Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 C_Acqva_tRepresents the cartesian product
 C_AcqvaCompositeGeneratorFactory_tThe Acqva Composite Generator Factory
 C_Area_tRepresents the area
 C_AreaRegistry_tRepresents the registry
 C_BitmapGenerator_tRepresents the functionality for creating bitmaps
 C_Cartesian_tRepresents the cartesian product
 C_CartesianCfIO_tRepresents the adaptor
 C_CartesianComposite_tRepresents the cartesian composite generator
 C_CartesianOdimIO_tRepresents the adaptor
 C_CartesianParam_tRepresents the cartesian field product
 C_CartesianVolume_tRepresents the cartesian volume
 C_Composite_tRepresents the cartesian product
 C_CompositeAlgorithm_tThe basic composite algorithm that can be cast into a subclassed processor
 C_CompositeArguments_tRepresents the area
 C_CompositeEngine_tRepresents the cartesian product
 C_CompositeEngineOvershootingQcHandler_tThe QC overshooting handler when generating poo fields
 C_CompositeFactoryManager_tRepresents the composite manager product
 C_CompositeFilter_tRepresents the area
 C_CompositeGenerator_tRepresents the cartesian product
 C_CompositeGeneratorFactory_tThe basic composite algorithm that can be cast into a subclassed processor
 C_DetectionRange_tRepresents the detection range generator
 C_heapobjectHeap structure when allocating rave objects
 C_LazyDataset_tRepresents one lazy dataset
 C_LazyNodeListReader_tRepresents the lazy nodelist loader
 C_LegacyCompositeGeneratorFactory_tThe Legacy composite generator factory
 C_NearestCompositeGeneratorFactory_tNearest composite generator factory that can handle PPI, CAPPI, PCAPPI, MAX and PMAX using nearest neighbour
 C_OdimSource_tRepresents the area
 C_OdimSources_tRepresents the odim sources registry
 C_PolarNavigator_tRepresents one polar navigator
 C_PolarOdimIO_tThe Polar ODIM IO adaptor
 C_PolarScan_tRepresents one scan in a volume
 C_PolarScanParam_tRepresents one param in a scan
 C_PolarVolume_tRepresents a volume
 C_PooCompositeAlgorithm_tRepresents the cartesian product
 C_Projection_tRepresents one projection
 C_ProjectionPipeline_tRepresents one projection
 C_ProjectionRegistry_tRepresents the registry
 C_RadarDefinition_tRepresents the area
 C_Radvol_params_tRepresents argument parameters for Radvol's algorithms
 C_Radvol_tRepresents the Radvol
 C_RadvolAtt_tRepresents the RadvolAtt algorithm
 C_RadvolBroad_tRepresents the RadvolBroad algorithm
 C_RadvolNmet_tRepresents the RadvolNmet algorithm
 C_RadvolSpeck_tRepresents the RadvolSpeck algorithm
 C_RadvolSpike_tRepresents the RadvolSpike algorithm
 C_RaveAcrr_tRepresents the acrr generator
 C_RaveAttribute_tRepresents one scan in a volume
 C_RaveAttributeTable_tRepresents one scan in a volume
 C_RaveBufrIO_tDefines the structure for the RaveIO in a volume
 C_RaveData2D_tRepresents a date time instance
 C_RaveDateTime_tRepresents a date time instance
 C_RaveField_tRepresents the cartesian volume
 C_RaveGra_tRepresents the gra applier
 C_RaveIO_tDefines the structure for the RaveIO in a volume
 C_RaveIOCache_tDefines the structure for the RaveIOCache
 C_RaveLegend_tRepresents one scan in a volume
 C_RaveList_tRepresents a list
 C_raveobjectThe basic raveobject that contains the header information for all rave objects
 C_RaveObjectHashTable_tRepresents a hash table
 C_RaveObjectList_tRepresents a list
 C_raveobjecttypeThe rave object type definition
 C_RaveProperties_tRepresents the registry
 C_RaveQITotal_tRepresents the QI total generator
 C_RaveValue_tRepresents one scan in a volume
 C_SimpleXmlNode_tRepresents a node
 C_Transform_tRepresents one transformator
 C_VerticalProfile_tRepresents one vertical profile
 C_VpOdimIO_tThe Vertical Profile ODIM IO adaptor
 CAcqvaCompositeRadarItemKeeps track of what object has what radar index value
 CAcqvaCompositeValuePosition_tStructure for holding information regarding a specific position and values connected with it
 CAcqvaCompositeValues_tStructure for keeping track on values / parameter
 CAcqvaCompositingParameter_tStructure for keeping track on parameters that should be composited
 CCartesianOdimArgClass for handling Cartesian ODIM I/O-handling
 CCompositeArgumentObjectEntry_tThe object entry that is stored inside the arguments
 CCompositeArgumentParameter_tStructure for keeping track on parameters that should be composited
 CCompositeEngineObjectBinding_tBinding for associating rave objects with pipelines, sources and other miscellaneous information
 CCompositeEnginePolarValueFunction_tThe class definition
