Directories | |
gadjust | |
Files | |
acqva_cluttermap_generator.py | |
Support for creating static cluttermaps that can be used by the ACQVA algorithm. | |
BaltradMessageXML.py | |
Functionality for managing XML in BALTRAD messages. | |
compositegenerator.py | |
Python interface to composite generator functionality. | |
compositing.py | |
Python interface to composite generation functionality. | |
fm12_importer.py | |
Class used for importing fm12 synop files into the rave database. | |
odc_fixIO.py | |
Routines for validating and harmonizing file contents. | |
odc_generate.py | |
Odyssey production using the BALTRAD toolbox. | |
odc_hac.py | |
Performs hit-accumulation clutter filtering using hit-accumulation monthly "climatologies" or "counter files". | |
odc_hac_pgf_plugin.py | |
Plugin for clutter management using hit accumulations: HAC This plugin is intended for real-time incrementation of the HAC files. | |
odc_hac_quality_plugin.py | |
A quality plugin for enabling ODC hit-accumulation clutter management. | |
odc_polarQC.py | |
Quality controls polar data for Odyssey. | |
odim_source.py | |
Various look-ups of the /what/source attribute. | |
polar_merger.py | |
Proj.py | |
PROJ.4 interface History: 1997-06-15 fl Created 1997-06-17 fl Added helpers 1998-06-02 dm Added more helpers 1998-06-09 dm Modified the constructor to simplify automation 2005-09-29 dm Tidied up 2011-06-29 dm Doxygenified for BALTRAD. | |
qitotal_options.py | |
Keeps information on the qitotal options, like site weight and what fields that are included in the qi-total algorithm. | |
rave_area.py | |
Module for defining geographical areas (cartographic surfaces) using the Proj and rave_projection module. | |
rave_bdb.py | |
Provides access to the bdb api if it is reachable. | |
rave_ctfilter.py | |
Identification and removal of residual non-precipitation echoes using the Meteosat Second Generation Cloud-Type product: CTFILTER. | |
rave_daemon.py | |
Generic daemon functionality. | |
rave_dealias_quality_plugin.py | |
A quality plugin for enabling support for dealiasing. | |
rave_defines.py | |
Contains a variety of definitions used by RAVE. | |
rave_distance_quality_plugin.py | |
A composite quality plugin for generating the surface distance field. | |
rave_dom.py | |
The domain object model for various objects used in rave. | |
rave_dom_db.py | |
The database - domain model setup. | |
rave_height_quality_plugin.py | |
A composite quality plugin for generating the surface distance field. | |
rave_hexquant.py | |
Encodes/decodes ODIM quantities to/from hex for the purposes of creating simple file strings representing which quantities are in the contents. | |
rave_math.py | |
Math functions. | |
rave_mppool.py | |
Class for creating non-daemonic process pools. | |
rave_overshooting_quality_plugin.py | |
A composite quality plugin for generating the probability of overshooting quality field. | |
rave_pgf.py | |
RAVE Product Generation Framework. | |
rave_pgf_acrr_plugin.py | |
Plugin for generating the acrr product generation that is initiated from the beast framework. | |
rave_pgf_apply_qc_plugin.py | |
Plugin for applying quality control on a volume that is initiated from the beast framework. | |
rave_pgf_cf_exporter_plugin.py | |
Plugin for exporting cf-convention files. | |
rave_pgf_composite_plugin.py | |
Plugin for generating a composite that is initiated from the beast framework. | |
rave_pgf_debug.py | |
Bogus product generator used to debug registries. | |
rave_pgf_gra_plugin.py | |
Plugin for generating the gra coefficients that is initiated from the beast framework. | |
rave_pgf_logger.py | |
Management utilities for the logging system. | |
rave_pgf_protocol.py | |
Protocol converter that can be used to translate for example a beast generator command into a rave generator command. | |
rave_pgf_qtools.py | |
Convenience functions for formatting processing queue messages. | |
rave_pgf_quality_registry.py | |
A registry for managing different quality-based algorithms for processing and ensuring that specific quality information is added to the resulting composite. | |
rave_pgf_quality_registry_mgr.py | |
A manager for modifying the quality based registry. | |
rave_pgf_registry.py | |
Functionality for managing the registry containing algorithms in the product generation framework. | |
rave_pgf_scansun_plugin.py | |
Plugin for scanning a polar volume for sun hits, using the RAVE product generation framework. | |
rave_pgf_site2D_plugin.py | |
Plugin for scanning a polar volume for sun hits, using the RAVE product generation framework. | |
rave_pgf_verify.py | |
Functionality for verifying whether arguments given to a product generator are those expected. | |
rave_pgf_volume_plugin.py | |
Plugin for generating a volume that is initiated from the beast framework. | |
rave_projection.py | |
Module for defining projections using the Proj module. | |
rave_qitotal_quality_plugin.py | |
A composite quality plugin for generating the qi total field. | |
rave_quality_chain_plugin.py | |
Plugin for performing qc-chains on various sources. | |
rave_quality_chain_registry.py | |
Registry for reading quality control chain configurations. | |
rave_quality_plugin.py | |
rave_radarindex_quality_plugin.py | |
A composite quality plugin for producing the radar index field. | |
rave_radvol_quality_plugin.py | |
A quality plugin for enabling RADVOL-QC support. | |
rave_radvol_realtime.py | |
Real-time management of RADVOL configuration options. | |
rave_scansun_quality_plugin.py | |
A quality plugin with scansun support. | |
rave_tempfile.py | |
Redefines the tempfile template for RAVE. | |
rave_tile_registry.py | |
A registry for keeping track on areas that are divided into a number of tiles for faster processing. | |
rave_util.py | |
Utility functions for doing common tasks. | |
rave_zdiff_quality_plugin.py | |
A quality plugin for enabling zdiff qc support. | |
tiled_compositing.py | |
Python interface to be able to perform tiled compositing. | |