► Lib | |
► gadjust | |
gra.py | Gauge-radar analysis |
obsmatcher.py | Matcher for extracting observations that matches the provided acrr composite product |
tcritical.py | Contains lookup table of critical values for Student's T-test of means |
ttest.py | T-tests for whether differences in correlations and means are real or bogus |
acqva_cluttermap_generator.py | Support for creating static cluttermaps that can be used by the ACQVA algorithm |
BaltradMessageXML.py | Functionality for managing XML in BALTRAD messages |
compositegenerator.py | Python interface to composite generator functionality |
compositing.py | Python interface to composite generation functionality |
fm12_importer.py | Class used for importing fm12 synop files into the rave database |
odc_fixIO.py | Routines for validating and harmonizing file contents |
odc_generate.py | Odyssey production using the BALTRAD toolbox |
odc_hac.py | Performs hit-accumulation clutter filtering using hit-accumulation monthly "climatologies" or "counter files" |
odc_hac_pgf_plugin.py | Plugin for clutter management using hit accumulations: HAC This plugin is intended for real-time incrementation of the HAC files |
odc_hac_quality_plugin.py | A quality plugin for enabling ODC hit-accumulation clutter management |
odc_polarQC.py | Quality controls polar data for Odyssey |
odim_source.py | Various look-ups of the /what/source attribute |
polar_merger.py | |
Proj.py | PROJ.4 interface History: 1997-06-15 fl Created 1997-06-17 fl Added helpers 1998-06-02 dm Added more helpers 1998-06-09 dm Modified the constructor to simplify automation 2005-09-29 dm Tidied up 2011-06-29 dm Doxygenified for BALTRAD |
qitotal_options.py | Keeps information on the qitotal options, like site weight and what fields that are included in the qi-total algorithm |
rave_area.py | Module for defining geographical areas (cartographic surfaces) using the Proj and rave_projection module |
rave_bdb.py | Provides access to the bdb api if it is reachable |
rave_ctfilter.py | Identification and removal of residual non-precipitation echoes using the Meteosat Second Generation Cloud-Type product: CTFILTER |
rave_daemon.py | Generic daemon functionality |
rave_dealias_quality_plugin.py | A quality plugin for enabling support for dealiasing |
rave_defines.py | Contains a variety of definitions used by RAVE |
rave_distance_quality_plugin.py | A composite quality plugin for generating the surface distance field |
rave_dom.py | The domain object model for various objects used in rave |
rave_dom_db.py | The database - domain model setup |
rave_height_quality_plugin.py | A composite quality plugin for generating the surface distance field |
rave_hexquant.py | Encodes/decodes ODIM quantities to/from hex for the purposes of creating simple file strings representing which quantities are in the contents |
rave_math.py | Math functions |
rave_mppool.py | Class for creating non-daemonic process pools |
rave_overshooting_quality_plugin.py | A composite quality plugin for generating the probability of overshooting quality field |
rave_pgf.py | RAVE Product Generation Framework |
rave_pgf_acrr_plugin.py | Plugin for generating the acrr product generation that is initiated from the beast framework |
rave_pgf_apply_qc_plugin.py | Plugin for applying quality control on a volume that is initiated from the beast framework |
rave_pgf_cf_exporter_plugin.py | Plugin for exporting cf-convention files |
rave_pgf_composite_plugin.py | Plugin for generating a composite that is initiated from the beast framework |
rave_pgf_debug.py | Bogus product generator used to debug registries |
rave_pgf_gra_plugin.py | Plugin for generating the gra coefficients that is initiated from the beast framework |
rave_pgf_logger.py | Management utilities for the logging system |
rave_pgf_protocol.py | Protocol converter that can be used to translate for example a beast generator command into a rave generator command |
rave_pgf_qtools.py | Convenience functions for formatting processing queue messages |
rave_pgf_quality_registry.py | A registry for managing different quality-based algorithms for processing and ensuring that specific quality information is added to the resulting composite |
rave_pgf_quality_registry_mgr.py | A manager for modifying the quality based registry |
rave_pgf_registry.py | Functionality for managing the registry containing algorithms in the product generation framework |
rave_pgf_scansun_plugin.py | Plugin for scanning a polar volume for sun hits, using the RAVE product generation framework |
rave_pgf_site2D_plugin.py | Plugin for scanning a polar volume for sun hits, using the RAVE product generation framework |
rave_pgf_verify.py | Functionality for verifying whether arguments given to a product generator are those expected |
rave_pgf_volume_plugin.py | Plugin for generating a volume that is initiated from the beast framework |
