Files | |
mean.c | |
Mean. | |
pyacqva.c | |
Python version of the Acqva API. | |
pyacqva.h | |
Python version of the Acqva API. | |
pyacqvacompositegeneratorfactory.c | |
Python version of the Acqva composite handling as a factory. | |
pyacrr.c | |
Python version of the Acrr API. | |
pyacrr.h | |
Python version of the Acrr API. | |
pyarea.c | |
Python version of the Area API. | |
pyarea.h | |
Python version of the Area API. | |
pyarearegistry.c | |
Python version of the Area registry. | |
pyarearegistry.h | |
Python version of the Area registry API. | |
pybitmapgenerator.c | |
Python version of the Transform API. | |
pybitmapgenerator.h | |
Python version of the Transform API. | |
pycartesian.c | |
Python version of the Cartesian API. | |
pycartesian.h | |
Python version of the Cartesian API. | |
pycartesiancomposite.c | |
Python version of the Cartesian Composite generator API. | |
pycartesiancomposite.h | |
Python version of the CartesianComposite API. | |
pycartesianparam.c | |
Python version of the Cartesian Parameter API. | |
pycartesianparam.h | |
Python version of the Cartesian API. | |
pycartesianvolume.c | |
Python version of the CartesianVolume API. | |
pycartesianvolume.h | |
Python version of the CartesianVolume API. | |
pycomposite.c | |
Python version of the Composite API. | |
pycomposite.h | |
Python version of the Composite API. | |
pycompositealgorithm.c | |
Python version of the Compositing Algorithm API. | |
pycompositealgorithm.h | |
Python version of the Compositing Algorithm API. | |
pycompositearguments.c | |
Python version of the Composite arguments API. | |
pycompositearguments.h | |
Python version of the Composite Arguments API. | |
pycompositefactorymanager.c | |
Python version of the Composite factory manager API. | |
pycompositefactorymanager.h | |
Python version of the Composite Factory Manager API. | |
pycompositefilter.c | |
Python version of the Composite arguments API. | |
pycompositefilter.h | |
Python version of the Composite Filter API. | |
pycompositegenerator.c | |
Python version of the Composite generator API. | |
pycompositegenerator.h | |
Python version of the Composite Generator API. | |
pycompositegeneratorfactory.c | |
Python version of the Compositing Generator Plugin API. | |
pycompositegeneratorfactory.h | |
Python version of the Compositing Generator Factory API. | |
pyctfilter.c | |
Python version of the MSG cloud-type filter. | |
pydealias.c | |
Python version of the dealiasing API. | |
pydetectionrange.c | |
Python version of the detection range API. | |
pydetectionrange.h | |
Python version of the Detection range API. | |
pygra.c | |
Python version of the Gra API. | |
pygra.h | |
Python version of the Gra API. | |
pyiocache.c | |
Python version of the RaveIOCache API. | |
pyiocache.h | |
Python version of the RaveIOCache API. | |
pylazynodelistreader.c | |
Python version of the RaveIO API. | |
pylazynodelistreader.h | |
Python version of the LazyNodeListReader API. | |
pylegacycompositegeneratorfactory.c | |
Python version of the Legacy composite handling as a factory. | |
pynearestcompositegeneratorfactory.c | |
Python version of the Nearest composite handling as a factory. | |
pyodc_hac.c | |
Python version of the HAC API. | |
pyodimsource.c | |
Python version of the OdimSource API. | |
pyodimsource.h | |
Python version of the OdimSource API. | |
pyodimsources.c | |
Python version of the Area registry. | |
pyodimsources.h | |
Python version of the OdimSources API. | |
pypolarnav.c | |
Python module for performing basic polar navigation. | |
pypolarnav.h | |
Python module for performing basic polar navigation. | |
pypolarnavinfo.c | |
Python version of the PolarNavigationInfo API. | |
pypolarnavinfo.h | |
Python version of the PolarNavigationInfo. | |
pypolarscan.c | |
Python version of the PolarScan API. | |
pypolarscan.h | |
Python version of the PolarScan API. | |
pypolarscanparam.c | |
Python version of the PolarScan API. | |
pypolarscanparam.h | |
Python version of the PolarScanParam API. | |
pypolarvolume.c | |
Python version of the PolarVolume API. | |
pypolarvolume.h | |
Python version of the PolarVolume API. | |
pypoocompositealgorithm.c | |
Python version of the POO Compositing Algorithm API. | |
pyprojection.c | |
Python version of the projection API. | |
pyprojection.h | |
Python version of the projection API. | |
pyprojectionpipeline.c | |
Python version of the projection API. | |
pyprojectionpipeline.h | |
Python version of the projection pipeline API. | |
pyprojectionregistry.c | |
Python version of the Projection registry. | |
pyprojectionregistry.h | |
Python version of the Projection registry API. | |
pyqitotal.c | |
Python version of the QI total API. | |
pyqitotal.h | |
Python version of the QI total algorithm. | |
pyradardefinition.c | |
Python version of the RadarDefinition API. | |
pyradardefinition.h | |
Python version of the RadarDefinition API. | |
pyradvol.c | |
Python wrappers for IMGW's RADVOL-QC. | |
pyrave_debug.h | |
Useful macros and functions when debugging python rave objects. | |
pyraveattributetable.c | |
Python version of the rave attribute table. | |
pyraveattributetable.h | |
pyravedata2d.c | |
Python version of the RaveData2D API. | |
pyravedata2d.h | |
Python version of the RaveData2D API. | |
pyravefield.c | |
Python version of the RaveField API. | |
pyravefield.h | |
Python version of the RaveField API. | |
pyraveio.c | |
Python version of the RaveIO API. | |
pyraveio.h | |
Python version of the RaveIO API. | |
pyravelegend.c | |
Python version of the RaveLegend API. | |
pyravelegend.h | |
Python version of the RaveField API. | |
pyraveproperties.c | |
Python version of the rave properties. | |
pyraveproperties.h | |
Python version of the properties API. | |
pyravevalue.c | |
Python version of the RaveValue API. | |
pyravevalue.h | |
Python version of the Rave Value API. | |
pyscansun.c | |
Python interface to KNMI's sun scanning functionality. | |
pytransform.c | |
Python version of the Transform API. | |
pytransform.h | |
Python version of the Transform API. | |
pyverticalprofile.c | |
Python version of the VerticalProfile API. | |
pyverticalprofile.h | |
Python version of the VerticalProfile API. | |
rave.c | |
Python wrapper for the rave product generation framework. | |