rave_pgf_acrr_plugin.py File Reference

Plugin for generating the acrr product generation that is initiated from the beast framework. More...


namespace  Lib.rave_pgf_acrr_plugin


 Lib.rave_pgf_acrr_plugin.arglist2dict (arglist)
 Creates a dictionary from a rave argument list.
 Lib.rave_pgf_acrr_plugin.get_backup_gra_coefficient (db, agedt, nowdt)
 Returns the backup coefficients to use.
 Lib.rave_pgf_acrr_plugin.generate (files, arguments)
 Creates a composite.


 Lib.rave_pgf_acrr_plugin.logger = rave_pgf_logger.create_logger()
 Lib.rave_pgf_acrr_plugin.ravebdb = None

Detailed Description

Plugin for generating the acrr product generation that is initiated from the beast framework.

Register in pgf with –name=eu.baltrad.beast.GenerateAcrr –strings=date,time,quantity,distancefield –floats=zra,zrb –ints=hours,N,accept -m rave_pgf_acrr_plugin -f generate

The ACRR generation is executed by specifying a number of composites/images with the same resolution and containing the same parameter (quantity) and a quality field specifying the distance to the radar.

Then, the acrr generation takes place by first adding each field and as a final step accumulating the result.

acrr = new acrr for each file in files: acrr.sum (file.parameter(quantity), zrA, zrB) result = acrr.accumulate(accept, N, hours)

accept is the percent of N that is allowed to be nodata for each observation N is the expected number of fields to be used in the accumulation hours is the number of hours the accumulation covers

Anders Henja, SMHI