Python version of the Acqva API.
#include <Python.h>
#include "pyravecompat.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pyrave_debug.h"
#include "pyacqva.h"
#include "pypolarvolume.h"
#include "pypolarscan.h"
#include "pycartesian.h"
#include "pyarea.h"
#include "rave_alloc.h"
#include "raveutil.h"
#include "rave.h"
| PYRAVE_DEBUG_MODULE ("_acqva") |
| Debug this module.
| PyDoc_STRVAR (_pyacqva_type_doc, "The acqva type provides the possibility to create cartesian composites from a number of polar objects using the ACQVA methodology.\n" "To generate the composite, one or many polar scans or polar volumes has to be added to the generator. Then generate should be called with the expected area and an optional list of how/task quality field names.\n" "There are a few attributes that can be set besides the functions.\n" " date - The nominal date as a string in format YYYYMMDD\n" " time - The nominal time as a string in format HHmmss\n" "\n" "Usage:\n" " import _pyacqva\n" " generator =\n" " = \"20200201\"\n" " = \"100000\"\n" " generator.addParameter(\"DBZH\", 2.0, 3.0)\n" " generator.add(\"se1_pvol_20200201100000.h5\").object)\n" " generator.add(\"se2_pvol_20200201100000.h5\").object)\n" " generator.add(\"se3_pvol_20200201100000.h5\").object)\n" " result = generator.generate(myarea, [\"se.smhi.composite.distance.radar\",\"pl.imgw.radvolqc.spike\"])\n") |
| MOD_INIT (_acqva) |
| Adds constants to the dictionary (probably the modules dictionary).
PyTypeObject | PyAcqva_Type |
Python version of the Acqva API.
- Deprecated
- {Will be removed in the future in favor of Acqva Composite Factory}
- Author
- Anders Henja (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI)
- Date
- 2024-01-18
◆ raiseException_gotoTag
#define raiseException_gotoTag |
( |
| tag, |
| type, |
| msg ) |
Value:{PyErr_SetString(type, msg); goto tag;}
Sets a python exception and goto tag.
◆ raiseException_returnNULL
#define raiseException_returnNULL |
( |
| type, |
| msg ) |
Value:{PyErr_SetString(type, msg); return NULL;}
Sets a python exception and return NULL.
Adds constants to the dictionary (probably the modules dictionary).
- Parameters
[in] | dictionary | - the dictionary the long should be added to |
[in] | name | - the name of the constant |
[in] | value | - the value |
( |
"_acqva" | | ) |