rave_projection.py | Module for defining projections using the Proj module |
rave_qitotal_quality_plugin.py | A composite quality plugin for generating the qi total field |
rave_quality_chain_plugin.py | Plugin for performing qc-chains on various sources |
rave_quality_chain_registry.py | Registry for reading quality control chain configurations |
rave_quality_plugin.py | |
rave_radarindex_quality_plugin.py | A composite quality plugin for producing the radar index field |
rave_radvol_quality_plugin.py | A quality plugin for enabling RADVOL-QC support |
rave_radvol_realtime.py | Real-time management of RADVOL configuration options |
rave_scansun_quality_plugin.py | A quality plugin with scansun support |
rave_tempfile.py | Redefines the tempfile template for RAVE |
rave_tile_registry.py | A registry for keeping track on areas that are divided into a number of tiles for faster processing |
rave_util.py | Utility functions for doing common tasks |
rave_zdiff_quality_plugin.py | A quality plugin for enabling zdiff qc support |
tiled_compositing.py | Python interface to be able to perform tiled compositing |
► librave | |
► radvol | |
► lib | |
radvol.c | Radvol-QC general structures and algorithms |
radvol.h | Radvol-QC general structures and algorithms |
radvolatt.c | Radvol-QC algorithms of correction for attenuation in rain |
radvolatt.h | Radvol-QC algorithms of correction for attenuation in rain |
radvolbroad.c | Radvol-QC algorithms for assessment of distance to radar related effects |
radvolbroad.h | Radvol-QC algorithms for assessment of distance-to-radar related effects |
radvolnmet.c | Radvol-QC algorithms for non-meteorological echoes removal |
radvolnmet.h | Radvol-QC algorithms for non-meteorological echoes removal |
radvolspeck.c | Radvol-QC algorithms for speck removal |
radvolspeck.h | Radvol-QC algorithms for speck removal |
radvolspike.c | Radvol-QC algorithms for spike removal |
radvolspike.h | Radvol-QC algorithms for spike removal |
► scansun | |
scansun.c | KNMI's sun scanning functionality |
scansun.h | Header file for KNMI's sun scanning functionality |
scansun_main.c | Main function for a binary for running KNMI's sun scanning functionality |
► toolbox | |
acqva.c | Provides functionality for creating composites according to the acqva method |
acqva.h | Provides functionality for creating composites according to the acqva method |
acqvacompositegeneratorfactory.c | Provides functionality for creating acqva composites |
acqvacompositegeneratorfactory.h | Factory method for ACQVA composite generation |
area.c | Defines an area, the extent, projection, etc |
area.h | Defines an area, the extent, projection, etc |
arearegistry.c | Provides support for reading and writing areas to and from an xml-file |
arearegistry.h | Provides support for reading and writing areas to and from an xml-file |
bitmap_generator.c | Provides functionallity for creating a surrounding bitmap on a composite |
bitmap_generator.h | Provides functionallity for creating a surrounding bitmap on a composite |
cartesian.c | Defines the functions available when working with cartesian products |
cartesian.h | Defines the functions available when working with cartesian products |
cartesian_cf_io.c | Cartesian CF convention handler |
cartesian_cf_io.h | Adaptor for cartesian CF convention files |
cartesian_odim_io.c | Cartesian ODIM decorator |
cartesian_odim_io.h | Adaptor for cartesian ODIM H5 files |
cartesiancomposite.c | Defines the functions available when creating composites from cartesian products |
cartesiancomposite.h | Defines the functions available when creating composites from cartesian products |
cartesianparam.c | Defines the functions available when working with cartesian data products |
cartesianparam.h | Defines the functions available when working with a cartesian field |
cartesianvolume.c | Defines the functions available when working with cartesian products |
cartesianvolume.h | Defines the functions available when working with cartesian volumes |
composite.c | Provides functionality for creating composites |
composite.h | Provides functionality for creating composites |
composite_algorithm.h | Interface for defining your own compositing algorithm |
composite_utils.c | Contains various utility functions when creating composites |
composite_utils.h | Contains various utility functions when creating composite factories |
compositearguments.c | The arguments that should be passed on to a composite generator |
compositearguments.h | The arguments that should be passed on to the composite generator |
compositeengine.c | Provides a base engine for creating composites |
compositeengine.h | Provides base functionality for creating composites |
compositeenginebase.c | Provides some utilities |
compositeenginebase.h | Contains definitions useful when working with the composite engine |