 CCompositeEngineRadarData_tContains information required when determining what data point to use
 CCompositeFactoryEntry_tThe object entry that is stored inside the arguments
 CCompositeQualityFlagDefinition_tCan be used to define if a quality flag requires different gain/offset or datatype than the default values which are: UCHAR, offset=0.0 and gain = 255/UCHAR_MAX
 CCompositeQualityFlagSettings_tSettings if there is a which to create an array of settings from which to create quality flag definitions
 CCompositeRadarItemKeeps track of polar object and radar index value
 CCompositeRaveObjectBinding_tUtility class that helps out keeping a polar object associated with other objects like a projection pipeline
 CCompositeUtilValue_tThis structure can be used to keep track of what value that should be used when calculating what value to be used for a position
 CCompositeValuePosition_tStructure for holding information regarding a specific position and values connected with it
 CCompositeValues_tStructure for keeping track on values / parameter
 CCompositeValuesVector_tHow many values for interpolation
 CCompositingParameter_tStructure for keeping track on parameters that should be composited
 CElevation_tRepresents an elevation
 CLib.gadjust.gra.graGauge-Radar Analysis class
 CLib.rave_projection.interfaceObject for interfacing with PROJ.4
 COdimIoUtilityArgStruct that can be used when passing around objects and associated nodelist between the writing and loading functions
 COdimVersionToStrTypeMapType for keeping mapping
 CPolarNavigationInfoProvides user with navigation information
 CPolarObservationLinkedListLinked list version of the PolarObservation
 CPositionPosition object used for navigation
 CProductTypeMapping_tMapping between a product string and the Rave_ProductType which is a mapping to ODIM
 CLib.Proj.ProjProjection class
 CProj4DefIdToWktIdMappingMapping between a proj.4 definition id and a wkt id
 CPyAcqvaA composite generator
 CPyAcrrA cartesian product
 CPyAreaA cartesian product
 CPyAreaRegistryA cartesian product
 CPyBitmapGeneratorThe definition
 CPyCartesianA cartesian product
 CPyCartesianCompositeA cartesian product
 CPyCartesianParamA cartesian product
 CPyCartesianVolumeThe cartesian volume object
 CPyCompositeA composite generator
 CPyCompositeAlgorithmThe poo composite algorithm instance
 CPyCompositeArgumentsA composite argument structure
 CPyCompositeFactoryManagerA composite generator
 CPyCompositeFilterA composite argument structure
 CPyCompositeGeneratorA composite generator
 CPyCompositeGeneratorFactoryThe poo composite algorithm instance
 CPyDetectionRangeA detection range generator
 CPyGraA gra coefficient applier
 CPyLazyNodeListReaderThe LazyNodeListReader
 CPyOdimSourceA odim source
 CPyOdimSourcesA cartesian product
 CPyPolarNavigationInfoA cartesian product
 CPyPolarNavigatorA polar navigator
 CPyPolarScanA polar scan
 CPyPolarScanParamA polar scan param
 CPyPolarVolumeThe polar volume object
 CPyProjectionA projection
 CPyProjectionPipelineA projection
 CPyProjectionRegistryA projection registry
 CPyQITotalA qi total object
 CPyRadarDefinitionA radar definition
 CPyRaveAttributeTableA rave attribute table
 CPyRaveData2DThe rave field object
 CPyRaveFieldThe rave field object
 CPyRaveIOThe RaveIO
 CPyRaveIOCacheThe RaveIOCache
 CPyRaveLegendThe rave field object
 CPyRaveObjectDebuggingDebugger struct to be used in rave python modules
 CPyRavePropertiesA cartesian product
 CPyRaveValueA cartesian product
 CPyTransformThe transformator
 CPyVerticalProfileA generic vertical profile
 CQuantityNodataUndetectMappingMapping between quantities in ODIM and the definition used by CF
 CRaveHeap_tA linked list where each entry corresponds to one allocation
 CRaveHeapEntry_tKeeps track on one allocation
 CRaveIO_ObjectTypeMappingMapping between a object type and the corresponding string
 CLib.rave_pgf.RavePGFThe product generation framework class containing the product generation functionality
 CRavePolarFieldDefines one field in a volume
 CRavePolarVolumeDefines one polar volume
 CRaveToHlhdfTypeMapMapping between hlhdf format and rave data type
 CRaveTransform2DData structure when working with 2D projections
 CRaveTypes_ProductMappingMapping between a product type and the corresponding string
 CRaveWeight2DWeight for one item
 CRaveWktMappingFunctionMapping containing a wkt mapping function
 CTransformWeightAll weights that should be used for calculating a value of a position
 CLib.rave_projection.usgsPROJ 4.7.0 and higher interface (requires Proj.py, _proj.so)