►NLib | |
C_Acqva_t | Represents the cartesian product |
C_AcqvaCompositeGeneratorFactory_t | The Acqva Composite Generator Factory |
C_Area_t | Represents the area |
C_AreaRegistry_t | Represents the registry |
C_BitmapGenerator_t | Represents the functionality for creating bitmaps |
C_Cartesian_t | Represents the cartesian product |
C_CartesianCfIO_t | Represents the adaptor |
C_CartesianComposite_t | Represents the cartesian composite generator |
C_CartesianOdimIO_t | Represents the adaptor |
C_CartesianParam_t | Represents the cartesian field product |
C_CartesianVolume_t | Represents the cartesian volume |
C_Composite_t | Represents the cartesian product |
C_CompositeAlgorithm_t | The basic composite algorithm that can be cast into a subclassed processor |
C_CompositeArguments_t | Represents the area |
C_CompositeEngine_t | Represents the cartesian product |
C_CompositeEngineOvershootingQcHandler_t | The QC overshooting handler when generating poo fields |
C_CompositeEngineQcHandler_t | CompositeEngineQcHandler |
C_CompositeFactoryManager_t | Represents the composite manager product |
C_CompositeFilter_t | Represents the area |
C_CompositeGenerator_t | Represents the cartesian product |
C_CompositeGeneratorFactory_t | The basic composite algorithm that can be cast into a subclassed processor |
C_DetectionRange_t | Represents the detection range generator |
C_heapobject | Heap structure when allocating rave objects |
C_LazyDataset_t | Represents one lazy dataset |
C_LazyNodeListReader_t | Represents the lazy nodelist loader |
C_LegacyCompositeGeneratorFactory_t | The Legacy composite generator factory |
C_NearestCompositeGeneratorFactory_t | Nearest composite generator factory that can handle PPI, CAPPI, PCAPPI, MAX and PMAX using nearest neighbour |
C_OdimSource_t | Represents the area |
C_OdimSources_t | Represents the odim sources registry |
C_PolarNavigator_t | Represents one polar navigator |
C_PolarOdimIO_t | The Polar ODIM IO adaptor |
C_PolarScan_t | Represents one scan in a volume |
C_PolarScanParam_t | Represents one param in a scan |
C_PolarVolume_t | Represents a volume |
C_PooCompositeAlgorithm_t | Represents the cartesian product |
C_Projection_t | Represents one projection |
C_ProjectionPipeline_t | Represents one projection |
C_ProjectionRegistry_t | Represents the registry |
C_RadarDefinition_t | Represents the area |
C_Radvol_params_t | Represents argument parameters for Radvol's algorithms |
C_Radvol_t | Represents the Radvol |
C_RadvolAtt_t | Represents the RadvolAtt algorithm |
C_RadvolBroad_t | Represents the RadvolBroad algorithm |
C_RadvolNmet_t | Represents the RadvolNmet algorithm |
C_RadvolSpeck_t | Represents the RadvolSpeck algorithm |
C_RadvolSpike_t | Represents the RadvolSpike algorithm |
C_RaveAcrr_t | Represents the acrr generator |
C_RaveAttribute_t | Represents one scan in a volume |
C_RaveAttributeTable_t | Represents one scan in a volume |
C_RaveBufrIO_t | Defines the structure for the RaveIO in a volume |
C_RaveData2D_t | Represents a date time instance |
C_RaveDateTime_t | Represents a date time instance |
C_RaveField_t | Represents the cartesian volume |
C_RaveGra_t | Represents the gra applier |
C_RaveIO_t | Defines the structure for the RaveIO in a volume |
C_RaveIOCache_t | Defines the structure for the RaveIOCache |
C_RaveLegend_t | Represents one scan in a volume |
C_RaveList_t | Represents a list |
C_raveobject | The basic raveobject that contains the header information for all rave objects |
C_RaveObjectHashTable_t | Represents a hash table |
C_RaveObjectList_t | Represents a list |
C_raveobjecttype | The rave object type definition |
C_RaveProperties_t | Represents the registry |
C_RaveQITotal_t | Represents the QI total generator |
C_RaveValue_t | Represents one scan in a volume |
C_SimpleXmlNode_t | Represents a node |
C_Transform_t | Represents one transformator |
C_VerticalProfile_t | Represents one vertical profile |
C_VpOdimIO_t | The Vertical Profile ODIM IO adaptor |
CAcqvaCompositeRadarItem | Keeps track of what object has what radar index value |
CAcqvaCompositeValuePosition_t | Structure for holding information regarding a specific position and values connected with it |
CAcqvaCompositeValues_t | Structure for keeping track on values / parameter |
CAcqvaCompositingParameter_t | Structure for keeping track on parameters that should be composited |
CCartesianOdimArg | Class for handling Cartesian ODIM I/O-handling |
CCompositeArgumentObjectEntry_t | The object entry that is stored inside the arguments |
CCompositeArgumentParameter_t | Structure for keeping track on parameters that should be composited |
CCompositeEngineObjectBinding_t | Binding for associating rave objects with pipelines, sources and other miscellaneous information |