compositeenginefunctions.c | Useful functions when working with the composite engine |
compositeenginefunctions.h | Useful functions when working with the composite engine |
compositeengineqc.c | Provides some utilities |
compositeengineqc.h | Contains definitions useful when adding qc-handling to composite factories |
compositefactorymanager.c | Registry for keeping track of available composite generator factories |
compositefactorymanager.h | Registry for keeping track of available composite generator factories |
compositefilter.c | A filter for matching composite arguments |
compositefilter.h | A filter for matching composite arguments |
compositegenerator.c | Provides functionality for creating composites |
compositegenerator.h | Generator for generating composites using various approaches |
compositegeneratorfactory.h | Interface for defining your own compositing factory |
ctfilter.c | Functionality for identifying and removing residual non-precipitation echoes in Cartesian radar products, using the standard SAF-NWC cloud-top product from EUMETCAST in HDF5 |
ctfilter.h | Functionality for identifying and removing residual non-precipitation echoes in Cartesian radar products, using the standard MSG-based SAF-NWC cloud-top product available through EUMETCAST in HDF5 |
dealias.c | Function for dealiasing weather radar winds |
dealias.h | Provides functionality for dealiasing radial wind data |
detection_range.c | Provides functionality for creating composites |
detection_range.h | Provides functionality for creating composites |
lazy_dataset.c | This is a wrapper around a lazy nodelist reader used for fetching data from a HL_NodeList |
lazy_dataset.h | This is a wrapper around a lazy nodelist reader used for fetching data from a HL_NodeList |
lazy_nodelist_reader.h | |
legacycompositegeneratorfactory.c | Provides functionality for creating composites |
legacycompositegeneratorfactory.h | Interface for defining your own compositing factory method |
nearestcompositegeneratorfactory.c | The NEAREST composite factory |
nearestcompositegeneratorfactory.h | The NEAREST composite factory |
odc_hac.c | Functionality for performing hit-accumulation clutter filtering |
odc_hac.h | Function for performing hit-accumulation clutter filtering |
odim_io_utilities.c | Utilities when working with ODIM H5 files |
odim_io_utilities.h | Utilities when working with ODIM H5 files |
odim_source.c | Defines an odim source |
odim_source.h | Defines an odim source |
odim_sources.c | Provides support for reading odim sources from an xml-file and managing these in a structure |
odim_sources.h | Provides support for reading the odim sources from an xml-file This object supports RAVE_OBJECT_CLONE |
polar.c | Navigation routines for calculating distances and heights |
polar.h | Navigation routines for calculating distances and heights |
polar_odim_io.c | Polar ODIM IO functions |
polar_odim_io.h | Adaptor for polar ODIM H5 files |
polarnav.c | Utilities for performing polar navigation |
polarnav.h | Utilities for performing polar navigation |
polarscan.c | Defines the functions available when working with polar scans |
polarscan.h | Defines the functions available when working with polar scans |
polarscanparam.c | Defines the functions available when working with polar scans |
polarscanparam.h | Defines the functions available when working with one parameter in a polar scan |
polarvolume.c | Defines the functions available when working with polar volumes |
polarvolume.h | Defines the functions available when working with polar volumes |
poo_composite_algorithm.c | POO compositing algorithm |
poo_composite_algorithm.h | POO compositing algorithm |
proj_wkt_helper.h | |
projection.c | Wrapper around PROJ.4 |
projection.h | Wrapper around PROJ.4 |
projection_pipeline.c | Helper class to support both legacy PROJ.4 projection and > PROJ.4 |
projection_pipeline.h | Helper class to support both legacy PROJ.4 projection and > PROJ.4 This object supports RAVE_OBJECT_CLONE |
projectionregistry.c | Provides support for reading and writing projections to and from an xml-file |
projectionregistry.h | Provides support for reading and writing projections to and from an xml-file |
radardefinition.c | Defines a radar definition |
radardefinition.h | Defines a radar definition This object supports RAVE_OBJECT_CLONE |
rave_acrr.c | Implementation of the Precipitation accumulation - ACRR algorithm This object does NOT support RAVE_OBJECT_CLONE |
rave_acrr.h | Implementation of the Precipitation accumulation - ACRR algorithm |
rave_alloc.c | Allocation routines for keeping track on memory |
rave_alloc.h | Allocation routines for keeping track on memory |
rave_attribute.c | Defines the functions available when working with polar scans |
rave_attribute.h | Used for keeping track on attributes |
