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Welcome to this “cookbook”, where “recipes” are collected. This is intended to constitute a documentation reference collection of data processing algorithms. Each algorithm recipe is documented in a standardized way, enabling them to be coded as part of the BALTRAD code base or an external system. The important thing is that the community can focus this effort in a harmonized way.


How to write a cookbook recipe


Add the new recipe under an appropriate category


Removal of geometrically-shaped non-meteorological echoes and quality characterization – RADVOL-QC: SPIKE

Removal of non-meteorological echoes and quality characterization – RADVOL-QC: NMET

Removal of measurement noise and quality characterization – RADVOL-QC: SPECK

Hit-accumulation clutter filter: HAC

Identification and removal of residual non-precipitation echoes using the Meteosat Second Generation Cloud Type product: CTFILTER

Biological Targets

Solar monitoring

Determination and analysis of solar signatures in volume data


Volcanic Ash Plumes

Beam Blockage

Correction of partial and total beam blockage and quality characterization including ground clutter – RADVOL-QC: BLOCK

Analysis and correction of beam blockage due to topography: BEAMB

Probability of beam overshoot / detection range analysis : BEAM_OVERSHOOT


Baltrad Hydrometeor Classifier : BALTRAD-HMC

Path attenuation correction

Polarimetric Rain Attenuation Correction : rainATTENcorrect

Correction and quality characterization for attenuation in rain – RADVOL-QC: ATT

Non-polarimetric integrated path attenuation estimate for melting layer at C-band: BBAND_ATTN_DIAG_SPOL_fmi

Quality characterization

Calibration difference of two radars - CALID

Quality characterization due to distance to radar related effects – RADVOL-QC: BROAD

Total quality index (QI) for scans/volumes – QI_TOTAL


Precipitation accumulation - ACRR

Separation of convective and stratiform precipitation – CONVECTION

Combination of radar-based ground precipitation rate and raingauge network data – COMBINATION

Dynamical downscaling of ground precipitation rate – DOWNSCALE

Networked VPR correction

Dynamic R(Z) using single-polarisation data and ground observations – RZ_DYN_OBS

2-D products

Quality-based PPI product generation – Product2D: PPI

Quality-based maximum of reflectivity (MAX) product generation – Product2D: MAX

Quality-based echo top (ETOP) product generation – Product2D: ETOP

Quality-based vertically integrated liquid water (VIL) product generation – Product2D: VIL


Quality-based compositing based on QI_TOTAL: QCOMP

Dealiasing and wind profiles


Wind profiles

Data visualization



Representation of ODIM quantities as a compact string signature