CCompositeEnginePolarValueFunction_t | The class definition |
CCompositeEngineRadarData_t | Contains information required when determining what data point to use |
CCompositeFactoryEntry_t | The object entry that is stored inside the arguments |
CCompositeQualityFlagDefinition_t | Can be used to define if a quality flag requires different gain/offset or datatype than the default values which are: UCHAR, offset=0.0 and gain = 255/UCHAR_MAX |
CCompositeQualityFlagSettings_t | Settings if there is a which to create an array of settings from which to create quality flag definitions |
CCompositeRadarItem | Keeps track of polar object and radar index value |
CCompositeRaveObjectBinding_t | Utility class that helps out keeping a polar object associated with other objects like a projection pipeline |
CCompositeUtilValue_t | This structure can be used to keep track of what value that should be used when calculating what value to be used for a position |
CCompositeValuePosition_t | Structure for holding information regarding a specific position and values connected with it |
CCompositeValues_t | Structure for keeping track on values / parameter |
CCompositeValuesVector_t | How many values for interpolation |
CCompositingParameter_t | Structure for keeping track on parameters that should be composited |
CElevation_t | Represents an elevation |
CInterpolationMethodMapping_t | |
COdimIoUtilityArg | Struct that can be used when passing around objects and associated nodelist between the writing and loading functions |
COdimVersionToStrTypeMap | Type for keeping mapping |
CPolarNavigationInfo | Provides user with navigation information |
CPolarObservation | |
CPolarObservationLinkedList | Linked list version of the PolarObservation |
CPosition | Position object used for navigation |
CProductTypeMapping_t | Mapping between a product string and the Rave_ProductType which is a mapping to ODIM |
CProj4DefIdToWktIdMapping | Mapping between a proj.4 definition id and a wkt id |
CPyAcqva | A composite generator |
CPyAcrr | A cartesian product |
CPyArea | A cartesian product |
CPyAreaRegistry | A cartesian product |
CPyBitmapGenerator | The definition |
CPyCartesian | A cartesian product |
CPyCartesianComposite | A cartesian product |
CPyCartesianParam | A cartesian product |
CPyCartesianVolume | The cartesian volume object |
CPyComposite | A composite generator |
CPyCompositeAlgorithm | The poo composite algorithm instance |
CPyCompositeArguments | A composite argument structure |
CPyCompositeFactoryManager | A composite generator |
CPyCompositeFilter | A composite argument structure |
CPyCompositeGenerator | A composite generator |
CPyCompositeGeneratorFactory | The poo composite algorithm instance |
CPyDetectionRange | A detection range generator |
CPyGra | A gra coefficient applier |
CPyLazyNodeListReader | The LazyNodeListReader |
CPyOdimSource | A odim source |
CPyOdimSources | A cartesian product |
CPyPolarNavigationInfo | A cartesian product |
CPyPolarNavigator | A polar navigator |
CPyPolarScan | A polar scan |
CPyPolarScanParam | A polar scan param |
CPyPolarVolume | The polar volume object |
CPyProjection | A projection |
CPyProjectionPipeline | A projection |
CPyProjectionRegistry | A projection registry |
CPyQITotal | A qi total object |
CPyRadarDefinition | A radar definition |
CPyRaveAttributeTable | A rave attribute table |
CPyRaveData2D | The rave field object |
CPyRaveField | The rave field object |
CPyRaveIO | The RaveIO |
CPyRaveIOCache | The RaveIOCache |
CPyRaveLegend | The rave field object |
CPyRaveObjectDebugging | Debugger struct to be used in rave python modules |
CPyRaveProperties | A cartesian product |
CPyRaveValue | A cartesian product |
CPyTransform | The transformator |
CPyVerticalProfile | A generic vertical profile |
CQuantityNodataUndetectMapping | Mapping between quantities in ODIM and the definition used by CF |
CRaveHash_bucket | |
CRaveHeap_t | A linked list where each entry corresponds to one allocation |
CRaveHeapEntry_t | Keeps track on one allocation |
CRaveIO_ObjectTypeMapping | Mapping between a object type and the corresponding string |
CRavePolarField | Defines one field in a volume |
CRavePolarVolume | Defines one polar volume |
CRaveToHlhdfTypeMap | Mapping between hlhdf format and rave data type |
CRaveTransform2D | Data structure when working with 2D projections |
CRaveTypes_ProductMapping | Mapping between a product type and the corresponding string |
CRaveWeight2D | Weight for one item |
CRaveWktMappingFunction | Mapping containing a wkt mapping function |
Crvals | |
Cscanmeta | |
CSimpleXmlNodeUserData_t | |
CTransformWeight | All weights that should be used for calculating a value of a position |