rave_attribute_table.c | Used for managing attributes and handle different versions |
rave_attribute_table.h | Used for managing attributes and handle different versions |
rave_bufr_io.c | Adaptor for polar BUFR files |
rave_bufr_io.h | Adaptor for polar BUFR files |
rave_data2d.c | Represents a 2-dimensional data array |
rave_data2d.h | Represents a 2-dimensional data array |
rave_datetime.c | Object for managing date and time |
rave_datetime.h | Object for managing date and time |
rave_debug.h | Defines the functions for debugging rave |
rave_field.c | Generic field that only provides a 2-dim data field and a number of dynamic attributes |
rave_field.h | Generic field that only provides a 2-dim data field and a number of dynamic attributes |
rave_gra.c | Gauge radar adjustment (GRA) |
rave_gra.h | Gauge radar adjustment (GRA) |
rave_hlhdf_utilities.c | Utilities for working with H5 files |
rave_hlhdf_utilities.h | Utilities for working with H5 files |
rave_io.c | Functions for performing rave related IO operations, mostly ODIM-formatted HDF5 files |
rave_io.h | Functions for performing rave related IO operations, mostly ODIM-formatted HDF5 files |
rave_iocache.c | Functions for managing io cache files like static files |
rave_iocache.h | Functions for managing io cache files like static files |
rave_legend.c | Used for managing attributes and handle different versions |
rave_legend.h | Used for defining a legend that can be added to a parameter |
rave_list.c | Implementation of a simple list |
rave_list.h | Implementation of a simple list |
rave_object.c | Generic implementation of an object that is used within rave |
rave_object.h | Generic implementation of an object that is used within rave |
rave_proj.h | Handles compatibility issues related to PROJ versions and the definitions |
rave_properties.c | Provides support for property handling |
rave_properties.h | Property handling This object supports RAVE_OBJECT_CLONE |
rave_qitotal.c | Implementation of the QI-total algorithm |
rave_qitotal.h | Implementation of the QI-total algorithm |
rave_simplexml.c | Provides support for reading and writing areas to and from an xml-file |
rave_simplexml.h | Simple XML object frontend to expat |
rave_transform.c | Transformation routines for going between projections |
rave_transform.h | Transformation routines |
rave_types.c | Type definitions for RAVE |
rave_types.h | Type definitions for RAVE |
rave_utilities.c | Contains various utility functions that makes life easier when working with the rave framework |
rave_utilities.h | Contains various utility functions that makes life easier when working with the rave framework |
rave_value.c | Data value abstraction |
rave_value.h | A value object that can represent standard types like int, double, |
raveobject_hashtable.c | Implementation of a rave object hashtable that maps between strings and rave core objects |
raveobject_hashtable.h | Implementation of a rave object hashtable that maps between strings and rave core objects |
raveobject_list.c | Implementation of a rave object list that ensures that the objects contained within the list are released upon destruction etc |
raveobject_list.h | Implementation of a rave object list that ensures that the objects contained within the list are released upon destruction etc |
raveutil.c | Utilities for translating between different units and other useful functions |
raveutil.h | Utilities for translating between different units and other useful functions |
transform.c | Defines the functions available when transforming between different types of products |
transform.h | Defines the functions available when transforming between different types of products |
vertical_profile.c | Defines the functions available when working with vertical profiles |
vertical_profile.h | Defines the functions available when working with vertical profiles |
vp_odim_io.c | Polar ODIM IO functions |
vp_odim_io.h | Adaptor for VP ODIM H5 files |
► modules | |
mean.c | Mean |
pyacqva.c | Python version of the Acqva API |
pyacqva.h | Python version of the Acqva API |
pyacqvacompositegeneratorfactory.c | Python version of the Acqva composite handling as a factory |
pyacrr.c | Python version of the Acrr API |
pyacrr.h | Python version of the Acrr API |
pyarea.c | Python version of the Area API |
pyarea.h | Python version of the Area API |
pyarearegistry.c | Python version of the Area registry |
pyarearegistry.h | Python version of the Area registry API |
pybitmapgenerator.c | Python version of the Transform API |
pybitmapgenerator.h | Python version of the Transform API |
pycartesian.c | Python version of the Cartesian API |
pycartesian.h | Python version of the Cartesian API |
pycartesiancomposite.c | Python version of the Cartesian Composite generator API |
pycartesiancomposite.h | Python version of the CartesianComposite API |
pycartesianparam.c | Python version of the Cartesian Parameter API |
