and positive for clock wise rotation. If for some reason a value != 1 is returned you should not use this scan since the internals might have been altered in such a way that there are inconsistancies.
[in] | self | - self |
[in] | nrays | - the number of rays to shift |
int PolarScan_shiftDataAndAttributes | ( | PolarScan_t * | self, |
int | nrays ) |
Performs a circular shift of the datsets that are associated with the scan and also all attributes that are associated with the rays.
Currently these attributes are:
[in] | self | - self |
[in] | nrays | - number of rays the data & array values should be shifted. If negative, counter clockwise, if positive clockwise. |
int PolarScan_useAzimuthalNavInformation | ( | PolarScan_t * | self | ) |
Returns if the azimuthal nav information should be used or not.
[in] | self | - self |
int PolarScanInternal_isPolarVolumeBeamwH | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns if the beamwidth comes from a volume or not.
[in] | scan | - self |
int PolarScanInternal_isPolarVolumeBeamwV | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan | ) |
Returns if the beamwidth comes from a volume or not.
[in] | scan | - self |
void PolarScanInternal_setPolarVolumeBeamwH | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | bw ) |
Framework internal function for setting the beamwidth in a scan, used to indicate that the beamwidth comes from the polar volume.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | bw | - the beam width in radians |
void PolarScanInternal_setPolarVolumeBeamwV | ( | PolarScan_t * | scan, |
double | bw ) |
Framework internal function for setting the beamwidth in a scan, used to indicate that the beamwidth comes from the polar volume.
[in] | scan | - self |
[in] | bw | - the beam width in radians |
extern |
Type definition to use when creating a rave object.