Welcome to this “cookbook”, where “recipes” are collected. This is intended to constitute a documentation reference collection of data processing algorithms. Each algorithm recipe is documented in a standardized way, enabling them to be coded as part of the BALTRAD code base or an external system. The important thing is that the community can focus this effort in a harmonized way.
How to write a cookbook recipe
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Removal of non-meteorological echoes and quality characterization – RADVOL-QC: NMET
Removal of measurement noise and quality characterization – RADVOL-QC: SPECK
Hit-accumulation clutter filter: HAC
Determination and analysis of solar signatures in volume data
Analysis and correction of beam blockage due to topography: BEAMB
Probability of beam overshoot / detection range analysis : BEAM_OVERSHOOT
Baltrad Hydrometeor Classifier : BALTRAD-HMC
Polarimetric Rain Attenuation Correction : rainATTENcorrect
Correction and quality characterization for attenuation in rain – RADVOL-QC: ATT
Calibration difference of two radars - CALID
Quality characterization due to distance to radar related effects – RADVOL-QC: BROAD
Total quality index (QI) for scans/volumes – QI_TOTAL
Precipitation accumulation - ACRR
Separation of convective and stratiform precipitation – CONVECTION
Combination of radar-based ground precipitation rate and raingauge network data – COMBINATION
Dynamical downscaling of ground precipitation rate – DOWNSCALE
Dynamic R(Z) using single-polarisation data and ground observations – RZ_DYN_OBS
Quality-based PPI product generation – Product2D: PPI
Quality-based maximum of reflectivity (MAX) product generation – Product2D: MAX
Quality-based echo top (ETOP) product generation – Product2D: ETOP
Quality-based vertically integrated liquid water (VIL) product generation – Product2D: VIL
Quality-based compositing based on QI_TOTAL: QCOMP
Representation of ODIM quantities as a compact string signature