pycartesianparam.h | Python version of the Cartesian API |
pycartesianvolume.c | Python version of the CartesianVolume API |
pycartesianvolume.h | Python version of the CartesianVolume API |
pycomposite.c | Python version of the Composite API |
pycomposite.h | Python version of the Composite API |
pycompositealgorithm.c | Python version of the Compositing Algorithm API |
pycompositealgorithm.h | Python version of the Compositing Algorithm API |
pycompositearguments.c | Python version of the Composite arguments API |
pycompositearguments.h | Python version of the Composite Arguments API |
pycompositefactorymanager.c | Python version of the Composite factory manager API |
pycompositefactorymanager.h | Python version of the Composite Factory Manager API |
pycompositefilter.c | Python version of the Composite arguments API |
pycompositefilter.h | Python version of the Composite Filter API |
pycompositegenerator.c | Python version of the Composite generator API |
pycompositegenerator.h | Python version of the Composite Generator API |
pycompositegeneratorfactory.c | Python version of the Compositing Generator Plugin API |
pycompositegeneratorfactory.h | Python version of the Compositing Generator Factory API |
pyctfilter.c | Python version of the MSG cloud-type filter |
pydealias.c | Python version of the dealiasing API |
pydetectionrange.c | Python version of the detection range API |
pydetectionrange.h | Python version of the Detection range API |
pygra.c | Python version of the Gra API |
pygra.h | Python version of the Gra API |
pyiocache.c | Python version of the RaveIOCache API |
pyiocache.h | Python version of the RaveIOCache API |
pylazynodelistreader.c | Python version of the RaveIO API |
pylazynodelistreader.h | Python version of the LazyNodeListReader API |
pylegacycompositegeneratorfactory.c | Python version of the Legacy composite handling as a factory |
pynearestcompositegeneratorfactory.c | Python version of the Nearest composite handling as a factory |
pyodc_hac.c | Python version of the HAC API |
pyodimsource.c | Python version of the OdimSource API |
pyodimsource.h | Python version of the OdimSource API |
pyodimsources.c | Python version of the Area registry |
pyodimsources.h | Python version of the OdimSources API |
pypolarnav.c | Python module for performing basic polar navigation |
pypolarnav.h | Python module for performing basic polar navigation |
pypolarnavinfo.c | Python version of the PolarNavigationInfo API |
pypolarnavinfo.h | Python version of the PolarNavigationInfo |
pypolarscan.c | Python version of the PolarScan API |
pypolarscan.h | Python version of the PolarScan API |
pypolarscanparam.c | Python version of the PolarScan API |
pypolarscanparam.h | Python version of the PolarScanParam API |
pypolarvolume.c | Python version of the PolarVolume API |
pypolarvolume.h | Python version of the PolarVolume API |
pypoocompositealgorithm.c | Python version of the POO Compositing Algorithm API |
pyprojection.c | Python version of the projection API |
pyprojection.h | Python version of the projection API |
pyprojectionpipeline.c | Python version of the projection API |
pyprojectionpipeline.h | Python version of the projection pipeline API |
pyprojectionregistry.c | Python version of the Projection registry |
pyprojectionregistry.h | Python version of the Projection registry API |
pyqitotal.c | Python version of the QI total API |
pyqitotal.h | Python version of the QI total algorithm |
pyradardefinition.c | Python version of the RadarDefinition API |
pyradardefinition.h | Python version of the RadarDefinition API |
pyradvol.c | Python wrappers for IMGW's RADVOL-QC |
pyrave_debug.h | Useful macros and functions when debugging python rave objects |
pyraveattributetable.c | Python version of the rave attribute table |
pyraveattributetable.h | |
pyravedata2d.c | Python version of the RaveData2D API |
pyravedata2d.h | Python version of the RaveData2D API |
pyravefield.c | Python version of the RaveField API |
pyravefield.h | Python version of the RaveField API |
pyraveio.c | Python version of the RaveIO API |
pyraveio.h | Python version of the RaveIO API |
pyravelegend.c | Python version of the RaveLegend API |
pyravelegend.h | Python version of the RaveField API |
pyraveproperties.c | Python version of the rave properties |
pyraveproperties.h | Python version of the properties API |
pyravevalue.c | Python version of the RaveValue API |
pyravevalue.h | Python version of the Rave Value API |
pyscansun.c | Python interface to KNMI's sun scanning functionality |
pytransform.c | Python version of the Transform API |
pytransform.h | Python version of the Transform API |
pyverticalprofile.c | Python version of the VerticalProfile API |
pyverticalprofile.h | Python version of the VerticalProfile API |
rave.c | Python wrapper for the rave product generation framework |